
Slave? I'm a Servant!

Although I expected many things to happen when I got isakai'd by truck-kun, one of them was certainly not becoming a servant- "Slave-kuuun~!" "How many times do I have to- *sigh* never mind... what do you need this time?" ------ Things are owned by their respective owners and stuff!

Mt_Fiji · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

What He Was Missing

In a certain school in Japan.

"Quick the girls are coming!"

In this world, the concept of gender equality was no more.

"And here are the ladies' tardy arrival." A male student spoke looking out into the window and seeing all the girls who didn't need to wake up early in the morning to clean everything for them.

"Man, how lucky~ if only I was born a girl too~" Another student said with fake tears in his eyes as he wondered just how amazing it would be to as privileged as them.

"What about you Shirou-san? ever thought of being a girl?"

The student spoke as he turned to a good-looking young man with striking blonde hair dutily picking up the cleaning materials to put them away.

"Hmm~" The young man hummed at his fellow male's question as a thoughtful look adorned his face.

"I think...-" 


'-not having to risk your life in the front lines... isn't so bad.'

"Was what I said but..." 


The young man with blonde hair walked along the empty road toward his home, an air of melancholy could be felt in his presence.

"Has 18 years already passed?"

The young man held a secret.


"They got the name half right and I suppose receiving that person's memories also accounted for half of the wish..."

The young man subconsciously clenched his hands as if clenching something that should be there but wasn't.


"Do I have to find another magus or something?"

The young man muttered words only he could understand before slowly shaking his head at the impossibility of meeting a so-called magus in this world.

Perhaps the only thing remotely similar this world had to Nasuverse was the existence of the supernatural brought forth by-

"hmm?" The young man abruptly put a halt to his musings as cool steel-colored eyes narrowed.

His honed instincts screamed that something was wrong.


The young man found his vision became limited as mist hung heavily in the air, creating a dense, opaque curtain that obscured visibility. 

It wraps around everything like ghostly fingers, giving the surroundings an unsettling and claustrophobic feel.

And as the mist suddenly blew towards the young man causing him to use one of his arms to cover his eyes.

And as the mist that blocked the surroundings disappeared.

If one were asked right now, any regular person would have definitely preferred to stay in that mist.

Because the view that greeted the young man was well-known throughout the world.

"Is this...?"

Some decades ago...

Mysterious entrances suddenly appeared all over Japan.

Beyond those entrances was another dimension, with around the same area as the Tokyo metropolitan area.

It was called the demonic metropolis.



"Ah! Kyouka-san! there's a [Mato Disaster] in the east!" 

A young girl with bright white skin, long pink hair with a headband, and blue eyes hurriedly spoke.

Fearing that taking any longer might bring harm to the victims of the [Mato Disaster].

Gates that connect to Mato, although usually affixed to one place. some of them can appear in unexpected places.

Cases, where Injury is caused due to ordinary citizens getting lost in [Mato] or [Shuuki] coming out in the real world, are called [Mato Disasters].

"Got it! stay here Nei, I'll be back soon."

Without any time to waste, the young girl saw her chief.

A young woman with silver hair quickly rushed outside as she jumped on and grabbed the chains of a grotesque-looking creature before riding it out like a horse rushing towards the location she was given.


A few old and broken Japanese structures were laid all across the land as massive bone-like spikes grew out of the earth.

The ground, cracked and parched, resembles the scorched bones of a long-forgotten world. 

It was a nightmarish sight that defied the natural order, The sky above, if it exists, is a sickly hue, stained with swirling shades of ominous red and charcoal black. A perpetual gloom hangs heavily, casting an eerie pallor over the desolation below.

"This... doesn't look that bad."

The words that came out of the young man that has now found himself in this hellish landscape would certainly make any normal person question if he had a screw loose or not.

But that is simply how the young man felt, neither fear nor panic but rather... a tinge of interest maybe?


Of course, its hellish appearance wasn't the only thing that caused people to fear [Mato], it is what was born in it that truly terrified everyone of this place.


[Yomutsu Shuuki] or [Shuuki] for short, we're the ferocious creatures born from this world. 

