

Rizgar was thinking of the girl he saw that day with the morning sun, looking at the ceiling from his bed.

She gazed at the ceiling for a while and shifted uncomfortably.

He took the sleeping position by putting the gun sitting on his bed on the table a little ahead of him and straightening the pillow.

At night he sat down again until the morning without sleeping. When the young man reached the address of the man he was looking for, he had watched the house on the street until the morning and could not find anything of significance, while sitting on a bank on the pier to watch the sunrise in the morning, his favorite thing, he dreamed of his past like a lost child.

Tiredness and insomnia showed itself well, while trying to rest her full eyelids in her body, she felt a couple of glances watching her from afar, and she saw the girl watching herself from the window with her gaze.

For a while he just stared so that he could see the silhouette watching him, but although he could not exactly select the observer from the window shining with the sun's lights, he was locked into those eyes that glow like beads in a round face surrounded by long straight hair.

When he returned to the sea and closed his eyelids and stood there for a while, he felt that scent he felt from the bench on his side to the depths of his soul.