
7:45 A.M.

Why is this taking forever? I mean back home sure we also got traffic, but their was always a back road or a different road to take. But here since we don't know the area really well. We are just stuck on this highway leading us nowhere fast.

I'm so bored even Ms. G wants to call it quits, but I've been with her long enough to know that's not going to happen. Finally an exit is less then a hundred yards away and I seem to figure out the problem. They're fixing the exit lane, of course means every one move over two lanes to the left. Could this get any worst? Of course it can for crying out loud! We live in a word where the weak can't talk and the rich do as they please.

"Willow darling" oh god here it comes, "When we get their I would like you to smile for me. I mean I know your face is stuck like that but please do something about it"

I know what you all are thinking, but no Ms G. isn't being racist or sexist or whatever you maybe thinking. This is actually her way to make me feel better. And no it's not..... you could say this is her way to be real with me. What I'm trying to say is even if no one loves me in this new family. I'll always have her by my side and if I ever need help, she will always be their in a heart beat. And the reason she hasn't adopted me herself is simple. She moves around all the time.

Like I said before she is the reason I'm here meaning she travels a lot and if you are a little like in school, you will be home alone for a couple of months at a time. This is also the reason why I miss her a lot even if I don't tell her or show her. She knows she is special to me and that makes me so mad and sad when she leaves.

"I'll do my best but don't expect me staying here for too long" I said in annoyed tone

I no longer have high hopes. I know what I'm expecting on the other side of that door. And to be honest I could care less.

Before Ms G. could say anything else I fished out my head phones even though only one of then actually works placing them both on ears. Keeping quite the rest of the trip. I'll sure she took the hint and didn't bother me thru out the remaining five minute trip.

God I hate my life! But no one ever bother looking at me, only thru me. How can anyone know how I feel if no one stays long enough to know the real me.