
Skyrim: Finally Awake

I made this Skyrim Fanfic because the quality of the others was subpar at best, if you thought the same, look no further. Rune ends up in Realife Skyrim and needs to survive in a familiar yet so different world where he wishes to unravel the mysteries of the world *potential spoilers 1.Starts in the famous wagon ride 2.no system, but still has access to some of it's functions. 3. Character progression, he will change throughout the story depending on his experiences. 4. Depth, I try to describe the surroundings as his new and vibrant world maybe different from vanilla Skyrim. 5. I may not necessarily explain everything about the lore, but will try to make some of the less obvious beginner friendly. 6. Somethings may be different from vanilla Skyrim as this is a "real" world and not a video game so many things may change to better suit the plausibility. (This also means I make more mistakes, so bear with me.) 7. I like lists. 8. I don't know the entire lore of the game, so I'll try not to delve into the deep lore too much for fear of making mistakes. 9. I will try to stick to a mage build, but no promises. (Hopefully it's not gonna be stealth archer again xD.) 10. I'm trying to make it as immersive as possible and so far I like it, if there's anything you find that I missed, please point it out. 11. No romance for now, it's too big of a pain to write, but, I may add some if I feel like going deeper in the mind of the character and figure out how to make a truly worth while story from it, after all, everyone wants love, but definitely no harem or partner hopping. loyalty rules. 12. Thanks for reading... Though I don't see why I would need to thank you, not like I'm gonna monatize it, so, your welcome for reading lol.

ThriceReckless · Video Games
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Chapter 1: Finally Awake

London, 9:45 PM

'The breeze is cold.' Were my thoughts as I was falling down from my apartment window which was on the top floor.

Who would have thought my research in medicine would have led to such great discoveries allowing for the cure to many unsolved diseases.

Unfortunately, there was a reason those diseases remainded unsolved, simply because someone up high profited from them staying that way.

And so, here I am, free falling with little time to coming to a realization of the hidden powers pulling the strings behind the scenes of this twisted world.

I closed my eyes, so I didn't have to see my end, which will surely be framed as some kind of "suicide" from depression. I, on the other hand, would vehemently disagree seeing as the two standing in my room are dusting off their hands and patting themselves on the back with another job well done with no witnesses left behind.


"Hey you, you're finally awake." A voice woke me up from delirious state as I realized I had my eyes open for a while now, lost in thought.

Coming to, my senses slowly returned as I heard a familiar rolling of wagon wheels, widening my eyes I began looking around in confusion and amazement.

Joy bubbled in my heart and threatened to explode, I was alive! But something calmed me down, my surroundings were unfamiliar, or rather strangely too familiar.

I was sitting in a wagon, hands tied, with a few others like me in rags.

"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." The man across from me spoke up causing my hair to stand on end, Ralof!

Ralof was a character in my favorite game Skyrim V: The Elder Scrolls! How was he in front of me? What was going on? Wasn't I about to die earlier?

Thoughts spun in my head as Ralof and Lokir, the horse thief, argued about the man next to me. Finally, my thoughts settled on one thing, I was about to be taken to the executioner to be killed with the rest as per the games storyline, luckily, there was still hope.

Survive, that's the only thought I had, and so I steeled my nerves.

'I've been through this scene hundreds of times, I know everything that will happen... In the beginning of the game at least.' I thought to myself and let out a sigh.

"Resigning yourself to your fate? I expected you to be more distraught like him." Ralof pointed at the horse thief next to him.

'Thoughout this scene the player had not said anything, anything I say now can alter the way things go, already my sigh has caused a slight dialog change.' So I remained silent as if ignoring what's going on in hopes of keeping things predictable.

Soon Ralof continued talking to Lokir about Jarl Ulfric who was sitting next to me, he too had been captured as he was the leader of the rebellion, to whom I hold no ties as random wanderer which was claimed in the game for the character which I assumed I was based on my position in the wagon.

Ulfric had his mouth gagged too, he had the Thu'um or "shout" ability which he used to kill High King Torygg.

I watched the scenery pass by, we were following a trail in a caravan of wagons through a snowy forest.

My hands were feeling cold, and my weathered rags for clothes did little to warm my body, clearly I was not a local knowing how I had dressed to travel to Skyrim.

The tires rumbled as I marveled at the scenery while shivering, not even the most beautiful Skyrim mods could do any justice to the scenic views of Skyrim.

Lush snow covered, evergreen plants filled the forest with the occasional animal sighting, the world seemed so vibrant as if I had the setting turned up to max, although maybe it was just a psychological effect of "nearly" dying.

We traveled much longer than in the game along this trail giving me plenty of time to get my head straight.

'This may not necessarily be a terrible thing, I now have a second chance at life, this time I can turn things around.' I steeled myself, I would no longer be naive in my thinking, even if I must see things in the extreme.' I had failed to expect that I had been silenced for my research "today", thinking that the world had no hidden evil or that somehow it wouldn't affect me was my undoing.

"... There it is." Ralof' s words nudged me out of my contemplation as we approached the town of Helgen.

