
Smart Guy in Against the Gods

A smart guy is transmigrated into the body of Yun Che right at the beginning of his third life, when he was supposed to reincarnate. This person is very different from the original Yun Che - he is rational, cool headed, matured and will make full use of Yun Che's various cheats and his own knowledge of the original story to walk a very different path. However, he has not read the original story in full, since the story had not yet come to an end by the time he was transmigrated. How will this lack of knowledge affect him? What path will he walk? --- Obligatory disclaimer - The plot and characters of Against the Gods do not belong to me. The plot and OC of this fanfiction do belong to me. Spoiler warning: Right from the first chapter, this fanfiction contains massive spoilers for Against the Gods. You have been warned.

G_28 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 4

As Yun Che went further into the Scarlet Dragon mountain range, he finally came across what he was looking for: a warning sign that said, "Violent Nascent Profound Beasts Active Ahead, Those Below Elementary Profound Realm Level 10 Must Not Enter."

Knowing that this was the right direction, he went further and soon came across several more such warning signs. The last warning sign was labelled with blood-red colored carved words, "Scarlet Dragon Prohibited Region!"

Yun Che stopped at this sign and took out one of the two Star Concealing Pellets he had refined from the Star Concealing Grass. Consuming it, he went completely invisible. And since his previous profound veins had been completely destroyed, no one could sense him through the aura of his profound energy either.

After all this preparation had been done, he quietly sneaked towards the red region, the home of the Flame Dragon at Emperor Profound realm. His heart suddenly jumped and started giving the feeling that something was calling for him from within the cave.

Stepping into the region, he felt a wave of sweltering heat suddenly come across his face. He hastily rushed up into the cave and looked inside. Inside, there was an enormous red dragon slumbering, ignorant of the robber's presence.

Yun Che carefully sneaked further into the cave and came across more than 50 strains of mature Fire Spirit Grass. He swiftly collected all of them, and then refined one of them into a Fire Spirit Pellet with the Sky Poison Pearl. Consuming it, his body rapidly cooled down, and he had no problem with the high temperature of the environment anymore.

Rushing to the end of the cave, he entered a rock den. At the right most corner of the den, he could sense a difference. Going towards it, he removed the rock and a dot of scarlet-red light appeared.

It was the Fire seed of the Evil God!

Knowing that there was the Flame Dragon's imprint on the seed, he didn't touch it; instead he directly collected it into the Sky Poison Pearl. Jasmine let out a startled yelp, "Ah! What is this? There is the Dragon's imprint upon this; you have to quickly get out of here!"

Agreeing with Jasmine's words, Yun Che swiftly escaped the place, returning to the mountain range outside. All the while, the Fire Seed's imprint was not activated, and the Flame Dragon continued sleeping, not realizing that he had been robbed.

Yun Che didn't stay in that place; he went out of the mountain range to the border of the nearby town. There, he finally explained to Jasmine, the effects of the Star Concealing Pellet now having worn off, "According to the knowledge I obtained, this is the Fire element seed of the god whose profound veins I inherited. Upon consuming this, I will become completely and utterly immune to the fire element."

Jasmine was shocked. She had also obtained knowledge of the Evil God having kept his elemental seeds on this planet; that's the reason she had come here in the first place. But she had never expected that her disciple would find one so fast, not to mention even before he had started his cultivation.

"The other treasures that you mentioned, they are the other elemental seeds right? You know where to find them?" She excitedly asked.

He replied in the affirmative, "Yes, there are a total of four elemental seeds on this planet. One more is on this continent, but the other two are on other continents."

"Good! If you can find all of them, it will give a huge boost to your combat prowess."

Yun Che sat down and took out the Fire seed from the Sky Poison Pearl. The moment he touched it, the Flame Dragon's imprint on it activated and the Dragon was awoken in the cave.

Yun Che swallowed the seed and his profound veins began absorbing it into them, evolving in the process. What's more, his profound energy cultivation also steadily rose, as the profound energy of the seed was absorbed.

After a few minutes, the process was over. His cultivation had rapidly increased an entire realm, going from absolutely nothing to the 10th level of Elementary Profound realm. His profound veins had gained the fire attribute, giving him an absolute immunity to the element of fire, no matter how potent.

At this time, the Flame Dragon had finally finished inspecting his cave and realized that all of his valuable treasures had been stolen. Enraged, he created a big ball of fire and furiously launched it towards where he had detected the imprint, i.e., Yun Che's location.

The ball surged forward and hit Yun Che, but he was completely unaffected by it. After all, he had now become completely immune to the fire element.

Well... not completely unaffected. He was immune to fire, but his clothes weren't. All of his clothes burned to ashes as he was left completely naked.

Jasmine was frightened inside the Sky Poison Pearl upon seeing this and immediately withdrew her spiritual sense, not daring to look any longer. Her cheeks were burning red.

Having anticipated this, Yun Che had actually collected several spare sets of clothes within the Sky Poison Pearl before leaving Xiao clan. Promptly taking out another set of clothes, he dressed himself, and then went out to Floating Cloud city again.

"One treasure collected. Now let's go get the 50 kg Purple Veined Divine Crystals. Fortunately, it's also close by, just on the outskirts of this city."

He made his way to the place and found that the mine was covered by a mountain of rocks. If he wanted to get into the mine, he would first have to remove all these rocks.

This was also a good training method for him. Now that he was at the 10th level of Elementary Profound realm, he could use the first technique of Evil God's Secret Arts. Opening the first gate in his profound veins, he used the first technique, 'Falling Moon Sinking Star', and launched a powerful strike at the boulders.

The force that was released was enough to kill even an average mid stage Nascent Profound realm practitioner. Yun Che was exhausted; all his profound energy being depleted in this one strike, but his 54 profound entrances quickly gathered profound energy from the environment and replenished him.

Many of the smaller rocks and boulders had been destroyed; there was now a small dent in the boulder covering the mine.

After some time, when his profound energy was fully recovered, he once again repeated the process, making the dent a bit larger. This continued for an entire week. Yun Che sold the Fire Spirit Grass in his possession for a hefty sum of money and bought his daily food with it, for this week.

Finally, after one week, he had fully removed enough obstacles in front of the mine to allow him entrance. Going through the small opening he had created, he set his eyes upon the reward for his efforts – an astonishingly large amount of Purple Veined Divine Crystals.

He swiftly collected all of the Crystals into the Sky Poison Pearl and Jasmine yelled out happily, "Yeah, we are rich! This is indeed 50 kg Purple Veined God Crystals; more than enough for me to rebuild my body. Also, congratulations."

She was congratulating him because within this week, with this training method, Yun Che had broken through to the 1st level of Nascent Profound realm. With his first gate open, he could now evenly compete against late stage Nascent Profound realm practitioners.

'One crisis averted, now the Divine Phoenix Empire will not declare war upon Blue Wind Empire anymore', Yun Che thought happily, having killed two birds with one stone.

"Alright, this treasure has been obtained as well. Now let's go to the location of the next treasure."

"Disciple, now that you have broken through to Nascent Profound realm, I can teach you some powerful profound techniques."

"Alright master, this next treasure is a bit far away and it will take some time to reach there. Please teach me profound techniques during the journey."

"In that case, you shall first learn a powerful movement technique – Star God's Broken Shadow!"