



/"I’m so glad, you all came back earlier than normal,/" Mrs. Maddox says hugging Cleo and her parents. Most years they aren’t back until just before the party that will be happening tomorrow night but, she decided that she wanted to have a girls night with the mom’s and daughters so apparently, they decided to come back early.

/"This is going to be so much fun,/" Cleo smiles at Maddy, /"we can get you all pampered and make sure you feel like the most beautiful woman in the room tomorrow night./" She throws an arm around Maddy’s shoulder as I think about the fact that her statement is already true.

/"My daughter already is,/" Colt says walking into the room, /"beside her mother and sister, of course,/" he stops beside Callie and kisses her check.

/"What are we all supposed to do then?/" Matthew asks with a pout. No doubt he is worried he won’t be eating tonight with his mom busy.