
Sing Your Heart Out

Being America's most famous pop star isn't easy, and neither is love. You're a famous pop star with more fans than most top singers combined. Going from city to city, you make it to New York City. But while your stay in the city you get saved by heroes you'll never forget, especially one in particular.

MidnightMoon8888 · TV
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Chapter Two: Welcome to New York City Part Two

You arrive at the hotel again, but this time, there's a larger crowd since more people know you'll be staying there. But a small or big crowd, you never let that bother you as they are your fans after all.

As you walk towards the entrance where the owner, along with a couple of her top employees, standing by her side. You wave and smile at your fans, which drives them crazy, while also taking the time to give out a little over a dozen autographs. All of them cheer and call your name in hopes of catching your attention.

The owner leads the way into the restaurant next to the lobby while your security guards block all entrances to the building to ensure your safety.


Owner Eliana: It is my hope that you enjoy the variety of food options we have to offer. From vegan, vegetarian, Italian, Mexican, American, and seafood. Nothing but the best for you.

Y/n: (Smile) Thank you.


There's nobody else in the restaurant but you and Eliana. She takes you to a large round table in the center of the restaurant where there are two waiters, one holding each chair. They pull the chairs towards them allowing you and Eliana to sit before they gently push the chairs toward the table.


Y/n: Thank you.

Eliana: Yes, thank you both.


One of them hands you and Eliana the menu and you take your time looking through it.


Eliana: We also have a wide variety of beverages, both alcohol, and non-alcohol.

Y/n: Ooh, I never heard of this cocktail before. Berry Sweet Passion. But I also like raspberry sparkling water.

Eliana: Darling, you can get whatever you desire, as much as you want.


She then snaps her fingers, and the waiter takes down the two drinks you said.


Eliana: As for me, I'll have a Long Island Iced Tea, don't' forget the mint.

Waiter: Yes ma'am.


The waiter leaves to get the drinks while you still look at the menu.


Y/n: They all sound delicious.

Eliana: Yes, but do not worry. I have the chefs prepare a feast for you of the selections.

Y/n: Mind if I take a few pics of the place? I really like the decor around here.

Eliana: Oh no, go ahead.


You take a couple of pics of the place before posting it on StarGram. The moment you post them, ten-thousand likes, twenty-thousand likes, fifty-thousand likes. Positive comments flood the comment section talking about how nice the place is and that they love you. You won't be surprised if these pics alone will have over ten million likes and counting by tomorrow morning.

Then the drinks arrive, along with a few appetizers. A small tray of Teriyaki Pineapple Meatballs. A Fruit Charcuterie Board. Fried Prosciutto Tortellini. Pretzel Bread Bowl with Cheese Dip. Cucumber-Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes. Hot Crab Dip. Salmon Mousse Cups. Baked Crab Dip. Oysters Rockefeller. And finally, Mexican Shrimp Cocktail.


Y/n: Oh wow... They all look incredibly delicious! I almost feel bad for not going to be able to eat them all.

Eliana: Aw, you don't have to worry about that. I know it's impossible for a human being to eat this much anyway. I just wanted you to try a little each of everything and I'll be grateful for any comments and notes about them.

Y/n: All this, even just one, is definitely worth taking a few pics of.

Eliana: Of course, go right ahead dear. We're here to enjoy ourselves.


You take a few pics, including a couple of selfies with Eliana, and post them. Thirty-thousand likes, eighty-thousand likes, two-hundred-thousand likes. Comments flooding the comment section of how the food looks delicious. You posted a caption of your name and Eliana, and everyone seems to really like her. Well, she is with you having dinner. Whenever you post a selfie with someone, even if it's one of your fans, the media will do into deep research about the person. Just because you stayed at this hotel and seem to enjoy yourself so much, you're confident that the hotel's reputation will be so high that more celebrities will want to stay here.

You take a sip of your cocktail before taking one of every appetizer. Good thing you've saved an appetite by not eating much for breakfast. Eliana also begins to eat some of the appetizers and watches your reaction to eating them. She really wants to make sure everything's perfect for you.


Y/n: Mm, this is delicious. My favorites have to be the Hot Crab Dip, Teriyaki Pineapple Meatballs, and the Mexican Shrimp Cocktails. I can tell a lot of passion went into preparing this.

