
Smart Guy in Against the Gods

A smart guy is transmigrated into the body of Yun Che right at the beginning of his third life, when he was supposed to reincarnate. This person is very different from the original Yun Che - he is rational, cool headed, matured and will make full use of Yun Che's various cheats and his own knowledge of the original story to walk a very different path. However, he has not read the original story in full, since the story had not yet come to an end by the time he was transmigrated. How will this lack of knowledge affect him? What path will he walk? --- Obligatory disclaimer - The plot and characters of Against the Gods do not belong to me. The plot and OC of this fanfiction do belong to me. Spoiler warning: Right from the first chapter, this fanfiction contains massive spoilers for Against the Gods. You have been warned.

G_28 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 3

It was the day of Xiao sect coming to the Xiao clan to select a disciple. Of course, to Xiao Che this was the day when his actual cultivation journey would begin in this world.

He had formed a good relationship with Xia Qingyue over the past few days, and had slept with her in the same bed every night, although of course, the relationship hadn't become intimate. He had also ensured that his relationship with Xiao Lingxi remained similar to that of siblings and didn't get any further.

With the thawing of her heart, Qingyue had confided to him that she was a disciple of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, and that she would be leaving him to go to the sect after a few weeks.

On this day, Xiao Kuangyun had devised a plan to hide his sect's gift – the Profound Opening powder, in Xiao Lingxi's room so that he could falsely accuse her of a crime and obtain her. This was doomed to fail, as Xiao Che remained hidden in Xiao Lingxi's room and after the Profound Opening powder was left there, he quietly sneaked out and took the Profound Opening powder into his Sky Poison Pearl.

With this, he wouldn't have to worry about his grandfather and aunt being exiled from the clan and having to live in a dangerous place anymore.

The critical time arrived and Xiao Kuangyun gleefully commanded his subordinates to search for the Profound Opening powder, which had been lost. However, much to his shock and dismay, the powder was nowhere to be found, not even in Xiao Lingxi's room where he had hidden it.

At this time, Xiao Yulong stepped in and revealed that he had heard Xiao Lie confess that Xiao Che was not actually his grandson and not a member of the Xiao clan. This led to Xiao Che getting kicked out from the clan, and Xiao Lie finally revealed to him that his real name was Yun Che.

From that point, he could truly use the name Yun Che for himself.

Before going, he talked to Qingyue for the last time (from her perspective), "Qingyue, I will repair my profound veins soon and start cultivating. After I have a high enough cultivation, I shall come to Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace and solve the cold qi problem for everyone there. Keep my abilities a secret till then. Goodbye for now, we shall meet again in the Blue Wind tournament."

Saying this, he went away. Qingyue seriously nodded and a faint anticipation grew in her heart for the tournament.

Xiao Kuangyun was unwilling to give up, and tried to use the fact that Yun Che was not actually Xiao Lie's grandson to annul his marriage with Qingyue and obtain her. Of course, this was bound to fail as well since Chu Yueli appeared and revealed to everyone that Qingyue was her disciple.

Thus, the incident ended with Yun Che leaving the clan and starting his journey, Qingyue going to Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace with the marriage certificate, Lingxi being spared the disaster that was supposed to have occurred, and Xiao Yulong leaving with Xiao Kuangyun as a disciple of Xiao sect.

Yun Che did not waste the Star Concealing Grass that he had refined on a petty revenge against Xiao Yulong. He would soon become very strong and punish Xiao Yulong and Xiao Kuangyun with his sheer strength.

He made his way to the Scarlet Dragon mountain range. Finally after some time, Jasmine awoke from the Sky Poison Pearl and came out to greet him. She was wearing the same set of clothes he had found her in, which he had also stored inside the Sky Poison Pearl near her.

He greeted her humbly and explained his current circumstances, upon which she told him, "This princess will repay you for saving me. You only need to agree to three conditions; then this princess will give you a new set of profound veins... of a god!"

