
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Qing's slumber was abruptly interrupted as a hand seized his shoulder, vigorously shaking him. His drowsy senses resisted the awakening, but the lingering effects of staying up late last night made it even more challenging.

"Wake up,".

Qing groaned, his eyelids heavy with sleep. Peering through half-opened eyes.It was evident that the sun had yet to fully rise, making Grandpa Bai's insistence on rousing him all the more perplexing.


Grandpa Bai's grip tightened, his concern overriding Qing's reluctance to awaken. He understood that time was of the essence.

Ignoring Qing's protest, Grandpa Bai persisted, shaking him more vigorously. Qing's drowsiness reluctantly gave way to a surge of alertness as he realized the gravity of the situation. There was no time to waste.

With a groggy determination, Qing forced himself to shake off the remnants of sleep, his mind quickly shifting gears to focus on the imminent danger ahead.

Summoning his inner resolve, Qing pushed himself to cast off the remnants of sleep, his mind swiftly shifting gears to focus on the imminent danger that lay ahead. As he stirred, he noticed that Anya, Ning, and his mother were already awake and brimming with energy, ready to make their way back to the village.


"How was the camping trip?" the hermit asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a playful grin on his face. Clearly, he had heard about the adventure from someone in the village and couldn't resist teasing Qing about it.

"You forgot to bring me along, so now you get ten extra minutes of horse stance!" the hermit declared with a chuckle, finding immense amusement in the situation. He playfully perched himself on Qing's back, adding an extra challenge to the already demanding exercise.

Qing let out a sigh, his face felt like it was on fire as blood rushed into his face. Trying to stabilize the added weight on his back.

"Yes, sir,"

Qing replied, a mix of exasperation and amusement in his voice. He resumed his push-ups, feeling the added weight of the hermit on his back. The hermit's cheer and laughter spurred him on, turning the exercise into a cheerful challenge.

As Qing pushed himself up and down, the hermit's encouragement filled the air. Between the push-ups, the hermit reached for his gourd and offered Qing a sip of his aromatic tea, a staple in their training sessions.

"You're always drinking tea," Qing remarked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

The hermit chuckled, taking a thoughtful sip from his guard before replying, "Ah, my young friend, tea is not just a beverage. It is a companion on the path of mastery. It calms the mind, centers the spirit, and sharpens our focus. It's a reminder to savor each moment, even during the most arduous training."

Qing nodded, appreciating the wisdom in the hermit's words. He took a sip of the tea, its soothing warmth spreading through his body.

The hermit's tea was bitter yet smoothing gave balance of warmth around his stomach as it went down.

As he sat there, enjoying the hermit's tea and feeling the gentle breeze caress his face, Qing felt a sense of harmony and balance. The energies within him, the vibrant Chi and the serene calmness, merged seamlessly, creating a symphony of inner peace.

The hermit continued, his voice filled with a mix of playfulness and wisdom, "One day, when you reach the realm of a swordmaster, you won't need to do all these exercises. But for now, my young apprentice, you still have me to challenge and guide you."

"When you do reach the realm of a master you will have complete master over your mana,"

"Here, have some sugar," the hermit offered with a mischievous smile, extending a small cube toward Qing.

Qing accepted the cube, examining it with curiosity. It was different from the honey or brown sugar lumps he was accustomed to receiving on rare occasions from Grandpa Bai. This white cube was a new and intriguing sweetener. Not even the salt he had at home was this color.

"Thank you, sir," Qing replied gratefully.

The hermit crushed the cube and poured the sugar into Qing's tea, stirring it gently. The sweet aroma filled the air, mingling with the rich fragrance of the tea. The sweetener disappeared almost instantly into the tea like snow melting into a cauldron to his surprise.

Qing took a sip of the now sweetened tea, savoring the delightful combination of flavors. The unexpected sweetness added an extra touch of joy to their training session, as if the hermit's playfulness had infused itself into every sip. He had found something so sweet yet bitter at the same time.

Qing took another sip of the sweetened tea, relishing the harmonious blend of flavors that danced on his taste buds. He couldn't help but express his admiration for the hermit's tea. Every sip returned to make him feel less sore and ready to do more training that the hermit might lay out for him to do.

"This tea is truly remarkable no matter how many times I drink it," Qing remarked, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He was already ready to continue on with their basic training.

The hermit beamed with delight, pleased by Qing's compliment. "I'm glad you appreciate it, my young apprentice. These teas have been carefully selected and prepared to enhance our training experience depending on the training we are doing. It's a small indulgence amidst our rigorous practice."

As Qing continued his training, the hermit offered him another cup of tea, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Here, have another cup. Let its warmth and flavor invigorate your body and spirit. And remember, the journey to mastery is not only about discipline and hard work, but also about finding joy and pleasure in every moment."

"Can I get some sugar?"

Excitement filled Qing as he anticipated his new sugary treat following the exercise. The thought of the sugary sensation made his mouth water with excitement.

With a sigh, the hermit reached for a small white cube and carefully poured its fine grains into Qing's cup.

Without hesitation, Qing eagerly gulped down the cup, unaware of what the hermit might have added to his drink.

His taste buds registered an unexpected flavor, and Qing chuckled, realizing his mistake. The surprising taste of salt in his tea brought a delightful twist to the moment, and he couldn't help but appreciate the hermit's mischievous sense of humor.

Laughter erupted from the hermit, reverberating through the training grounds and infusing the air with a light and joyful energy.

Joining in the mirth, Qing's laughter mingled with the hermit's, momentarily releasing the strain of the exercise and creating a shared moment of pure amusement.

"Much like sugar, desire can bring a delightful sweetness to our lives when enjoyed in moderation. However, when allowed to exceed reasonable bounds, it transforms into greed, losing its charm and causing imbalance."

The hermit hands him some water to wash away the salt on his tongue. "Do not get greedy over small things. You cannot become a true master if you do not master yourself first."

"Now give me 30 more push-ups,"