
Six Eyes of the Uchiha Family

Pinyin: 火影:宇智波家的六眼 Synopsis: One day, a boy with white hair and blue eyes was brought to the Uchiha Clan. His appearance was so different from the other clan members that he was ridiculed as an illegitimate child. His mesmerizing eyes, known as the “Six Eyes,” and his innate Limitless abilities, combined with the Uchiha bloodline, allowed him to quickly rise to become the strongest. A few years later, he led the Uchiha Clan to the pinnacle of Konoha and even the ninja world, revitalizing the Uchiha Clan!

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60 Chs

A New Use for the Six Eyes

A new day and a fresh start, Shintaro came to the Ninja School to begin his second day.

He did not oppose life at the Ninja School.

Although his peers seemed somewhat naive, making daily life at the Ninja School a bit of a joke, such a learning and cultivation platform was quite appealing to him.

Shintaro did not arrive too early since he also went to see Fugaku in the morning.

By the time he arrived in class, most of the students were already there.

And most of his classmates focused their attention on him, not on anyone else, just because Shintaro defeated Hayate and Kakashi yesterday, and his performance was quite exceptional.

Today, Shintaro wore a black jacket with the Uchiha Clan emblem printed on it, and his layers and pants were pristine white. Combined with his white hair and fair skin, it made his overall appearance even fresher and slightly cold.

And those blue eyes added a touch of mystery and charm to his demeanor.

Shintaro approached Kurenai, greeted her, then flipped the desk and sat in his seat.

His handsome and neat behavior again caught the attention of the girls in his class.

There were also a few girls who came over to start a conversation, but they were all politely rejected by Shintaro.

This action attracted the attention of several other girls sitting there, including Kurenai and Rin.

So Asuma and Obito managed to form a united front and cast unfriendly looks at Shintaro.

Fortunately, the teacher soon came to class, and the students sat down and formally began the day's teaching.

In today's class, Shintaro read all the words in each textbook. Hiroshi was still explaining the Will of Fire in class.

At this moment, Shintaro felt that although classes were still necessary, it would be a waste of time to be confined to the desk like this.

So he tried to refine chakra in class.

He sat at the desk, his eyes blank, and devoted his entire body to refining the chakra within him.

Kurenai next to him noticed that he wasn't moving. Initially, she thought Shintaro was listening to the class very seriously.

However, after a while, she realized that Shintaro wasn't listening to the class at all, as her eyes were staring straight ahead.

Kurenai looked into Shintaro's empty blue eyes and couldn't help but close her mouth and smile, "Turns out a genius can be in a daze too."

She then rested her cute plump cheek on her hand and tilted her head to look at Shintaro.

After a while, Shintaro came back to his senses and turned to look at Kurenai.

"What's wrong?"


Kurenai's face turned red and she immediately turned her head away.

Shintaro then continued his "daze" practice.

Kurenai's actions were quite conspicuous in the class, and familiar snickers were heard from behind her.

Kurenai knew it was Anko's voice as soon as she heard it, so she turned around and rolled her eyes at her.

Next to her, Asuma clenched his fists and squeezed the book tightly.

Hiroshi patted the desk on the podium, "No small movements in class."

However, the bell had rung at this moment. Hiroshi's greatest strength was that he didn't delay class, so he took his book and left.

The next class was a ninjutsu class, with a young square-faced teacher named Tanakaichi.

So Shintaro stopped refining chakra.

Tanakaichi announced that this class was a practice session, and the training content was the Clone Technique.

Despite the fact that when Shintaro fought Hayate and Kakashi, both used the Clone Technique and even Shadow Clone, most students in the class were actually in the stage of practicing the Clone Technique.

Although Hayate was sick all day, his strength was ranked in the top ten in the entire Ninja School. Kakashi was the number one before being defeated by Shintaro.

"I will repeat the specific operations of the Clone Technique again..."

"Now you can practice. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I will select a few people to demonstrate in the last ten minutes of this class."

Following Tanakaichi's instructions, the students began practicing individually.

Shintaro was also practicing, and now the chakra in his body was barely enough to use basic ninjutsu like the Clone Technique.

Unfortunately, it couldn't be used several times, as chakra was limited, and even practicing would consume chakra.

At this moment, Shintaro suddenly had an idea that the Six Eyes could control the Cursed Energy very precisely, so saving the consumption of Cursed Energy at the peak of his previous life even made the Cursed Energy almost limitless.

So if chakra was injected into the Six Eyes, could it be controlled precisely?

Shintaro tried to mobilize the chakra in his body and slowly injected it into his eyes along the meridians in his body.

He felt his eyes burning and unconsciously closed them to urinate. After a while, he opened his eyes again and found that his naked eyes could actually see through the chakra in his body.

And the ability to see through the Cursed Energy hadn't disappeared.

So from Shintaro's current perspective, a faint Cursed Energy lingered throughout his body, and there was a bright blue glow of chakra in his abdomen.

Shintaro felt happy inside, he didn't expect the effects of these eyes to work in this world too.

However, the effects of the chakra on the Six Eyes were not as significant as imagined.

Because the Six Eyes were a product of Jujutsu and not chakra. Although chakra was used for blessings, the influence of the Six Eyes on chakra was much smaller compared to its influence on Cursed Energy.

The difference might be that the Six Eyes were a passive skill for Cursed Energy, while for chakra, it was an active skill to buff oneself.

And now Shintaro's strength also limited the role of the Six Eyes.

In other words, the Six Eyes could not increase the total amount of chakra.

If the Jujutsu or ninjutsu used by Shintaro consumed more Cursed Energy than the total amount of Cursed Energy, then even having the Six Eyes would not help.

And he hasn't awakened his Inherited Technique yet, and just using Cursed Energy to strengthen his body did not consume much Cursed Energy, so this wasn't clear.

However, ninjutsu was different. Powerful ninjutsu often consumed a lot of chakra, exceeding the range of the current Six Eyes.

Of course, this was only Shintaro's high demand. In fact, for a student of the Ninja School, the current chakra combined with the Six Eyes was enough, and it was already a very strong cheat.

Shintaro recalled the details of Tanakaichi's teaching and began to try using the chakra of the Six Eyes to practice the Clone Technique.

To outsiders, ninjutsu seemed to be released by forming several seals.

But in fact, the seals were only the most superficial thing.

The essence of ninjutsu was using chakra to transform to achieve various magical effects.

The seals were just a tool to help the chakra condense and move.

For some experts, simplifying the seals was easy, and some could even release ninjutsu with one hand or even without seals.

However, this had nothing to do with Shintaro for the time being. He used the Six Eyes to observe the flow of chakra in his body, and at the same time formed seals with his hands and began to try the Clone Technique.