
8:15 A.M.

Finally after almost an hour in the car. We finally reached their house and man, now that's what I call a house. I have lived in many different types of house with different types of families but this house as well as the family take the cake. First of all it wasn't a house but an apartment complex.

I've lived most of my life in Texas and I'm used seeing the front door to every apartment, like you know where one room starts and ends. Now this apartments where a different story. It's just a brick building about three story tall very modern looking and their is just a door in the center of it and to make it more weird for me their is a gate code to it. The doors to each apartment had it's own key as well. A little too up class for my comfort, and to top it all off their in the front of the building stood and man and a woman dress in casual cloth but still too overly dress in my opinion, but then again who was I to judge people. Heck I'll even dress up more like an outsider if it means I can leave this future hell hole. Now I know I'm out of place and that's just fine by me.

"Hello Willow, Ms Griffin " said Rick in a very rich and gentle voice. (So you can get an idea of how it sounds, he has a voice that will be great for a voice actor) Up close I can see he has brown eyes as well as light brown hair. Being average height close to 5'9 and looking very fit. Im sure his wife is the jealous type.

"We hope you didn't have any trouble getting here" said Julia in a sweet lallaby voice. Now she is very pretty, dirty blond hair and honey brown color eyes and she looks about 5'6 or 5'7 and the killing blow pretty face buy zero make up, she is definitely lives the love and hate you life.

Red flags started running inside my head. I have seen this act being played so many times. The adults acting like the perfect care takers and they do for the first few weeks but after some time their real faces show. I can already tell I'm going to hate them.

"Yes yes yes we had no trouble at all," Ms G putting on here best WOMEN OF THE YEAR voice, "And please don't call me that it makes me feel so old. Just call me Ms G and we will get along just great"

This is just great, it looks like she just feel in love again and why with this family. Ms G happens to have a ..... how to say. If she likes the look no matter if they are male or female. She will say their are just perfect until proven guilty. It also means, if they do something bad and the kid calls she will not believe them, however like I said before. If she gets a bad feeling she will do everything in her power to get the kid back, but it will take some time for that to happen.

"I'm sure you must be tired" Julia said staying the obvious, "Let's go inside, Willow your room is on the third floor second door to your left"

Guiding us up the stairs towards the front door while Rick made his way to us. I'm guessing he wants to help us getting my bags, but I never look his way. Julia seems to have the perfect life but their is always a catch to people like her and I'm not going to stop until I figure it out and I can leave this place. For now; I can hear my own heart beat faster and faster with every step I take up the stairs. Getting mentally ready for my up coming war with the unknown.

Standing next to her I could tell she's close to a head taller then me, but that won't stop me. Giving me a warm smile as she opens the door that will decide my faite.