
Sing Your Heart Out

Being America's most famous pop star isn't easy, and neither is love. You're a famous pop star with more fans than most top singers combined. Going from city to city, you make it to New York City. But while your stay in the city you get saved by heroes you'll never forget, especially one in particular.

MidnightMoon8888 · TV
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Chapter Six: Let's Talk Fashion and Charity Part Two

*Beverly: What's up girl? Is everything okay over there?*

*Y/n: I wanna help Saint Mary's Children's Hospital.*

*Beverly: Oh sure, with what exactly?*

*Y/n: There's a fundraiser set up by the hospital, how each kid there will receive a stuffed animal of their choice. But I was also thinking of raising money to help them pay for their treatments and medications in addition to getting them the stuffed animals. What do you think?*

*Beverly: Lucky for you I happened to be friends with the owner of "BellaBell Plushies". Her daughter goes to the same school as my daughter. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to work with you. Now I'll get in touch with her while you're at the show and we'll see if we can work something out. I'll let you know how it goes when you come back.*

*Y/n: Thanks Beverly.*




...Tonight at Seven...




Host: Tonight, we have a very special star guest here with us. Coming all the way from California, a pop artist sensation, Y/n!


As soon as he calls your name, you take on the runway in your "Alex in Wonderland" theme dress. As you walk down the runway, your body language shows pride while you give the host and the cameras a bright smile. You slowly twirl around, showing off your themed dress. Three judges' applause as you stand before them, giving them one final pose.


Host: OMG girl, you show these judges what taking the spotlight really means. And that dress is perfect for this episode. Please my dear, have a seat in our Star Guest Throne.

Y/n: Thank you.


It's a big golden throne with a wine red colored cushion. Above the throne is a big golden star that says "Star Guest".


Host: Now, it's time for the first round of the night. Our first round is "Tea Party in Wonderland". Let's see how our contestants did.


The host then takes a seat with the judges while you still smile for the cameras. The staff helps bring out the contestants and soon runway music starts to play in the background. There's seven female contestants and four male contestants. The apprising models come out one by one, showing off their themed creations. Some of them, as soon as they see you, their smiles became brighter. After every contestant finishes, everyone waits at least forty minutes for them to come back dressed and ready for the second round.

The second round was the "Queen of Diamond's Child", a round dedicated to the Queen of Diamonds. Each contestant comes out in their own design of the Queen of Diamonds. One of the male contestant's themed attire really stood out to you. It's definitely something that you would wear. But you know that each contestant made their attires themselves, so it's literally one of its only. Well... maybe you can ask that contestant to make you one.

After another forty minutes, the third round is announced by the host. The final round is "Sapphire City". Each contestant comes out with their own version of what someone would wear in Sapphire City. One of the female contestants is wearing a beautiful sparkling sapphire blue dress. It's short in the front and long in the back of the dress. It has its own unique themed design and it's definitely something you would wear on the runway.

Later that night, after the show ends, you tell the host to bring the three contestants back to the stage. Now it's just you, the host, and the three contestants. They are standing in front of you and the host on the runway.



Host: Isabella, Oliver, and Audrey. Y/n has called you three to come out here for a reason. I hope you're ready to hear this.



As happy and excitement as they are to see you in the flesh, they're also super nervous about why you wanted to talk to them about.



Y/n: Well first off, I just wanted to say that I love the performance you gave out there. I can see the passion in your hearts when you came out with your creations. Isabella, your Tea Party in Wonderland attire, is beautiful and creative. Even the small designs bring out the best of the dress. Oliver, your Queen of Diamond's child, is stunning, and it really shows that you don't have to wear a dress to be that stunning. And Audrey, your Sapphire City themed dress is one of the beautiful and elegant dress I have ever seen.



They thank you for complimenting with bright smiles still planted on their faces. Yet, they're still confused as to why you called for them to come up here.



Y/n: Where I'm getting at is... I would love to buy your designs and wear them while on I'm still on tour.



The three contestants get very excited and they cheer amongst themselves. With Oliver trying not to cry, Isabella trying not to get too jumpy, and Audrey has her hands covering her mouth. They're all in complete shock that you're interested in wearing their creations.



Y/n: Of course, I will go with you to the studio where you can take my measurements and notes that I want to go over with each and every one of you. My agent will get your information and will be sending each of you a check for your creations for me.

Host: Now, let's head on back to the studio. Shall we?




...Later that night...




After getting all your measurements done and talking to the three contestants, as well as taking a few selfies. The host even took pictures of you getting your measurements done by them, which will be a good boost for you on social media. All of that, and you're just ready to call it a night.

After taking a shower, you put on your pajamas and lie on the bed. You haven't forgotten about helping those children at the hospital. Not just for the stuff animal thing, but also to make sure they can get whatever they need, like the medications and treatments. That's when you hear your phone ring and it's Beverly. You sit up before answering her call.



*Y/n: Hey Bev, what's up?*

*Beverly: So, I got in contact with the owner of "BellaBell Plushies", and I got some good news for you. She's willing to purchase all the plushies for every child in the hospital. In return, she wants to shoot a commercial with you. And she also wants you to post some pictures of you with the children holding the plushies. She mentioned it'll be a great marketing thing.*

*Y/n: Okay, is that it?*

*Beverly: Let me see... Oh, and she's going to send her daughter up there to the hospital to help hand out the plushies.*

*Y/n: (Yawn) That's fine. But what about the fundraiser part?*

Beverly: Me and the team are still discussing what exactly to do on that. But do not worry, they'll have an answer for you tomorrow. But what do you think of this. The first twenty people to donate one hundred dollars will receive a poster of you with your autograph?*

*Y/n: Let's make that thirty people.*

*Beverly: Got it. And... the first um... well I have to discuss more on that with the team.*

*Y/n: Well, I'm willing to pay for some things with my own money. This is all for a good cause. I'm thinking for example, one of the make-up brands that I use. Just the red lipstick alone costs about eighty dollars. I can order a few sets, and those who donated a certain amount of money, less than what the makeup set costs, then they'll receive it by me.*

*Beverly: I can definitely bring that up to the team. But I'm not going to have you pay for them at full price. I'll do my digging and see if there's any sales going on with each makeup brand you use. Alright, I'm going to let you go now. Good night Y/n, I'll call you in the morning.*

*Y/n: Night Bev.*



Placing your phone on the nightstand, you lay back down and just as you turn off the lamp and starting to close your eyes. You hear your phone vibrate. Usually, you don't answer the phone anymore when you're about to fall asleep, but maybe you should at least see who it is. You grab your phone and see that it's Mikey, and he sent you a message.



*Your dress looked awesome! I saw the episode with my brothers and they loved it too!*



Oh yeah, speaking of his brothers. You've been meaning to ask him.



*Hey, remember I gave Donnie those new lab stuff?*

*Oh yeah. He still talks about it with us.*

*Well, what do you and your other brothers like?*



...To be continued...