Yun Che nodded with an interested face, "Please do say the conditions."

Jasmine declared, "First, you will have to get three Tyrant Profound beast cores, 35 kg Purple Veined God Crystals and a stalk of Netherworld Udumbara Flower for this princess. Second, you will have to reach the Sovereign Profound realm within 30 years. And third... worship this princess as your master!" She expected Yun Che to show a shocked, despairing look, but was disappointed to see that he was absolutely calm, almost as if... he was expecting all that?

Yun Che replied with a smile, "Normally it would be difficult to achieve your first and second conditions, but if I really get the profound veins of a god and have you as my master, it wouldn't be too difficult anymore. Also, I want to propose another deal, master." He said, kneeling down and kowtowing to her.

Pleasantly surprised, Jasmine gestured her new disciple to continue. He said, "I propose an exchange of information. I will tell you my history, why my profound veins are crippled, how I obtained the Sky Poison Pearl and another interesting part of my history. In exchange, I would like to know your history as well, where you come from, why you are so poisoned right now, how you obtained the profound veins of a god and so on."

Of course, Yun Che didn't actually need this since he already knew everything, but this would provide a good excuse for his otherwise abnormal amount of knowledge. After thinking for a bit, Jasmine replied, "This... I will think about it. I will not accept this deal right now, but I might accept it in the future if I become really interested in your story."

Yun Che was expecting this, and he had already thought of a plan to get Jasmine to agree with this in the near future. Finally, Jasmine produced the Evil God's Indestructible Blood and gave it to Yun Che.

He absorbed it into his body and sat down cross legged, in a comfortable position. He was already mentally prepared for the pain and had used several 'mind hacks' he had learnt in his original life, to lessen the impact of the pain.

First of all, he had convinced himself that all the pain he was feeling was simply the pain receptors of his nervous system getting hyperactive. Visualizing this, he could ignore a significant portion of the mental trauma of the pain.

Second, he convinced himself that this body was actually not his body at all, that it was a completely foreign object, that he was a soul floating outside it in an astral form. Visualizing this, he was able to ignore the remaining mental trauma of the pain.

Thus, although the pain itself did not lessen, Yun Che was not too affected by it either. Jasmine watched speechlessly as her new disciple went through the excruciating pain of his profound veins being destroyed, without a hint of agony in his face.

This was enough to form some respect for Yun Che in her heart.

Finally, the process was completed, but Yun Che went further and used the purification of the Sky Poison Pearl to open all 54 of his profound entrances, gaining Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins.

'Finally', he thought, 'I have obtained all the starting cheats of the protagonist – memories of a previous life, a powerful artifact, a powerful master, an incredible inheritance and incredible comprehension talent. Now my journey can truly begin.'

Jasmine checked up on him after the process was complete, "Are you feeling well? How many profound entrances did you open?"

Yun Che replied to her with a smile, "I opened all 54 profound entrances. What? Don't be so surprised. I have been the master of the Sky Poison Pearl for a long period of time and learnt to use it in various ways. Opening profound entrances is one of these ways."

Jasmine's eyes widened, this was indeed an impressive skill. Her new disciple was not as useless as she had first imagined, after all.

Yun Che said seriously, "Master, the inheritance didn't just give me a new set of profound veins; I also got some knowledge along with it. It is knowledge of the location of various treasures and inheritances associated with this god, which are present in different parts of this continent, and other continents of this planet."

Jasmine asked excitedly, "Really? That is unexpected. What other treasures are present on this planet?"

Yun Che smiled, "Fortunately, two of these treasures are very beneficial to you: a garden of Netherworld Udumbara Flowers and 50 kg Purple Veined God Crystals."

"What? That's wonderful news! What are we waiting for, let's go!"

"Wait master. One of the treasures is actually located very close to our current location. I think it would be best if we got that first."

And thus, Yun Che went to look for the Fire seed.