
Skyrim: Finally Awake

I made this Skyrim Fanfic because the quality of the others was subpar at best, if you thought the same, look no further. Rune ends up in Realife Skyrim and needs to survive in a familiar yet so different world where he wishes to unravel the mysteries of the world *potential spoilers 1.Starts in the famous wagon ride 2.no system, but still has access to some of it's functions. 3. Character progression, he will change throughout the story depending on his experiences. 4. Depth, I try to describe the surroundings as his new and vibrant world maybe different from vanilla Skyrim. 5. I may not necessarily explain everything about the lore, but will try to make some of the less obvious beginner friendly. 6. Somethings may be different from vanilla Skyrim as this is a "real" world and not a video game so many things may change to better suit the plausibility. (This also means I make more mistakes, so bear with me.) 7. I like lists. 8. I don't know the entire lore of the game, so I'll try not to delve into the deep lore too much for fear of making mistakes. 9. I will try to stick to a mage build, but no promises. (Hopefully it's not gonna be stealth archer again xD.) 10. I'm trying to make it as immersive as possible and so far I like it, if there's anything you find that I missed, please point it out. 11. No romance for now, it's too big of a pain to write, but, I may add some if I feel like going deeper in the mind of the character and figure out how to make a truly worth while story from it, after all, everyone wants love, but definitely no harem or partner hopping. loyalty rules. 12. Thanks for reading... Though I don't see why I would need to thank you, not like I'm gonna monatize it, so, your welcome for reading lol.

ThriceReckless · Video Games
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8 Chs

Aux Chpt Ralof 2

Next up was the torturer room, where some captive rebels were held who were fighting against the torturer and his assistant.

I summoned my familiar to attack the torturer who was spewing spark spells at the rebels causing their muscles to spasm slightly along with the damage making them less accurate.

The torturer went down pretty easily with my familiar taking him to the ground and me stabbing into his chest.

This time the adrenaline allowed me to stay in the battle and soon we killed the few Imperials there. There were more of them than in the game, but there were also more stormcloak and other captives.

After freeing everyone, Ralof then gave me some lockpicks which I used to open a cage with a corpse of a mage along with a spell tome: Sparks.

I picked that up and took the robes and hood of the mage together with a few potions and a little gold.

While everyone was discussing what to do next, I looted a handbag and took a few more lockpicks from there along with an iron dagger.

I stored everything in my inventory space and took out the book. Sparks was relatively useless for now, it was weak, used more mana, and specialized against mages as it drained magika from it's target.

'Should I sell it?' Money was very useful and most likely hard to come by, but I also needed to find out if I could learn spells instantly like in the game.

I opened the book and flipped through it as magic arrays and formations floated in my vision causing me to enter a trance.

"Hey, come on, we're leaving." Ralof's voice snapped me back to reality as I realized I had memorized and understood the entire contents of the book and was able to cast the spell.

I also had a better understanding of laws of magic of this world and how it worked, although now wasn't the time to be contemplating magic theories.

I followed the crowd that soon engaged in combat with more imperials, I focused on using flames and my familiar as it was safer at the back.

After defeating the soldiers with equal casualties on both sides, including an arrow in my thigh, just high enough not to end my adventuring days from when I ignited the oil under the archers.

Ralof pulled the arrow out which made me scream in agony even after pouring a potion on the wound to numb the pain.

I drank a potion and used heal on myself before continuing, when me, Ralof and a few crossed the bridge a boulder fell and broke the bridge, leaving a few stranded and one crushed by the boulder.

Unlike in the game, there was no way to jump down from that height to get to the secret tunnel.

"I'll go scout things out while you rest." I said with righteousness and grabbed a sack of gold coins sitting next to a skeleton which had about 30 septims worth.

"There's a frostbite spider nest ahead." I said when I returned, everyone was ready to continue on.

Ralof used this information to make plan, they would first loose arrows from a distance until they were closer and engaging in close combat.

So we all did, we had gotten some bows and arrows from the corpses earlier, although not much, it should be enough for this.

As we saw the Frostbite spiders we loosed the arrows, after which I spewed flames from the spell models in my hand which had caught the spider silk on fire, turns out was highly flammable forcing us to return where we came from to wait out the fire.

Once it was over, we returned to the room to see it charred by flames, corpses of shriveled up, giant spiders were scattered everywhere saving us the trouble of a challenging fight against those revolting creatures.

I approached a spider and discovered I could directly extract it's poison and store it in the inventory dimension, although it had no container.

Later, near the end of the cave system we encountered a bear sleeping just ahead and decided to shoot arrows at it first.

Despite having turned it into a porcupine it was still able to charge at us weakly, it's pelt must be extremely thick. Although, our bows and arrows were bottom tier.

Surprisingly, my wielding of the sword had improved just by watching Ralof fight, I had noticed that I now had a keen sense of observation and memorization unlike ever before in my past life.

Every movement Ralof made with his sword was etched in my mind and body as I learned from it at an alarming rate, although I am nowhere near his level, but I think it's now possible to hold my own against a novice swordsman, although my stamina might not.

When the bear charged us, I used my familiar to block it and leaped above and stabbed my sword into it's skull.

Flames would have done little damage to it's thick fur, so this was the only other option as I was it's target.

"Not bad, let's go." Ralof said as we made it out of the cave and finely got some fresh, cold air.

"Get down." Ralof said as everyone crouched at the entrance of the cave and we saw Alduin fly overhead in the direction of Whiterun, likely off to resurrect a dragon.

"Looks he's gone for good this time." Ralof said making everyone relax and one collapse, drawing attention to himself.

"He's poisoned." A lady who had been a captive said looking at a dark colored wound on the man's arm.

"There's a town nearby named Riverwood, maybe there's someone there that can help, we should hurry." Ralof said with another man volunteering to carry him.

We could see from among the trees and dense foliage the ruins of bleak falls barrow atop a mountain in the distance, covered in a hazy fog.

It was a lot further than I had expected to Riverwood and along the way we stopped by the standing tones where I decided to pick the Mage Stone that gave me 20% more affinity to magic.

This was an unexpected bonus that not only made learning and improving magic 20% faster, it also increased the size of my mana pool and the speed it regenerates by 20%

This was an amazing bonus, the other stones also gave similar enhanced bonuses.

"Maybe someday I will return to grind up the other skills." I thought, but for now, magic was my primary target, it most likely holds the mystery of how I got to this world and much more... Like it being awesome.

"I figured you for a Mage, we've rested long enough, let's go." Ralof said as we continued to Riverwood, and after killing a pack of wolves, we arrived.

Riverwood was a beautiful village surrounded by lush forest and greenery making it tourist worthy had it been in his past life.

'Is it because of the mana in the air that plants grow so beautifully here?' I thought to myself as I was mesmerized by the scenery the entire way here and now.