
Smart Guy in Against the Gods

A smart guy is transmigrated into the body of Yun Che right at the beginning of his third life, when he was supposed to reincarnate. This person is very different from the original Yun Che - he is rational, cool headed, matured and will make full use of Yun Che's various cheats and his own knowledge of the original story to walk a very different path. However, he has not read the original story in full, since the story had not yet come to an end by the time he was transmigrated. How will this lack of knowledge affect him? What path will he walk? --- Obligatory disclaimer - The plot and characters of Against the Gods do not belong to me. The plot and OC of this fanfiction do belong to me. Spoiler warning: Right from the first chapter, this fanfiction contains massive spoilers for Against the Gods. You have been warned.

G_28 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 2

That night, Xiao Che quietly went out into the mountain area across the walls of his courtyard. The Sky Poison Pearl was throbbing in his left hand, indicating the presence of a valuable herb.

Of course, Xiao Che knew what this herb was and soon found it. It was Star Concealing Grass. Moreover there were two blades of it. With the assistance of the Sky Poison Pearl, he quickly found the precious herb and stored the two blades in the pocket dimension of the Sky Poison Pearl.

The Star Concealing Grass was going to play a role in his short term plans.

But that was not his primary goal here, obviously. He found a figure lying in the distance and walked towards it. Sure enough, it was a beautiful 13 year old girl with red hair and a red dress, lying down lifelessly.

She was the Heavenly Slaughter Star God, Xing Tong aka Jasmine. And she also played a huge role in Xiao Che's future plans.

For the time being though, he needed to obtain the Evil God's legacy that was in her possession.

He extended his left hand and began to purify the poison in her body with the Sky Poison Pearl. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and stared at what he was doing. "Sky... Poison... Pearl", she mumbled, before grabbing his hand and sharply biting his finger.

He could feel all his blood rushing towards where she had bitten him, and then she began to smoothly suck the blood out of his hand, drinking it like a vampire.

After a few seconds, she let go and then suddenly disappeared, leaving behind her clothes and shoes. Xiao Che looked into the pocket dimension of the Sky Poison Pearl and found that, sure enough, Jasmine was inside it, completely naked and purifying the poison in her body.

Despite seeing such a beautiful girl naked, Xiao Che's mind was not affected. He completely and utterly ignored the physical attraction and went back to Xiao clan, satisfied.

He next went to the clan's infirmary and retrieved some necessary acupuncture equipment. Taking it, he finally went into his bedroom and greeted his newly married wife, Xia Qingyue.

"How should I address you? Wife or Qingyue?" He asked her, not wanting to make the same mistake as the original Yun Che. As expected, she requested him to call her Qingyue.

Xiao Che nodded, "Alright, I wanted to tell you something about myself. It can be considered my secret but I trust you enough to share this with you." Qingyue nodded, curious about this secret.

"My father was assassinated when I was an infant. These same assassins are actually responsible for crippling my profound veins. I was not born crippled; I was crippled by them after my birth." Qingyue was more interested now, hoping that this was not all the secret Xiao Che was about to tell.

She was not disappointed as he continued, "Several years ago, I met a powerful spirit doctor, not from Blue Wind Empire, who took me as a disciple and taught me various medical arts. This includes diagnosis of various disorders, as well as ways to treat them. He taught me all this so that I could one day repair my own profound veins."

Qingyue asked, "Are you saying that you could repair your profound veins and cultivate again?"

Xiao Che nodded, "That is correct. I can indeed repair my own profound veins and will do so soon. At the very least, I don't want to tarnish your reputation any more than I already have. I want to earn the right to call myself your husband." He said with a self depreciating smile.

Qingyue was about to speak up but Xiao Che continued, "But that is not exactly what I wanted to tell you. You see, I can actually sense a disorder in your body. When I touched your hand earlier today, I could feel a lot of cold qi emanating. I can sense that this cold qi is damaging your body internally, blocking your profound veins and might also reduce your lifespan."

Qingyue was shocked and dumbfounded. She knew what Xiao Che was speaking about, since she had once heard her master tell her accidentally that their Frozen Cloud arts had this particular flaw. But to be able to detect that through a simple touch, Xiao Che must indeed be extremely good at his medical arts.

"Fortunately, I also can cure this disorder through an acupuncture technique my master taught me. This is why I brought this set of equipment here. Of course, the final decision lies with you. If you have no objection, I could use my technique to fully cure your cold qi disorder. If you don't want, that's fine too."

Qingyue saw no reason to object. Xiao Che had proved his medical expertise by detecting her cold qi. It would be great if he could indeed cure her. She followed his directions and lied down on the bed.

Xiao Che had accessed Yun Che's memories of the Azure Cloud continent and assimilated the required memories for the acupuncture. Soon, he had completed the entire technique and pierced all the 54 acupuncture needles at Xia Qingyue's back.

Of course, he had not told her to undress for this, since it was not actually required and he was not a pervert.

Qingyue was shocked and overwhelmed upon circulating her Frozen Cloud arts. It had become so much faster and smoother! Xiao Che did not explain it to her since he knew that Qingyue didn't know about the profound entrances yet. Her master would explain it to her at the right time.

Upon seeing how exhausted Xiao Che had become, Qingyue felt a prick in her heart. She asked him, "Why? Why haven't you revealed your medical talent yet? Why do you tolerate being looked down upon when you are so gifted? And why did you trust me with this?"

With ragged breathing, Xiao Che replied, "Remember what I told you? I will repair my own profound veins soon. And with my medical expertise I will be able to cultivate very fast, although I will probably not be your match. These days of being despised will soon be over.

As for why I didn't reveal my talent? With my non-existent cultivation, if my medical expertise was revealed, I would immediately be captured by some powerful people and made their slave.

On that note, Qingyue, please don't reveal my talent to anyone, especially to any powerful clan or sect. That would simply bring a calamity upon me."

Qingyue nodded seriously, perfectly understanding this. If Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace were to discover this, they would definitely abduct him and make him treat all their flaws. And after looking at his state upon treating only one person, that would indeed be a calamity for him.

As his official wife, and as gratitude, she could at least keep this secret.

Both of them went to sleep. Xia Qingyue let her exhausted husband sleep in his bed instead of kicking him out.