
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Fight for your life

Qing's heart pounded in his chest as he raced up the mountain, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Behind him, two figures pursued relentlessly, their intentions unknown but certainly not benevolent.

"Qing, remember what day it is today!" one of them shouted, their voice filled with urgency.

The words echoed in Qing's mind, but he pushed them aside, determined to escape the impending confrontation. He propelled himself forward, leaping from tree branch to tree branch with agility and precision, honed through countless training sessions with the hermit.

"I refuse to go with you!" Qing declared defiantly, his voice carrying a mix of determination and weariness.

The dark purple figure continued its pursuit, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. It seemed nothing would stop it from reaching Qing.

"Get back here, boy!" the figure bellowed, its tone laced with anger and impatience.

Qing's resolve grew stronger as he ascended the mountain. The thoughts of today's training session weighed heavily on him, and he yearned for a respite from the arduous routine. The demands and expectations had become overwhelming, and he felt the need for a much-deserved break.

"I just want a break," Qing muttered, his voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and longing. He knew that today's escape would only provide a temporary reprieve, but in this moment, it was all he could focus on. The pursuit intensified behind him, but Qing's determination remained unyielding as he forged ahead, fueled by his desire for a moment of respite.

"If you run away now, you will never obtain the perfect body," the voice thundered, echoing through the trees.

Qing's breath grew ragged as he continued his desperate ascent up the mountain. The pursuit behind him had intensified, but he remained resolute in his decision to escape the relentless training.

"I don't want to drink your concoctions again!" Qing shouted back, his voice laced with frustration and defiance.

The memory of the Lumberjack's strange mixtures still haunted him. Each time he forced down one of those foul-tasting potions, it seemed to bring more harm than benefit. The last time, he had suffered from a bizarre concussion caused by centipedes, all in the name of gaining resistance to poisons.

Qing knew he had to make a choice. To continue running and seek temporary relief, or to confront the challenges and persevere on the path of mastery. The pursuit behind him grew nearer, the dark figures closing in, leaving him with little time to decide.

As Qing took a sharp turn, his heart pounding in his chest, he hoped to outmaneuver his pursuers and gain some distance. The sounds of their footsteps grew fainter as they raced ahead, their determination evident in every stride.

Breathing heavily, Qing took a moment to scan his surroundings. His heart soared with relief as he caught sight of Ning.

Ning's reassuring gaze and subtle signal communicated that Qing was in a safe position for the time being.

"Father, I'm sure I saw Qing head in that direction," Ning said, pointing in the opposite direction of Qing's hiding spot.

The lumberjack looked at Ning and smirked. He felt relieved at her loyalty to Qing. However, this would only serve as a weakness in the future.

"You're still trying to cover for your friend," he remarked, his tone laced with a hint of skepticism.

Ning maintained a composed expression, careful not to reveal too much. She had always been protective of Qing and knew the importance of their secret. She couldn't let her father suspect their true connection.

"Qing has his reasons," she responded, her voice steady. "We all need a break sometimes, even the strongest among us. It's important to listen to our own limits."

The lumberjack raised an eyebrow, studying Ning for a moment before his lips curled into a small smile. He had noticed her unwavering support for Qing in the past and admired her loyalty.

"You're a good friend, Ning," he acknowledged, his tone softened. "But remember, we're preparing for the unexpected. We can't let our guard down. Let's go home and I'll explain to you the importance of my concoctions."

A sigh of relief escaped Qing's lips, relieved at the prospect of avoiding the dreaded potions for now.

Suddenly, the lumberjack's attention snapped to Qing, his gaze piercing through the air. He had detected Qing's hiding place with uncanny precision, unsettling Qing's hopes of slipping away unnoticed.

"Just because that old hermit taught you how to conceal yourself doesn't mean I don't know where you're hiding," the lumberjack sneered, his voice dripping with a mixture of anger and superiority.

Qing's heart skipped a beat as the lumberjack's words echoed in his ears. He had hoped to evade his captor's grasp, but it seemed the lumberjack's keen senses had foiled his plans once again.

Before Qing could react, the lumberjack swiftly closed the distance between them, his powerful grip seizing both Qing and Ning. Qing's heart sank as he realized that their escape had been thwarted, and now they would face the consequences.

"You both will drink double the portion today," the lumberjack declared, a malicious glint in his eyes.

A wave of apprehension washed over Qing. The lumberjack's concoctions had always brought unpredictable and often unpleasant effects. The thought of consuming a double dose filled him with dread.

But Qing knew he had to stay strong, not just for himself but also for Ning. He had to find a way to protect them from the worst of the lumberjack's wrath. With a deep breath, he mustered his resolve and met the lumberjack's gaze.

"I challenge you to a duel," Qing protested

"If I win we don't have to drink your concation today,"

The lumberjack's eyes widened in surprise, his anger momentarily replaced by a flicker of curiosity. He leaned back, studying Qing intently, assessing whether this young student had the audacity and skill to challenge him.

"You dare challenge me?" the lumberjack scoffed, a mix of amusement and arrogance in his voice. "Very well, if you wish to test your luck, I accept your challenge. But remember, boy, the consequences of failure will be severe."

As Qing locked eyes with the lumberjack, he could sense a shift in the atmosphere. The air crackled with tension, and the weight of their impending duel hung heavily in the air. Qing knew that his decision to challenge the lumberjack was a daring one, and the consequences of failure would be dire. Yet, he couldn't back down. Not this time.

Qing stood his ground, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. He knew the stakes were high, but he couldn't bear the thought of enduring another day of the lumberjack's concoctions. The memory of the strange and often painful side effects lingered in his mind, fueling his resolve to find a way out.