
Single layer

A large hole lies in the center of the large city Acttio. The hole spreads diease and sucks life from the country. From appearances the hole seems to be man-made due to it being covered in strange mechanical devices and abandoned buildings, nobody knows what lies at the bottom. Few try to descend it but the few who try never make it back. However one man, no… One boy plans to reach the bottom, not for a lofty goal or purpose, the only motivation he has is an unbearable curiosity.

Kawamotolover · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Raid

With Ease I was able to kick the door in with my foot where I immediately see somebody on the couch sleeping so I send Bob to apprehend him, quickly Bob puts him in handcuffs. Then the rest of us scour the room.

Amidst our search, I hear some movement from upstairs, In response I decided that we'd go to the second floor. So I spoke out to everybody in the room "follow me!" I start making my way towards the stairs but Jack speeds past me. Kathy calls out to him but he ignores her. I simply sigh and follow after him, why the hell did he ask me to lead if he was just going to rush out in front of me.

Before reaching the second floor, four gunshots rang out in quick succession from upstairs. When I reach the top see the door to my left is open, two people are on the floor with Jack standing over them. We lock eyes and then Jack lifts his gun and shoots in my direction— my heart skips a beat but I don't move, his bullet jetted past my face and immediately after I head a gurgling sound behind me, When I turned I saw a man holding his throat in the doorframe, blood seeping through his fingers before collapsing.

Jack had saved me, I open my mouth to thank him but the doors of the other rooms in the hallway flew open, men rushed out of each door, There were five of them. Instinctively, I raised my gun, and Trevor, Leo, Bob, and Kathy mirrored my action. We aimed at the men, freezing them in their tracks. I shouted at them in a firm tone, "Drop your guns!" They hesitated, ignoring my command. Louder this time, I repeated, "Drop your g—" my voice is abruptly cut-off from a gunshot, Jack had shot one of the men in the head.

That would've already been awful but he doesn't stop there, he fires for a second time and a third time taking out another two other guys. I shout out to him "Jack what the hell are you doing!?" But he doesn't acknowledge me. He then dashes forward and takes a forth shot, killing another person. The fifth man raises his gun and takes a shot but he completely misses, Jack now within four feet of the man brings his gun point blank range and fire one last shot blowing through the last guys head.

The hallway reeks of blood, its walls and floors smeared in red, five lifeless bodies strewn across the floor. Jack begins reloading his gun. "Jack, what are you doing?" I shout at him, but he merely meets my gaze with a calm expression. "They didn't drop their guns. For all we know, they could've been stalling for reinforcements from upstairs to come save them. That's why I did what I did," he says casually. "Nobody came." "Someone could have come. It's not wise to take unnecessary risks." My frustration escalates, and Jack speaks again. "During the simulation, it seemed like you had no problem mowing down enemies. What changed?" He offers a devious smirk. I try to calm myself down, but I can't. "That was a simulation; this is real life!" Jack's smile persists. "Weren't we supposed to treat the simulation like reality? I believe Iain said something along those lines." After reloading his gun, Jack turns towards the stairs. "I'm heading to the third floor." As he departs, he glances back, offering one final remark. "And to be honest, I couldn't care less about killing scum like this." With those words, Jack dashes up the stairs.

"Jack, wait!" I called out to him, but he didn't stop. I turned to the rest of the group, saying, "Sorry, guys. Can you search this floor? I'm going after Jack!" Without even listening to their response, I sped after him. I was faster than Jack, so by the time he reached the stairs, I was right behind him. I didn't know why I was chasing him, but a voice was telling me I had to, as a leader. However, all of a sudden, I felt a heaviness. I felt fear, despite there being nothing tangible to fear. That's when I saw a silhouette at the top of the stairs, and with it, I noticed the cold, metallic glint of a gun. But it wasn't just an ordinary gun; it was an LDT-Chasm rifle. A monstrous weapon that unleashed a rapid succession of bullets in one spurt, and in this situation, the target was none other than Jack.

I watched as the silhouette hovered its finger over the trigger, poised to unleash a barrage of bullets onto Jack. In sheer panic, I reached my hand out to Jack, grabbing him by the collar before yanking back with all of my strength, causing him to tumble backwards down the stairs. As I did this, the silhouette pulled the trigger, sending a direct line of bullets toward Jack's head. However, due to his fall, every bullet ended up flying over his head.

After seeing that Jack was out of harm's way, I summoned all my strength to launch myself up the stairs in a powerful leap. As I closed the distance between me and the figure, I began to discern their appearance. The man had short, jet-black hair combed back neatly, and his eyes held a piercing silver hue. Though white, his skin boasted a warm complexion, in stark contrast to Iain's paleness. He donned an entirely black ensemble, consisting of a button-up shirt and a long suit jacket, both in obsidian tones. Silver earrings adorned both of his ears, and an unsettling smirk graced his face.

Swiftly, I aimed my gun at the muzzle of his weapon and pulled the trigger four times. Three of my shots found their mark, resulting in a spray of sparks emanating from the damaged muzzle. The man attempted to return fire, but my shots had left the muzzle jagged and mangled. Consequently, when he pulled the trigger, the damaged muzzle threw off its trajectory, missing me entirely. Realizing his weapon was now useless, he flung it at me from the top of the stairs.

Using my left arm, I swatted the gun out of the way to clear my line of sight. However, as the gun moved aside, I found myself face to face with the man. In his right hand, he now held a large knife, about four inches long. With unreal speed, the man slashed at my neck. Just in the nick of time, I managed to dodge backwards, narrowly avoiding the knife. Despite my evasion, I ended up tumbling down the stairs. I instinctively covered my head and tumbled down each step, passing by Jack, who was still on the bottom few steps. Eventually, I rolled out into the hallway. Remarkably, I emerged unharmed. Quickly glancing back up, I could see the knife-wielding man slowly descending the stairs.

That's when Jack finally rises to his feet. "Jack—" He stands there for a while before letting out a roar, "RAHHHHHH!" This idiot. Jack raises his gun and aims it at the man before yanking back the trigger. The gunshot goes off; the bullet is about to hit, but the man tilts his head to the right, and the bullet flies past his cheek. Then he then lifts his leg and kicks Jack directly in the stomach. The kick is so strong that Jack vomits up blood before smashing into the stair wall. After dealing with Jack, the man continues to walk down the stairs. My heartbeat quickens as he draws nearer, but oddly enough, I feel a smile forming on my lips. Iain was right when he told me I'd recognize him immediately. So, this must be Zayn….