
The boy in blue is a tsundere

She had probably said this before but going to school was one of her best and worst things to do. She liked school because she was able to see her friends, it didn't matter how thin the level of friendship was as long as she had somebody to talk to.

At home there was no one and that made her feel empty and void, but she knew she had friends so why exactly didn't she just text them and talk to them on the phone?

Because they had nothing they could talk about.

People become friends normally because they have similar things in common, most of her friends were her friends because they had the same class and not because they share opinions or attitudes.

That became a huge problem, because she found it hard to converse about anything outside of school related issues, and so outside school they were more or less strangers.

Yet they called themselves friends.

For this reason it was hard to share her deepest thoughts and emotions with these friends she had so she found someone else to share them with. The lost boy on the net. They say it's easier to talk to strangers because they don't know you, because of that they can't judge you for what you really feel and even if they do you wouldn't care and it wouldn't impact you as you wouldn't see them ever. I guess that's why she reached out through the net for so,e help and advice, someone to talk to someone that she could pour out her heart to.

She knew there was a certain level of risks she took when reaching out to ask for help from a stranger, there was always the chance that it could go terribly wrong and it wouldn't make anything better at all.

I guess she had decided to take the risk when she opened up to the boy in blue. But somehow it wasn't hard to believe that the boy in blue was a tsundere.

Alyce: you're such a cute kid

Aiden: don't call me cute! And I'm not a kid!

Alyce: you're too kawaii!

Aiden: What does kawaii mean?

Alyce: it's basically cute in Japanese

Aiden: I give up, no matter what I say you'll still call me cute

Aiden: and I'm starting to like it

Alyce: kyaa! Such a cute tsundere!

Who knew that her urge to tease the loveable kid would end up allowing her to forget all her past grievances, making her once heavy heart light and bright, like she was looking forward to getting up tomorrow.

The feeling of happiness, was something she found dangerously addicting, she wanted more, she yearned for more.

And when she went out looking for that daily dose of happiness the next day and it didn't come her breathing became heavier and faster as her eyes stung as tears threatened to fall. Her phone unlocked and there was a message.

Aiden: hello senpai!

Suddenly her heavy breathing subsided as she quietly wiped the tears off her face, she types the next few words to the helpless little boy who didn't seem to understand what just talking to her on a daily basis did.

"Hello Aiden."

What she wanted to tell him then was, "Thank you."

It's harder to explain to someone how being alone makes you feel, the heavy feeling in your chest that makes you feel like screaming and crying away all your grievances, it's easier to just smile and look happy and maybe allow other people to contaminate you with their overflowing positivity.

Even if he was just a kid.