Eliana: Oh yes, all of the chefs come from many parts of the world. All with advanced professional training and a heart for food and cooking. I made should I hired the best of the best out there. In fact, one of the chefs used to work for one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants in Paris for over ten years.

Y/n: Wow, that's really impressive.

Eliana: Just you wait until the entrees arrive and then the desserts.

Y/n: Good thing I saved an appetite.

Eliana: Well, you are staying here for a couple of months I know. So, trying each dish will help you decide what to eat throughout the day whenever you want. I personally don't mind getting myself a midnight brunch, Haha!


After thirty minutes of chatting and eating appetizers, the waiters clean the table up before five more waiters arrive with the main courses. Garlic Herbed Beef Tenderloin. Shrimp Pasta Primavera. Rosemary Salmon and Veggies. Cast-Iron Sausage Pizza. Air-Fryer Chicken Yakitori. Banh Mi Baby Back Ribs. Potato Kielbasa Skillet. Pistachio Crusted Rack of Lamb. Maine-Style Lobster Rolls. And, last but not least, the Mussels with Harissa and Basil.


Eliana: Nothing but the best ingredients as well. Spices, herbs, oils, vegetables, meat, and fish are all organic. Bringing out the best in every dish for you and me to have.

Y/n: Oohh, now where should I start? Perhaps the Potato Kielbasa Skillet or the Maine-Style Lobster Rolls.

Eliana: Oh whichever one catches your eye more dear. We're not in any rush.


It still shocks you even when you are staying in the penthouse on the top floor of the hotel and have access to all the meals whenever you want, as well as the outdoor pool and gym. All for free. And you know that even these delicious foods themselves are really expensive. It has never been your style to spend a lot of money on luxurious things, as you have always preferred to save your money and invest it rather than letting it go to waste. As a celebrity, Beverly would never allow you to eat food from common local places, as it would hurt your reputation and put you at risk. Not only that, but Beverly also said that buying luxurious things and traveling a lot to perform and stuff will really boost your presence to possibly become a global figure in the music industry. That there has always been a dream for you. To be known everywhere, performing in hot spots for singers and celebrities alike.

An hour passes and waiters come to take the plates away to make room for dessert. You're pretty full already, but you want to stay to see what kind of desserts they're going to serve you. The waiters come and place the desserts on the table.

Buttery Raspberry Crumble Bars. Coconut Cream Crepe Cake. Meyer Lemon Bars. Pomegranate Mousse Cake. And last but not least, Whipped Lemon Ricotta Cheesecake.


Y/n: Ooh, I'll try the Pomegranate Mousse Cake first.

Eliana: And I'll try a Meyer Lemon Bar.


Like with the appetizers and entrees, you also take a few pics of the desserts with Eliana before posting them. You post them with the caption #Sugar Palace. One hundred thousand likes, fifty more thousand likes. Comments saying how delicious the desserts are and stuff.




...One Hour Later...




You let out a big yawn as you get ready for bed. You move kind of slowly since you're really full. It even takes you a bit to change into your pajamas. Your phone rings and you let out another yawn and answer it, since it was Beverly.


*Y/n: (Yawn) Hey Beverly.*

*Beverly: Well someone sounds tired. By the way, your pics on StarGram are a hit! Eliana just called me and said that celebrities and rich people alike are now booking rooms and they're jam-packed until next year! Keep up the good work darling. Don't forget to wake up early for the photo shoot. They want you to dress hip but in pink if that makes sense.*

*Y/n: I have an idea of what to wear.*

*Beverly: Good, well goodnight Y/n. I'll call you tomorrow, now you get plenty of rest.*

*Y/n: Night Bev.*


Today was a good day. You just wish you have time to tour around the city since this is literally your first time being here. But your gigs are more important, and you also plan on releasing a couple of songs while you're here. You still have all your notes for future songs in the Notes App on your phone. You have a few ideas for some love songs and stuff. Oh, and that reminds you of that rapper that wants to do a collab with you. With your lyrics and his beats, along with some of his own lyrics into the song, you know it'll be a big hit. You just wonder what kind of song it's going to be since most of his music really doesn't involve love. Well, you just hope for the best tomorrow.

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