
Single layer

A large hole lies in the center of the large city Acttio. The hole spreads diease and sucks life from the country. From appearances the hole seems to be man-made due to it being covered in strange mechanical devices and abandoned buildings, nobody knows what lies at the bottom. Few try to descend it but the few who try never make it back. However one man, no… One boy plans to reach the bottom, not for a lofty goal or purpose, the only motivation he has is an unbearable curiosity.

Kawamotolover · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Lets Go Somewhere

After my call with Iain, I dragged myself to my apartment. When I reached the stairs, I slowly made my way up, gripping the railing tightly with both hands. From an outside perspective, I probably appeared like a drunk. Finally, I arrived at my door and swung it open, stumbling into my room. The door slamming shut behind me. Strangely, I felt an overwhelming exhaustion, more intense than usual. Walking became a challenge, and without changing or freshening up, I collapsed onto the towel on the floor and drifted off to sleep within seconds.

When I eventually opened my eyes, I turned my head slowly towards the alarm clock beside me. It read 11:45 am. It seemed like I had a good night's sleep, even having a dream. Granted, it was a recurring dream that I wouldn't classify as pleasant, but a dream nonetheless. In that dream, I found myself standing near the edge of the dock, accompanied only by one other man. I couldn't see his face as he was turned away from me, focusing on the hole. Every time I had this dream, I attempted to communicate with him, but my words never reached him. Then, after my failed attempts, he would turn his head towards me, revealing a charming smile from an unfamiliar face. With that, he took a step forward, leaving my sight and disappeared into the hole, instantly waking me up.

Since it was Sunday and I didn't have any work, I reached for my phone and contemplated staying home for the rest of the day. However, upon flipping it open, I noticed ten missed calls from Iain. I wanted to ignore them, but reluctantly, I dialed Iain's number and put the phone to my ear as it rang. Iain picked up immediately, saying, "Oh! Eve, what's up?" His tone implied that he expected me to talk to him about something. Annoyed, I replied, "I'm seriously about to punch you. Why did you call me ten times?" Iain simply laughed it off.

"Well, I wanted you to come somewhere with me!" before I had the chance to ask for a reason Iain speaks. "I want to train you, get you ready for the raid. We only have a few days to prepare." I began to contemplate whether or not I should accept his offer. Considering what I had said the previous night, rejecting his offer wouldn't make much sense. So, reluctantly, I agreed. "Great! Where do you live? I'll come pick you up," he replied. I walked towards the bathroom while giving Iain directions. "I live at the Tunin Apartment complex, it's located in the same area as Town Square and the Dock. The building is gray and has only two stories. Climb up to the second floor, my room is 205." After providing Iain with all the necessary information, he informed me that he was on his way and promptly hung up.

Once he ended the call, I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and apply some deodorant. Next, I rummaged through my closet to find something to wear. Ultimately, I settled on a white T-shirt with a tiger design on the front. It looked somewhat silly, so I decided to layer a baggy gray sweatshirt over it. Then, I slipped into a pair of black sweatpants and put on my worn-out sneakers. Since I had some time left, I prepared a quick breakfast of oatmeal and some apple juice, I never like orange juice. After finishing my meal, I took the bowl and cup to the sink to wash them. As I was doing so, I heard a knock on my door.

While drying the dishes, I yelled towards the door, "It's open!" I heard the door creak open.Then, I placed the dry dishes in the cupboard and when I turned around I saw Iain standing in the doorway, sporting his usual smile. His hair was neatly combed, and he wore an open navy blue suit. Underneath the jacket, he had a crisp white button-down shirt. His matching navy blue pants fit him perfectly, and his outfit was completed with a pair of black leather shoes. "Are you ready, buddy?" I felt like a bum compared to Iain; I probably looked homeless standing next to him. "Y-yes, I'm ready," I stammered. After my response, Iain and I left my apartment, descended the stairs, and walked to his car, which was parked right outside. The shiny silver sports car stood out conspicuously in the neighborhood.

We got into the car, and I was surprised to see that Iain was driving himself. I had imagined a wealthy guy like him would have a driver. I glanced over at him, and he grinned. "Eve, let me tell you something before we leave." "Go ahead," I said, my heart rate increasing. Iain let out a sigh and looked up at the car's roof. "You know, everyone says I'm an awful driver, but you wanna know something?" I nodded, my anxiety growing. "Hehe, I've never crashed before!" With that proclamation, Iain slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and we raced down the road. It was at that moment that I realized I might never get to explore the hole, as Iain might end up killing me today.