
Six Eyes of the Uchiha Family

Pinyin: 火影:宇智波家的六眼 Synopsis: One day, a boy with white hair and blue eyes was brought to the Uchiha Clan. His appearance was so different from the other clan members that he was ridiculed as an illegitimate child. His mesmerizing eyes, known as the “Six Eyes,” and his innate Limitless abilities, combined with the Uchiha bloodline, allowed him to quickly rise to become the strongest. A few years later, he led the Uchiha Clan to the pinnacle of Konoha and even the ninja world, revitalizing the Uchiha Clan!

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64 Chs

Recognition at the Shrine

There was a commotion among the audience, and some clan members stood up and pointed at Shintaro, shouting, "Why should he, a bastard, be recognized by us?"

"Sit down!"

Fugaku, who rarely got angry, was now furious.

He was only in his twenties now, but he was very powerful and had an aged appearance marked by his tear troughs, making him very intimidating.

The clan members closed their mouths and sat down.

Fugaku continued, "I don't want to hear the word 'bastard' again. Can you guarantee that there is no foreign blood in your ancestors?"

"Shintaro's father was indeed expelled from the Uchiha Clan, but Shintaro wasn't, so he is still a member of the Uchiha Clan."

"Shintaro's appearance is indeed very unique, with white hair and blue eyes, but the Uchiha bloodline does not lie in that. Yashimi, your hair isn't black but brown. Aren't you from the Uchiha Clan?"

A brown-haired Uchiha ninja below replied, "The patriarch is right."

Seeing this, Fugaku continued, "Moreover, Shintaro is a rare genius among us. Today, he defeated the son of White Fang Hatake Sakumo and brought glory to the Uchiha Clan."

"Are you going to expel this genius?!"

Fugaku's argument and his final rhetorical question silenced the Uchiha clan members.

His tone then changed, "Alright, this matter is settled. I, representing the Uchiha Clan before the Uchiha ancestors, formally accept Shintaro as a member of the Uchiha Clan."

Fugaku said this while displaying the cloak in his hands. On the back of the cloak was the Uchiha Clan's emblem, a flame fan.

Then he draped the cloak over Shintaro.

And Shintaro remained calm from beginning to end.

Fugaku's act of recognizing kin in the shrine was quite exceptional.

On one hand, the genius Shintaro was officially included in the Uchiha Clan, establishing the patriarch's authority, and at the same time attracting a future strong member to the Uchiha Clan.

Secondly, it created the impression that Fugaku had brought Shintaro into the Uchiha Clan through his own efforts, making him Shintaro's benefactor.

If Shintaro were an ordinary child, no matter how talented, he would have been won over by Fugaku due to this.

Unfortunately, he was not an ordinary child. Although the memories of his past life had not recovered, he still retained his adult thinking.

Shintaro would be grateful to Fugaku, but he would not have unnecessary feelings towards him. This was merely mutually beneficial. He wore the cloak, and the size was just right.

"Thank you, patriarch."

Fugaku smiled and patted his shoulder, "From now on, you are a member of the Uchiha Clan, revitalizing the glory of the Uchiha Clan."

Shintaro pretended to be excited and responded, "Yes!"

Fugaku raised his head with satisfaction and looked at the people in front of him, saying, "Does anyone have any opinions now?"

"No comments."


"Very well, Kotetsu, bring your friends here to apologize to Shintaro." Fugaku raised his hand.

Kotetsu, with a bruised face, looked at Shintaro reluctantly, then under Fugaku's authoritative gaze, lowered his head, bowed, and apologized, "Sorry, it was our fault."

Shintaro walked over and helped some of them stand up, sincerely saying, "It's alright, I've already forgiven you, and besides, I had a problem hitting you. Let's laugh it off and let go of our grudges. We will all be one family from now on."

This generous and polite attitude was recognized by most clan members.

"This kid is quite good."

"Yeah. Defeating White Fang's son shows he's very talented, and he's also humble and considerate."

"Before, our attitude was too harsh."

Even those naughty kids had changed their attitudes towards Shintaro.

'This guy saved our face, so he's not too bad.' Kotetsu sighed in his heart.

Hamasu himself was dragged here by his brother. Now that he was forgiven, he sighed in relief, and his attitude towards Shintaro changed significantly.

The attitudes of the other children were also very similar, and they were basically impressed by Shintaro's demeanor.

Fugaku felt satisfied seeing the scene of brotherhood and respect, "Very well, this is the future of the Uchiha Clan."

"From now on, you must live in peace and stop fighting."

Shintaro, Kotetsu, and the others lowered their heads obediently to show their compliance.

Fugaku then gestured for some people to leave, then faced the entire clan and said, "I hope the Uchiha Clan can live in harmony. Only in this way can the Uchiha Clan become great again!"

"Uchiha Clan!"

"Long live the Uchiha Clan!"

Some enthusiastic young people below raised their heads, and then a group of people echoed, and finally, everyone shouted the name of the Uchiha Clan.

This scene was like a worship ceremony, and the fanatical atmosphere made Shintaro have to pretend to follow the crowd and shout long live the Uchiha Clan.

Fugaku finally calmed everyone's emotions and announced the dismissal, specifically keeping Shintaro there.

"It was my oversight earlier. I didn't realize you were being ostracized by the clan members, but don't worry, this won't happen again in the future." His tone was calm, like a teacher patiently teaching.

Shintaro made a very touched expression and choked up as he said, "Thank you, patriarch, for your help..."

Seeing this, Fugaku added, "If you need anything in the future, just tell me, and I will satisfy you if I can."

Shintaro then spoke hesitantly, "When I was fighting Kakashi, I felt that I didn't know any ninjutsu..."

"Want ninjutsu? No problem. Don't worry, wait until you refine your chakra and test its nature first. Then I will give you ninjutsu with some efficacy." Fugaku promised.


Shintaro returned home feeling satisfied and immediately took out a book on chakra extraction methods to continue practicing.

He had been exposed to chakra for two days, and today was the third day. He hoped to successfully refine it today.

Compared to the energy produced by pure negative emotions like Cursed Energy, chakra is a combination of physical energy and spiritual energy, clearly more difficult to refine.

Of course, this is for Shintaro. After all, not everyone has the qualifications to awaken Cursed Energy.

Shintaro closed his eyes, quieted his mind completely, and concentrated on sensing the combination of physical and spiritual energy in his body. After a while, he opened his eyes.

"It worked."

He felt the energy in his body that was completely different from Cursed Energy.

Chakra and Cursed Energy are easy to distinguish.

Chakra is pure neutral energy, while Cursed Energy is indeed energy drawn from negative emotions.

Shintaro took out the chakra test paper and injected a strand of chakra from his body into it, and saw the test paper quickly change.

The test paper was divided into five parts: one burned, one split, one crumpled, one got wet, and another shattered.

These five areas marked the five chakra attributes.

Shintaro was a little surprised, after all, he was no longer indifferent to ninja knowledge. The more chakra attributes a ninja has, the more ninjutsu they can use.

So he went to see Fugaku the next morning and told him about his five attributes.

Fugaku was very surprised. Initially, he thought Shintaro had made a mistake. He only accepted the reality after letting Shintaro test it again.

"At that time, your father was considered a genius when he was born with two attributes, fire and water. I didn't expect you to be even better. Don't worry, I'll give you five-attribute ninjutsu."

After receiving Fugaku's answer, Shintaro left the Uchiha Clan station satisfied and went to the Ninja School.

Fugaku watched Shintaro's back and could only sigh, "A terrifying talent."

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