
II : American Dreams


June walks in the classroom and finds an empty seat beside Sky and sits there.

"Hey!" Sky greets.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Oh I'm good, what about you?"

"Average," she says.

Their professor Mrs.Rogers enters the classroom.

"Good morning first years! I have some awesome news for you all!" Mrs.Rogers exclaims. She is a very fun person as a literature professor. She believes in giving freedom to the children. And she also believes in eternal love. She and her husband dated from grade 7, now they are celebrating their 16 years marriage anniversary.

"So the awesome news is," she continues, "The University will be giving trips to four students of this class in the next semester to Athens, GREECE!" she literally screamed the last word.

"That's so cool!" screamed a beautiful voice.

"I know right!" replied a handsome voice.

They were Coral and Derek, June and Sky's classmates.

"I know, it's a pretty good opportunity for the history hungry students out there. Greece is full of history and literature. And did I mention that, love is really in the air when you are in Greece. It's so beautiful, I'm so in love with the country but sadly only students are allowed on this trip. The faculty really wants to see how the students adapt themselves in a new environment on their own," Mrs.Rogers says.

"That's really a very big news Mrs.Rogers, I mean it's Greece we are talking about," June says.

"I know honey, it's Greece! Okay so now let me give you all the info about the trip. If you want you can note it down. The trip's gonna be 14 days in the month of October, which will be after the mid-term break of your second semester. You're gonna stay at a bungalow with security provided by the Uni. It will be a practical assignment for the four students and this assignment will be diamond on your certificate. Each of the students are gonna write a short story about the place and journey. All sorts of expenses will be taken care of by the Uni. The head teacher, means I, will choose the four students according to your discipline, behaviour and of course the result of your upcoming monthly exam. And last but not the least, the four students are gonna need their parents' confirmation to go on this trip," Mrs.Rogers finishes with a phew.

'She can speak so much in one go,' June thinks, 'If I get this opportunity, it will be so good for my certificate. Mom and dad are gonna be so proud of me.'

After finishing all the classes, June goes to her dorm room and calls her parents over a video call.

"Hey, mom and dad! How are ya?" she asks.

"We are good. How are you and how are studies going?" mom asks.

"Oh I'm so good and I have some news to give," she takes a pause, "Our Uni is gonna provide a two weeks tour to four students from our batch. The students are gonna go there and write four stories individually as an assignment. And if I get this chance, it will be great on my certificate."

"Oh we know you're gonna get it sweetheart," mom says.

"You're gonna rock the world princess," dad enters the chat.

"Yeah fingers crossed. So tell me about you guys. Any new hobbies?"

"Oh don't ask," dad sighs, "After you left this house doesn't feel like a house anymore. We really miss you," he continues, "But your mother has found interest in painting. She's painting all the tree trunks we have in our backyard."

"Yeah, like now I realize how boring our backyard was before," mom smiles.

"Wow mom, that's awesome send me pictures okay?"

The Gold family chitchat for a little longer. June's family lives in the suburbs. Her dad has retired and now the couple teaches the neighbourhood children. Their one and only daughter reads in Oxford and they're proud of it. They might not be super rich but they are the happiest family because they only care about love and care. They are living their American dream.

While on the other hand, Sky is only sending messages to his folks because they are just too busy to talk to their only son. His family is rich and lives in a mansion. But still they want more. As if their American dream is full of wanting more and more. And that's what irritates Sky. He just wants to spend some family time.