They who stand taller than an average adult, coming in numerous shapes and builds, these creatures with dark skin tone and texture that resembles raw muscles.


Their faces were pure white with misshaped faces appearing to resemble grotesque masks.

These creatures were without a doubt-

"Well... you're certainly quite disgusting."

The young man spoke, his visage now covered by a large shadow as a [Shuuki] was currently staring him down.



The [Shuuki's] attempt to scream at its prey because of its instincts was blatantly cut off 


The young man inspected the Katana that he disguised as a wooden sword, noting the blade that he had maintained almost every day since he got it had turned dull from that single swing.

It costed him quite a bit of money and time to find someone to make it for him.

The hilt itself acted as the disguise to make it look like a wooden sword used in kendo but with a single pull, the wooden sword can quickly reveal its steel sharp appearance that was not allowed nor legal to be used in public.

'I guess regular weapons really don't work on these things.'

Eyeing the [Shuuki] that now had a clear dent on its mask, the young man did not seem worried at all from the fact that his attack did nothing to the [Shuuki].


Throwing away the dull blade, and dropping down his bag.

The young man, before the [Shuuki] could react, appeared in front of the [Shuuki's] vision as it stared eye to eye with the steel-colored eyes of a being no less monstrous than itself.


"I wonder if this kind of damage can still affect you."


A few hundred meters away from the place the young man was currently at.

The young woman that was currently riding on a [Shuuki] as a stead raced towards the supposed destination with a sword gripped in her hand.

'Almost there now.' Kyouka Uzen, the chief of the 7th division of the Anti-demon corp prayed for the well-being of the victim as she had already seen quite some of [Shuuki's] on her way here.

It was no surprise as the zone they're currently at was known to be filled with [Shuuki].

Kyouka gripped the chains of the [Shuuki] tightly as far off in the distance a scene that gripped her heart appeared.


A small silhouette akin to that of a human was currently surrounded by a large silhouette of [Shuuki's] as she drove her [Shuuki] slave to run faster.


"So these things do have some type of anatomy." The young man, now standing on top of a motionless [Shuuki] spoke, more and more [Shuuki] climbed out of the ground surrounding him.

Seeing the numbers of [Shuukis] expanding the young man did not have any sense of worry nor panic.

"That's good then..."

Inhaling a mouthful of air before promptly exhaling it, the young man's expression slowly turned to one of indifference as the sound of him cracking his knuckles reverted throughout.

As long as there was a way to kill these creatures with what he currently had, what was there to fear?


The creatures no longer waiting, all charged towards their prey with vigor, and as the young man was about to move as well-


To the young man's surprise.

"To be already under attack... It seems lady luck is not on your side." 

The trail of silver greeted his view as a woman with long silver hair riding what he presumed to be a [Shuuki] instantly cut off one of the [Shuukis] heads with one swift swing of her sword.

"Hide Behind my Back!" The young woman with a confident expression, faced the surrounding [Shuukis].

"It's time to submit!"


The sword in her hand twirled in various swift cuts and motions, mowing down any [Shuuki] that was caught by her sword.

'I see... so that's a demon hunter huh?'

Demon Hunter, in [Mato] there are the monsters that roamed its lands, and a resource called [Peach] that grants special abilities when eaten.

[Peaches] did not give any special ability to men, and so the former power difference between men and women was turned.

To place the gates to [Mato] under government surveillance, a new organization was created.

[The Anti-Demon Corps]

A unit specialized in battle, it is composed entirely and exclusively of women who received power from the [Peaches].


Although the young man was impressed with the woman's prowess with the sword, the same couldn't be said for her pet who had already lost one of its limbs.

"Tch! This one is too weak." The woman clicked her tongue, as she quickly changed her plan.

Cutting off the remaining [Shuuki] that were near them, the woman spoke to the young man.

"You're the victim of the [Mato Disaster] correct? I am the chief of the [Anti-Demon Corps], Kyouka Uzen."

The young woman turned to face the young man as he finally had a good look at his 'saviours' face.

"Rest assured, you're in safe hands."

A confident expression was adorned on the face that could put any model to shame.

