
Slayer of Kings

This story follows the journey of Leo an assassin who got killed by his friend turned enemy. Leo was never afraid of death. He died after living a life filled with pain and loss, however, Leo soon wakes up in a new world after his death. Leo gathers more information about this new world. While on the journey he crosses path with someone who had changed his life. That person is none other than his friend turned enemy and the person who killed him, Cao. That is not all he soon finds out even though they both died at the same time Cao in this new world is much stronger than him to where he nearly kills Leo, but moments before Cao lands the final blow Leo gets teleported away from the battlefield. The only thing Leo saw was a strange symbol through his hazy eyes. Leo wakes up once again. This time it's in his own room back at the village which was the first place he went to in this new world. He notices a black and white rectangle on his right arm. Leo’s mind becomes muddled by mysteries. How did he reach this new world? How did Cao arrive here? How is Cao much stronger than he is? How did he escape from Cao? What was that symbol he saw before he got teleported? What were those two rectangles on his right arm? Filled with mysteries Leo sets out to find answers, but an unexpected encounter leads him to meet a girl named, Mia. A charming, strong and determined girl through her Leo gets to know about The Shadow Claw Organization. A group of people who helps others in need, however on the inside, they are killers and spies who will do anything as long as they get money. The helping mentality is a cover-up for the real truth. Leo soon finds out they are not as simple as he thought they were. ---- Chapter release rate: 7/week NOTE: This novel contains violence and profanity.

Dark_Reality · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Hatred Of Aldous

Leo kept checking the book. He took five minutes until he found something. The page was about traveling.

I have made it to my destination. Venzal city, Celsus. Now, I need to search until I find it. Times are tough here. Bodies everywhere. Even on the streets with no one willing to clean them up. They have inflated the money to the maximum. No one can afford anything. I have brought my food and can survive by hunting. At least the situation has shown signs of dying down.

This is what he was looking for, but it did not tell about the actual location of the Runes. It only said the city name. Either it was found in the city or it was found somewhere near it. He could not find which of the two it was.

After he returns to the town, he would need to go and visit this place to see if he could find any clues that would lead to him discovering the power of the Crystal.

So he needed to end this.

He would have to hide in this place until night. As escaping now would be problematic. He also had to find Artos and kill him because he was certain Artos was a spy. As there was no other way the people here could have known about him. Leo was sure Artos was not captured because if he was the person who told the story would definitely mention it. As it is important.

Now, he could not get out of here to warn the other, but that was a good thing. When they attacked, he could use that as a distraction to save Xander.

Now, Leo had to wait.


Emilia adjusted her position in the chair. "So how are we going to do this?"

Ike looked at everyone. There was him, Emilia, Bartel, and Mia. "With no help, this will be tough. We need to cause a distraction."

Emilia became curious. "A distraction like what?"

Ike held his hand to his chin. "That I'm not sure."

"Remember about the fire that broke out near the town? We could use something like that."

"But won't that hurt the people there?" Emilia asked.

Ike's face turned serious. "Emilia, we cannot be merciful to them. When they have done all this to use. Who knows what they have done to those who got kidnapped?"

Emilia's face turned dark. "I know, but many of them have done nothing to us."

"Did Ivetta and the others do any harm to them? All we came to do was observe them, but they injured us and took our friends. Listen, I don't want to risk any lives, but do you think we should still be kind to them?" Ike asked.

Emilia kept her head down. "Fine," What Ike said was true. They had done no harm to the people of the city, yet they were attacked.

Ike turned his attention to Mia. "Are you fine with this Mia?"

Mia nodded. What was she supposed to say? Before that. How could she even say? They were forced to do this because of her failure, so she had no other choice but to accept.

Ike stood up. Both his and Bartel's injuries have healed. "We will strike tonight. We cannot waste any more time. So first we need to gather the explosives. Then we meet up with Leo and Artos. They will give us the location of the captured. Then we set off the explosion and during the commotion, we get everyone back. Got it?"

Everyone nodded.

"So Bartel and I will go make the explosives ready and meet you guys at the east entrance?"

Emilia stood up. "Fine," The plan is complete. It was not perfect and the chances of them succeeding were small, but they had to try.

Emilia's gaze turned towards the direction of the city. We are coming, Xander.


Footsteps rang in his ears. Leo looked around for a place to hide. The walls were filled with damp spots and mold. Musty air filled the room. In the corner, there were many clothes. They looked old and dirty, but he had no other option. Leo hid inside the pile of clothes.

Leo had opened the door partly. Since the door was metallic he had spent time in putting it back to its original position. If the people coming sees it. Then that would be a problem.

The door to the room opened. Based on the footsteps there were two. They did not notice the blade cuttings. Leo had struggled and squeezed himself inside because of that they failed to notice it. Also, the dimly lit corridor helped him.

"Do you like this specimen?" It was the voice of Aldous.

"Yes," Replied the other person.

"Tonight, you know what to do right?" Asked Aldous.

"Of course. The runes have been set and all the ones who can use magic are ready. They are mice walking into a trap," The man replied.

So Artos was a spy because there was no other way for Aldous to know the others would be attacking.

"Did the experiment work with this?" Asked the man.

"No, but father said he will find a way. I believe him. He is always correct."

"You go back. There is something I need to do here. Tell my father I did what he asked. Now that you have seen the specimen go back and report it," Said Aldous.

The man said nothing but left.

Now in the room, there were only Leo, Aldous and the unconscious man.

Leo could see Aldous through a hole he created. Should he attack? There is no one else here, but if he failed, then that would be it.

Leo did not attack. He waited.

Aldous moved closer to the man in the bed. He then took a syringe and inserted it into the man's head. Aldous showed no care. He pushed the syringe with all his force.

The man in the bed moved. A groan left his mouth. "Yo-- son of Xav..ier."

"Oh, it seems you know who I am. Well, that is good. Are you ready for today?" Asked Aldous.

The man spat. Not at Aldous, but on the floor.

"Haha, Do you know what I have injected inside you? Wait, I won't say you will find it out by yourself. That is why I woke you up. All of you will suffer."

"You bastard!" The man cried, but he got no response.

"If you survive this my father will be happy, so make sure to not die. He will come to check on you," After saying this Aldous left the room.

The man struggled, but could not do anything as he was strapped to the bed.