
Slayer of Kings

This story follows the journey of Leo an assassin who got killed by his friend turned enemy. Leo was never afraid of death. He died after living a life filled with pain and loss, however, Leo soon wakes up in a new world after his death. Leo gathers more information about this new world. While on the journey he crosses path with someone who had changed his life. That person is none other than his friend turned enemy and the person who killed him, Cao. That is not all he soon finds out even though they both died at the same time Cao in this new world is much stronger than him to where he nearly kills Leo, but moments before Cao lands the final blow Leo gets teleported away from the battlefield. The only thing Leo saw was a strange symbol through his hazy eyes. Leo wakes up once again. This time it's in his own room back at the village which was the first place he went to in this new world. He notices a black and white rectangle on his right arm. Leo’s mind becomes muddled by mysteries. How did he reach this new world? How did Cao arrive here? How is Cao much stronger than he is? How did he escape from Cao? What was that symbol he saw before he got teleported? What were those two rectangles on his right arm? Filled with mysteries Leo sets out to find answers, but an unexpected encounter leads him to meet a girl named, Mia. A charming, strong and determined girl through her Leo gets to know about The Shadow Claw Organization. A group of people who helps others in need, however on the inside, they are killers and spies who will do anything as long as they get money. The helping mentality is a cover-up for the real truth. Leo soon finds out they are not as simple as he thought they were. ---- Chapter release rate: 7/week NOTE: This novel contains violence and profanity.

Dark_Reality · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Night Sky In A New World

'What' All Leo wanted was the price of that dagger and how good it was but ended up losing 20 silver coins. With this, he had 445 left with him.

While leaving the weapon shop he heard screams and shoutings off in the distance wanting to know more he walked in the direction.

Two men stood facing each other surrounded by a big crowd. One lay on the floor bleeding from his mouth while the other stood with a long wooden stick in his hands "You better stay away from me bitch or the next time I see you I will slice you into pieces and feed them to the beasts!" The man holding the wooden stick shouted as he forced his way out from the crowd.

The people left when the man left as the one that lay on the floor no one cared about him.

While looking at the fight he found an inn. It had two floors and had a better construction when compared to the other buildings this was also in the inner parts of the village but before he entered his eyes turned to the surroundings, this was a habit of his from his old life.

A meat shop flanked the right while a cloth shop flanked the left. The number of people in the village reduced as evening neared. The crowd that gathered for the fight had also left.

The inn had a desk in which a man who looked to be in his late 30s stood "Welcome Sir, how long would you like to stay," He asked politely.

"How much is it for one day?" The answer to the question was another question because he wanted to know how much money he would spend and how long he could stay here.

"It's 10 for one night, but if you want a better room its 25."

The normal room was enough as there was no need to take the more expensive one also four days seemed good for now so giving the man 50 he got the key and left the reception for his new room.

Walking up there stairs he reached his room on the second floor in the door was a wooden carving with the number 12 showing the room number. Opening the door showed a dimly lit room with a window from which light came. It had a small bed with a table and a chair near it. The old wooden floor creaked with upon pressure.

Lying on the bed, he started at the ceiling 'What will he do next?'

The window was open to allow the wind inside as he slept on the small bed.


The evening light covered the room which made it even darker than before with a heavy feeling in his head, he got up and sat on the bed as his stomach grumbled.

Leaving the inn he found himself in front of the shop he ate before.

This time the old lady was not alone, there were two more people that helped her. One was an old man the same age as the old lady with grey hair and a wooden stick he sat on the counter while the other was a man in his 40s with a sturdy build he served the dishes and served with the old lady.

The shop had a lot more people when compared to before. Taking a seat near the center as the window seats were full, he looked for any of the two to take his order. This time it was the man that approached him. This time he ordered chicken soup instead of the fish with the roasted boar.

After 15 minutes of waiting his order arrived. The chicken soup like the fish had small pieces of chicken in it and had thin green leaves over it the soup was spicier than the fish which was good as he had always liked spicy food. The boar was still hard to chew and had no flavor to it. But the others in the shop seemed to enjoy their meals.

The total came to 40 because of the chicken soup, it was 10 silver more than the fish. After paying he had 365 silver left with him.

While on the way the number of shops open was less as more than half of them were closed. The remaining were a few tea stalls and a shop where they sold a special dish only found in small villages known as Buttered Ces Meat with milk. Ces was a small animal found in the forest, he got to know about it from an elder who stood near the shop. 'A Ces looks similar to a blue-tailed rabbit' The old man said. How does a blue-tailed rabbit look? Leo had never seen one so comparing both was out of question Leo's best guess was it looked like a rabbit. The Ces did not look appealing now as his stomach was full... Some other time he said himself.

When he reached the inn, it was night there were only a few people in the lobby as most were in the rooms but near the reception, he saw a familiar face. It was the girl from the weapon shop she was talking to the man at the reception from they way they both talked it looked like they knew each other Leo guessed they both were relatives.

While looking at her, she said goodbye to the man and walked towards the staircase, she saw him and looked curiously towards him but said nothing as she climbed the stairs. Deciding there was nothing left to do here, he went back to his room.

Closing the door, he walked towards the window and opened it as he had closed it before he left for the shop. The night sky glittered with stars the chilly wind made his hair move left to right the number of people out now were less. The village lacked any street light so as the night progressed it got increasingly dark. Anyone could get lost in the cold and silent night as they started up at the night sky where stars sparkled like diamonds.

Staring at this scene ignited memories of his past life. A life now forgotten. A life he would never be a part of again. He remembered his last moments before death took him.

The next two chapters which are chapter 5 and 6 will be a two-part fight scene.

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