The beautiful well-endowed young woman has silver hair that extends up to her thighs, and beautiful pink eyes that appeared as slits resembling that of a cat.

Dressed in her Anti-Demon Corps uniform, consisting of a navy blue militia tunic, a cap that has red highlights, white gloves, a short skirt, and thigh-high boots.

She also had unique accessories on her ears that resemble flat, blue, curved horns that stick up from her hair.

"Ah... I see." The young man replied with a mutter, staring at the woman's general direction with an indescribable look.

The woman was beautiful no doubt.

But the young man's focus was not pointed towards her, rather-

'Although saying that in this situation is...'


The earth started to shake, the horde of [Shuuki] that was behind Kyouka, and what caught his focus was now heading towards them like a stampede.

Kyouka realizing this as well, quickly called for her [Shuuki Slave] before hopping on to it.

"Hop on."

Kyouka replied with a calm tone as the young man wondered how to climb the thing his arm was abruptly held as Kyouka pulled him up to sit behind her.

"Uh... where do I grab exactly-!"

The young man didn't have time to continue his question as he quickly held on to her waist to stop himself from falling as the [Shuuki] rushed to get away.

"Dodge to the right!" 

Although she ordered, it seems her [Shuuki Slave] has received too many injuries to respond properly making it too late for it to dodge.


The [Shuuki Slaves] head was cut off from its body by another [Shuuki] as Kyouka swiftly jumped down with the young man in hand as the [Shuukis] bodies collided with one another.


Clicking her tongue the young woman pulled a talisman from her pocket before promptly stabbing it into the ground.

And as the young man readied himself, he witnessed as the group of [Skuuki] suddenly stopped in their advance as if colliding with something.

A strange blue forcefield now encircled both him and Kyouka, preventing any [Shuuki] from getting near.

"I formed a simple barrier don't fret."

"Barrier?... but... it looks like it's about to break." The young man spoke with a dry response as cracks already started appearing from the [Shuukis] attacks.


[Kyouka Uzen POV]


Seeing the continuing expansion of [Shuuki] appearing caused a solemn look to slowy appear on my face.

'I could make it somehow If I were by myself...'

Glancing at the young man, his appearance wasn't bad, even good-looking with striking blond hair and steel grey eyes that had kept calm until now really surprised me.

'Feeling him around my back as well confirmed he had a decent built.'

I placed a hand on my hat to re-secure it so it wouldn't fall, I slowly brought it down to my face as I stared quietly at my hand.

My [Peaches] blessing... it's a real failure of a power even for me...

'Even if you're strong yourself Kyouka, your power is kind of...'

'Becoming the Commander is a dream that couldn't be more far off...'

Words trickled through my ear, the comments of people and even my fellow chiefs had said about me and my power.

Commander, a position at the very top of the [Anti-Demon Corps].


A position... That I'll Achieve!


A determination flashed between Kyouka's eyes that the young man did not miss as he's been waiting for a few moments now to hear what their next plan of action was.

'She wouldn't leave me here alone right?' The young man thought with his eyes twitching as he felt a foreboding feeling from that glint that just passed.

Based on his analysis, a group of [Shuuki] wouldn't be difficult for him to handle but if he were to deal with that many as he was right now, there's no doubt he'd tire out and a disastrous end would await him.

Before he had the chance to ask, Kyouka suddenly turned towards him.

"What's your name?"

Kyouko witnessed the young man blinking in thought, seemingly dawning on him he hadn't exactly introduced himself yet.

"Shirou... Shirou Wakura is my name."

The young man looked at Kyouka as if asking if this was really the right time to be introducing himself.

"Shirou... There is a way for us to get out of this but you have to do your part too."

Quickly in Kyouka's eyes, the strange look in the young man's eyes disappeared, a serious expression replacing it.

"I see, then please tell me if there is a way for me to help."

"Well, said!" Kyouka smiled, the more she watched the young man the more pleasing he started to become in her eyes.

And as Shirou waited what instructions she was about to give-

"Then... I'll make you my slave."

Kyouka spoke with the flattest expression that still made her look beautiful as silence instantly enveloped the two.