'This place is much larger than I remember.' I thought as I began to worry I may not find my way to the castle to escape.

There were many people standing beside the street watching with interest as the caravan approached the center of the town.

"... End of the line." Ralof said as the carriage slowed down surrounded by imperial soldiers.

As we climbed out, Lokir tried to escape and was shot down by the archers. I did not try to stop despite knowing his end for I needed his distraction to bide my time.

With a thud, Lokir fell on his face from a running position causing me to close my eyes an look away, I was not used to seeing such things.

'Soon.' I chanted in my heart, trying to calm it from it's incessant beating.

After some time it was my turn to be recorded in the log that Hadvar, an imperial soldier was writing of all the prisoners.

"Who are you..." He said as I anticipated for something.



We stared at each other for a moment before the captain standing next to him shouted. "What's your name Breton, Hurry up!"

This greatly disappointed me as I was expecting some kind character selection screen, unsurprisingly I was mistaken for a Breton which was amusing, or at least, some time later it would be, as I quickly gave name I used commonly when playing.

"Rune. My name Is Rune" I said in an awe-inspiring fashion causing a pause as Hadvar and the Captain to raise an eyebrow.

A/N: Rune or rún means "Secret" in Old Norse.

"Captain, what should we do, he's not on the list." Hadvar said as he double checked.

"Forget the list, he goes to the block for his pompousness." The captain says, it seems some things can't be changed.

'Typical Skyrim residents, no care for human life.' It wasn't just the Imperials, the Stormcloak Rebels, Nords, High Elves and the rest were the same it seems.

It wasn't long before the crowd of people stood near the block, unfortunately the crowd pushed me out to the front despite my efforts to stay behind.

General Tullius spoke to Ulfric

One of the stormcloak rebels interrupted the priest who was giving everyone their last rights hoping to get things over with quickly, I wasn't so keen on the idea along with several others in the crowd and called out to have us listen to the whole thing.

Unfortunately, they didn't agree and he was still beheaded which made me begin to doubt weather or not I could alter the course of fate, although I didn't wish to do anything that would make things unpredictable.

For now I had the advantage of knowing the future, if things change too much, I will lose that advantage, but I can't rely on it as this world doesn't seem to be just a video game.

During this time, I have tried repeatedly to access the game menu in any way possible to no avail. Although, that may be because I still had my hands bound like in the game.

I had tried to free my hands in secret, but had no way of doing so, the bindings were wrapped too tight.

"Next prisoner." Called out the Captain who was standing next to General Tullius of the Imperial Army.

The crowd stood in silence, no one volunteered to go forward.

"I said, next prisoner!" The captain shouted sternly.

Suddenly a strong push from behind threw forward from the crowd causing me to stand out.

"You there, to the block." I had no other choice as I was escorted by a soldier, it only made sense there would be so many of them here to control this crowd.

"Wait! I'd like to say a few final words!" I said before they stopped next the heads man and turned to the Captain for confirmation.

The Captain ignored me as I heard the familiar rumbling in the distance that shook ground slightly.

I focused in that moment with all my heart trying to remember every scene of devestation brought on by the terror of the sky.

"What was that?" One of the guards asked as everyone heard the sound in the distance.

"Get down." The guard said as he kicked the back of my knees.

Filling my lungs I attempted my last ditch effort and spoke three concise letters from the depth of my consciousness.

"Al" (Destruction)

"Du" (Devour)

"In" (Master, as in skilled)

Dragon Call! These words resonated throughout my body and the surroundings causing a moment of silence.

No one knew why I said that and disregarded my words completely and simply took a moment to listen to another rumbling sound in the distance.

"There it is again." The guard who was standing behind me said, his distraction bought me a little more time.

After a moment, they proceeded and pushed me down onto the chopping block as I looked to the left and up at the heads man standing over me with his axe, reading to lift.

As he brought the axe up I was unable to close my eyes from shock and horror, not for the heads man, but because of how a truly massive dragon landed on a castle right behind the headsman causing grown to shake and the headsman to fall over on top of me.

"Dragon!!" Everyone shouted

"Yol Tur Shul!" (Fire inferno sun) Alduin spewed a river of fire from his mouth that set everything ablaze including the headsman who was toppled over me.

"Wo Bel Zu'u." (Who summon me) Alduin said as he flew back up into the air.

"Come on, get up, we won't get another chance!" Ralof shouted to me as I pushed off the headsman from myself and got up.

I rushed towards the tower as I knew this was my cue to make a run for it if I didn't want to be dragon food, although wouldn't that make him a cannibal?

Shaking off my thoughts, I dashed into the tower and up the stairs, disregarding Ulfric and Ralof who were already inside and stayed below the 1st floor where I waited.

The tower was much larger than in the game and so was Alduin, he was a Behemoth the size of a mansion if not more.

The tower wall crumbled seemingly with ease as Alduin's head broke through and he sent a downpour of fire again.

I hid and bided for him to leave before looking through the hole he left behind, below there was a burning hut which luckily was still within leaping distance.

Trying to make it no "system" and as realistic as possible without ruining the "Skyrim" aspect :)

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