
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Book&Literature
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57 Chs

Chapter 8 Tragedy in Yorkshire

The night was peaceful, the sky was partly cloudy, it was still possible to see the last traces left by the sun, a slightly red line on the horizon. It would undoubtedly be a beautiful night.

Rabastan was on a high hill that gave a panoramic view of the small Yorkshire town. His investigation led him there, but in the end all clues were lost, even he didn't think it was possible to track down a mage who was capable of doing that level of ritual.

The problem would be Lord Voldemort, he would not accept failure well, without getting something relevant from his investigation.

Time passed slowly as he thought with his head, looking at the small town, frowning and without ideas of what to do.

'It's true the Lord gave me two quests, I must organize a hunt' his eyes seemed to flare as they swept over the small town.

He had no regrets for what was going to happen, in fact he was excited, Muggles were nothing more than purposeless slaughter cattle, and in the future with their glorious lord leading the world, they would be put in the place they deserve, as servants of wizards, slaves, toys, or rather dead.

Rabastan takes out his wand and places it on the wrist where the curse mark is, sending a quick message for everyone to come to the party.

What didn't take long, little more than seventy people appeared wearing black clothes that covered the whole body, on their faces they had iron masks stylized to cause terror, some had skull shapes decorated by flowers and thorns, their heads were covered by a hood, these they were Voldemort's loyal servants, the Death Eaters.

Rabastan "Our lord wanted me to organize a small party, to cheer up our Auror friends and the people of Dumbledore" he says with a sarcastic expression, while passing his wand over his face covering his mask with a quick spell.

He walks in front of everyone and points to the city that is not too far away "be served, Morsmordre".

A green mark formed in the Yorkshire sky, a green skull with a serpent protruding from its mouth, the dark lord's sign of fear, the black mark.

Everyone went to the small town, using flying methods, some had brooms and others floated in the air in a form of black smoke.

In a few minutes, the previously peaceful city turned into chaos with lights of all colors being thrown from their wands, screams were heard, some desperate residents and others were excited by death eaters.

Houses were set on fire, people were trying to hide or run away, some brave men tried to fight but unfortunately it was pointless, the attackers used strange skills to kill or protect themselves.

The old man left a house boldly shooting one of the invaders who was distracted by the mess.

"Die you bitches"

The old man holding an old rifle, probably that he kept from the second world war, achieved an impressive feat, a straight shot in the forehead of one of the attackers, who died right away, surprising the death eaters

It didn't take long and the Elder was killed shortly thereafter by a certain and quick death curse.

Death Eater "Avada kedavra" shooting a green colored beam at the old man who just killed his ally

"Be careful you idiots. and use protection, you don't want to die for a Muggle like that idiot over there" he sneers as he kicks the dead body of his former ally.


Yorkshire Orphanage

The party was already at its end, everyone fed up and stuffed, some of the children were still playing, and the employees were already starting to put away the mess.

Vincente is still fighting off his last piece of cake when something happens that leaves Rose in a state of shock pale and breathless, following the direction of her gaze, he soon realizes what was wrong.

A strange phenomenon happened, a green light lit up the night, it's a mark of a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth was left in the sky, most didn't understand what was happening, only Rose who knew through letters from her family, and Vincent who understood because of his memories of another life.

He didn't know what to do, decide between getting as far away from the mess as possible, or staying and trying to protect his home.

His mind began to calculate at an insane speed, something that would not be possible with his human body, the impending crisis woke him up in a sensation strange, all feelings of anxiety and fear were gone, leaving him with his mind working with a cold and fast logic.

Comparing things, his chances of winning would be very low, his essences totaled 450, if he had just a few more with his hellfire the chances would be good enough, however his only current tool would be illusion magic and his demonic form, the chances were low against mages.

If he ran away not only would he lose his new home, but also the people who lived here, unfortunately for him he ended up getting attached to the people here, and Rose...

Even thinking in a state of pure reason, the feeling of not wanting to lose Rose made him make the worst decision possible, after all and as they say 'Emotion often overcomes reason', he would fight somehow, he would protect his new home .


Ministry of Magic Auror Department

In the large room, many Aurors from the Ministry had gathered, they had just tracked down an attack by Voldemort in a Muggle village.

Edgar Bones "Gentlemen Aurors, this is an emergency, we have confirmed an attack by about seventy Death Eaters in Yorkshire, I want everyone on standby we are going to combat" after his brief speech he gives way to another leader of the Aurors.

Rufus Scrimgeour " This is not a training, We will have real combats, Remember Minister Harold Minchum approved the use of lethal spells in urgent situations" he warns that everyone was mentally prepared.

Adam McKinnon "Unfortunately we're outnumbered but we've contacted Dumbledore's boys, the Order of the Phoenix, they said they'll send reinforcements as soon as possible" he speaks with a resigned expression, and gives the floor to the last Auror leader present.

The order of the phoenix had been making many contributions throughout this war and their help was most welcome.

Alastor Moody "Put your safety first, and tread with the utmost caution, We will wipe out these Voldemort eaters" His face and voice were serious, but it was obvious how excited he was.


In some secret place "home donated by one of Dumbledore's followers", headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix

The house was spacious but simple, and it was very busy, young people who had just left Hogwarts, were meeting with some of Dumbledore's oldest supporters.

Every second that passed, more people came out of the fireplace, mostly young people with a thirst for justice, the faithful followers of the light side.

In a short time in a central corner of the room a small flame appeared in the air, which grew quickly revealing a beautiful and majestic bird, a phoenix, and of course its not least companion, Albus Percival Dumbledore.

Dumbledore "Gentlemen, may I have your attention please" His tone was urgent and his facial expressions were pious.

It didn't take long for the pack to turn their attention to the "Good old man" in the room.

Dumbledore "We've been told, You Know Who, is attacking a Muggle city right now, children and women are being killed and tortured right now, families are being destroyed" Delivers his speech in a pious, emotional voice.

Dumbledore "These are difficult times, and now we must choose between what is right and what is easy" He pauses for a long time for those present to think about his words.

Dumbledore "make your choices now, because I will help the families in this difficult time" his eyes swept the emotional faces of his students.

It didn't take long for everyone present to volunteer to help the poor families beside Dumbledore's light.


Yorkshire Orphanage

Everyone was scared, after the terrible mark appeared in the skies, everything turned into chaos, screams could be heard throughout the city, fire burned the houses, all that was left in that place was pure despair.

It wasn't long before a small group of Death Eaters arrived at the orphanage.

They stormed the main hall door with violence, everyone was gathered there with the emergency.

As the Death Eaters saw no danger in a mere bunch of children and nuns caring for an orphanage, they decided to have fun.

A hapless young man was dragged to the center of the room as the intruders hit him with Cruciatus, and laughed and jeered at the hapless Muggle.

Another of the invaders was looking at the ladies' side, although I couldn't see his face it was obvious what kind of evil he planned to do to them.

Vincent was still on Rose's lap, and he was watching her, seeing her fear, despair and anger, feeling that it was the perfect moment to put his plan into action.

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