Only the continuous banging sound brought by the [Shuuki] towards the barrier could be heard.

"e-excuse me...?"

Before Shirou could even question what the hell she meant, he was quickly pushed down on the ground from losing his guard as Kyouka sat on top of him.

"My power draws out and makes use of the strength of the living beings I enslave. If you yourself are strengthened, we can escape from this alive."

Kyouka gave the gist of her ability as Shirou felt ludicrous upon hearing it.

"Though I haven't confirmed yet if there is an effect if I use it on a man..."

Shirou's expression worsened more from hearing her mutter to herself.

"w-wait how exactly does this enslavement wor-" 


As if fate was trying to prevent him from asking any more questions the [Shuuki] banging on the forcefield finally started to bear fruit as more and more cracks started to expand.

"You told me you'd help did you not?" 

She took off one of the gloves from her hand as she brought her delicate-looking hand near Shirous's mouth.

"It's time to submit."

With an elegant smile adorning Kyouka's lip, the word she uttered was that of a superior as even Shirou was brought away from his stupor from how surprisingly beautiful this woman looked giving such an order.

The world was momentarily silent.

Various thoughts raced through Shirou's mind at that moment, but out of all of them, a single thought seemed the most prominent from them all.

'Draw out... could she possibly-'


Gritting his teeth there was no time for him to hesitate in this situation, he'd just deal with whatever happens later.

Right now his priority is figuring out a way for both of them to live.


With a face that looked as if he's accepted his 'fate'-

'Urgh...' Just mentioning that word made him feel sick.

Shirou, while still being sat on feeling something soft and plump on his stomach looked at the woman that had been straddling him straight in the eyes.

Cold steel met the soft sakura pink.

A contract that will write history.

"Alright... what do I need to do... to become your slave..."

At his reply, Kyouka's eyes looked surprised as she thought it would have been harder to convince someone like Shirou to suddenly become her slave-


But clearly now was not the time to think about that.

With a straight face, Kyouka looked at Shirou and spoke. 



Shirou Wakamura, that was his name.

A reincarnated individual who has found himself in another world full of wonder and surprises.

He lived the past 18 years as a normal person, and although his wish wasn't exactly fully granted he felt content.

Life wasn't so bad, he took a liking to cooking and became more aware of the importance of cleanliness because of some influence from the memories he had received.

But now.

As his tongue met the delicate white finger of Kyouka.

He finally knew that those were all an illusion.

He was never okay with it.

With or without the influence of that person's memory, throughout his life, he's been deluding himself.

"th-...This is...!"

Kyouka's eyes were lifted, her mouth opening and closing not knowing what to say.

Because looking down, Shirou's body started to glow.

That which should not have existed in this world.

'No... more like...' 

All around Kyouka watched in awe as numerous lines that glowed blue stretched all over his body.

His chest, arms, and legs, it reminded Kyouka of something akin to digital circuits.

"Ah... so that's it... that's what I've been missing..."

In her daze, she heard the young man under her mutter, her eyes trailing to greet his own, as eyes that seemed to have found the answer to life's greatest questions-

-Slowly opened.

"You... are you oka-"


Her questions were left unanswered as the barrier separating them and the [Shuuki] finally gave in.

Dust covered the surroundings, and the [Shuukis] clamored against one another to reach the prey first before anyone else.



The prey, which was here just a moment ago-


-Could no longer be seen.

*Thud* *thud* *thud*

A multitude of heads fell one after the other.

And where have the two humans gone you wonder?


Kyouka felt a strong hand tightly wrapped around her waist, it was not strong enough to cause any discomfort but just enough to prevent her from slipping from his grip.

A red cloth that held a strange presence she could not describe acted as a hood to cover the face of the man who currently had her in his arms.

But upon meeting their eyes she was now sure who this man was.

"Sorry for the sudden jump."

Because the now familiar steel-colored eyes met hers once again.

"h-how did you...?!" 

It was fast, fast enough that even a Chief like her failed to react before they were already in the air.

"Hold tight."

Those were the only words that Kyouka heard before once again exploding in a burst of speed that rendered her speechless.

