
Character Descriptions

Name: Arius-Rien (Later Nihilus)

Gender: Female

Race: Hybrid Xelnian/Human (A Xelnian is a mix between a lizard/human/dragon)

Height: 5'3 - 5'7

Eye color: She was born with golden eyes, but later when she discovers her powers, one of them turns blue, later turns a devilish orange (You'll learn more)

Hair: Medium length, then she cut it shorter (Black hair)

Age: 4 when the clone wars started-5 when she got taken in by the Jedi-14 when the Empire rises-18 during Rebels

Facial description: Wears a helmet or a mask most of the time (You'll find out later)

Personality: "Figure it out yourself..."-"No physical contact..."-"Which one first... Your head or heart...?"-Very emotionless in the beginning, more emotional as time goes on-"What do you mean friend? You mean ally...?"-"Yes... I'm a wizard..." (She's saying that to a child)-"LOCK THE KRIFFIN DOOR!"-"Get a room..."-Strong-"I think I lost my arm... Eh, whatever..."-Protective-Stealthy-Very intimidating

Midi-Chlorian Count: 0

Lightsaber: Sentinel style lightsaber, modified, detachable, magnetic double-bladed lightsaber

Lightsaber color: Blue and Yellow

Clothes: Dark robes with Sentinel patterns-later dark robe/cloak (Similar to Nihilus)-Later turns into the first grand inquisitor, so she has the Second Sister helmet which she passes down to Trilla

Affiliation: Jedi Order (Sentinel)-Sith Acolyte-Republic (again, during Order 66)-Sith Grand Inquisitor-Keeper of the Force (1st one)

Allies: Ahsoka Tano, Axle Tinguard( @Axtothemax38), Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Clone Troopers (I couldn't name them all...)

Enemies: Sith, Jedi, Separatists, people who touch her friends/allies, Zygerrians, anyone who dares to hurt a child will pay with their soul.

Force abilities: Force rage, Force speed, Phase, (Electrocuted for 5 years straight so she absorbed it) Force lightning, etc.

Weaknesses: Bad eyesight, EXTREME Schizophrenia, Mentally Unstable in every way, she's never been free in her life, lightning courses through her deteriorating body, questions her purpose in life, just wants to die so she can be free.

Backstory: (This is what you're here for-)