

I am thirty years old, if we notch the resentment I have experienced until today, I have a young vagrancy state of over a hundred years old in my soul, I have accumulated many experiences in my body cage like an old cemetery until this age, and I am waiting for my real life like dreams waiting to be resurrected one day with my own apocalypse.

However, for me, life is neither hell nor heaven, it is just a whole purgatory.

Despite all the defeats, I am as happy and hopeful as a child for tomorrow ... So even if I have a mood that cannot stand still, when I retreat into my own shell, the wisdom of an owl falls on my mind.

As I go deeper, I watch it one by one at the bottom, like a movie that makes me who I am, good or bad, this is why I forgive everything quickly.

And hope never fails because of the fact that I look back at life expecting another new one.

One should not be desperate when the solstice, which starts with the sunrise, turns into nights, then wakes up again from that desolate darkness and wakes up again with the sun-lit state of another day, and I saw him with the first lights of an ordinary morning in those days.

My eyes, looking for the morning sun with hope every day, again looking out my window, I saw him plunged into the horizon as far as the eye could see.

He had such a naive state that

With eyes that look like they will be broken if you hold them, deep, as well as those that flow into my soul.

It was like night, and his eyes imprisoned people.

I couldn't take my eyes from him we found ourselves staring at each other with locked eyes

That mechulle that I named love,

I woke up from the dream when I noticed the fire in his gaze towards me, not knowing how long we had been looking at each other.

When you said, "Sorry," the voice that captivated me from my ears to all my cells resurrected the feelings that had died in my soul one by one, the first night that I saw the love that was embodied in the points of the black harws, and at that moment, I was held in the state of Love.

In a unit of time called the moment.

"Was my soul so hungry?" He had taken the burhan state, like a dream, which was like a malady according to some but which was impossible to describe in me, in my body along with myself.

I am now like a prisoner willing to his captivity, an immortal angel who is not satisfied with the devotion to love, adapting to the voice of his heart, flowing into the realms with love in his mind and not tired of it.

Maybe I also felt the first feeling of being a human with that Love, like people who admire immortal loves relative to death.

Eyyy Aşk, what are you capable of ...! There was a wisdom in saying this, maybe human beings were being tested with Love, and the more they felt the pain, the more human remained.

It was the state of watching the world, perhaps it was necessary to watch the world with eyes looking with love in order to see the real truths hidden under the reality ...

For the first time in all my life, I felt like something was breaking inside me, I still ask why, why had such a feeling never entered my heart's door until this time, this must be what was called fate, either his fate or my destiny, maybe both were rewritten together.

"Rizgar" meant liberation. It was necessary to fight to find salvation anyway.

First you would win the war you fought with yourself, then the longest fight with those around you was the war with yourself.

After a hard and long time, you were the hero in the renewal of that war

When there was no limit to winning by losing, you were no longer the old you.

Rizgar took his breath away when he combined with the harmony of an energy that four seasons played on his wheat-colored skin, which was a little longer than me, and the sharp night-dark gaze of his pupils, whose color I could not chew his eyes. The man first threw him into his hell and later conceded his prisoner and made him enjoy pain by hurting like an angel of hell who imprisoned him there.


As much as a breath wherever you seek

Here is my

The air you breathe

And you maybe I will never live


You always stay in my heart .....

Even if it hurts, it burns

Don't ever go stay there .....