As Shirou, felt the strange yet familiar energy coursing through his body made it feel like something that he's been missing all his life had returned.

As if a lost limb has miraculously grown back!

Only this limb-

'<Understanding the Internal Structure>'


Was far deadlier.

"Urk..!" Kyouka struggled to open her eyes as their speed once again jumped to new heights.


A Magecraft with the purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost limit.

It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhances the existence of the target by pouring Magical Energy into it.




A multitude of slashes cut through the air as numerous [Shuuki] lost their head without being able to react.

"Hmm... it's too slow."

"What?! Kyaa-!" Kyouka couldn't react as Shirou dashed outside of the horde of [Shuuki].

Landing on the ground, he gently placed and let go of the female he's been holding for a while now.


Which ultimately caused him to quickly pull her back again as she was about to topple down on the ground.

"Urgh..." Kyouka tried to keep her balance straight, her legs shaking trying to stand upright as she held onto the man that was the reason for all of this.

"You..." Kyouka once again called out trying to understand the absurdity of what just happened as she looked up to meet Shirous gaze.

Shirou, looking at the militaristic Chief of the [Anti-Demon Corp] looked up at him with eyes of curiosity mingled with disbelief.

Honestly, it looked cute.

But Shirou had no time to dwindle on those thoughts as he removed the red hood made from the shroud of a saint.

As his striking blonde hair danced with the wind, Shirou looked at the horde of [Shuuki] away from them.

It seems they haven't noticed where they're at yet.

From where they currently stood, firing a [Calladbolg] in this distance was dangerous as they could also be caught up in the blast.


He's been feeling it for a while now.

[Bakuya] one of the married twin swords representing Yin and Yang slowly disappeared in his hands in mots of blue.

It's what he's been using to cut the [Shuukis] head off their bodies.

Bringing his hand back a picture was formed in his mind.

"Master." Shirou's voice brought Kyouka out of her stupor as she witnessed Shirou slowly entering into a stance.

'That... it's a sword stance?' Kyouka thought, feeling the stance familiar to some of the ones she'd practiced while honing her sword skills.

"I know you have some questions but please wait as I deal with the remaining enemies."

Inhaling a breath, in Shirou's mind, the sound of a gun firing rang.

"[Trace... on!]"


Blue light gradually formed in his hand.


The Projection magecraft and variation of [Gradation Air] that Shirou Emiya and Archer use from the word of Nasuverse.

Referred to as Tracing due to the unique aria, "Trace On", that is used for its activation.

Slowly but surely, the blue light started to take shape.

Tracing greatly differs from normal Projection in the fact that not only does it reproduce the shape and substance of an object, but also its entire history as well.

And In Kyouka Uzen's astonished eyes.

"So it's you that's been calling for me..."

In Shirou's rested hands, a sword resembling that of a large Odachi was formed from the mots of blue light.


Shirou slowly familiarized himself with the feeling of holding [Rengoku].

The center of the sword's blade shines with a crimson light. 

Reflecting the wielder's mood.

"Then let's start...!"


A resounding bang was heard as Shirou could no longer be seen in Kyouka's vision, his sudden dash made the ground crack as dust wavered in the air.

And for Shirou who rushed out without a warning, he currently emersed himself in the history of the blade that lay in his hands.

Or more specifically-

"I will pierce the infinite world-"

-How it was used.

Shirou appeared in front of the closest [Shuuki].


In the [Shuukis] vision, the prey that has reappeared... disappeared once again.

"I will sever... the fate of destiny with this boundless light."

Shirou spoke as if possessed, appearing once again at the [Shuuki] peripheral vision, his boots dugged deep into the ground as if he just slid on it.

Immeasurable, free of obstacles, infinite, three beams of light form into one with no zenith.

And as the [Shuukis] started to fall apart from the cuts they didn't even know they had.

A brilliant flash appeared. a world of pure white and nothingness greeted they're remaining consciousness.

"[Zekken... Mukyusandan!]" 

The certain death technique of the demonic sword of Majin, the altered version of [Okita Souji] that fires a radiant black beam.



[Authors Note]


And im done.

See ya folks!