
Sinful Union

Dive into a world of mystery, unexpected romance and discover the secrets that lie within. With its diverse cast of characters, heart-pumping action sequences, and thought-provoking themes, this book is a must-read for fans of dark romance

Lunaaa_Night · Urban
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Chapter 7: The Mysterious Stranger

Ava's pov

"Ava, I have a meeting at the club tonight, but I don't want to leave you alone at home," Viktor said, his eyes sparkling with concern. "Would you like to come with me? We can dance and have some fun together before my meeting."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A meeting at a club? Sounds interesting."

Viktor chuckled. "It's just a business thing, nothing too exciting. But l'd love to have you by my side. Plus, I don't want you getting bored at home alone."

I smiled, feeling a thrill of excitement. "Well, in that case, l'd love to go with you."

Viktor's face lit up with a smile. "Great! I'll get ready and we can head out."

As we got ready to leave, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. I had no idea what the night held, but I knew it would be an adventure with Viktor by my side.

I stood in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection. The short, seductive dress hugged my curves perfectly, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. I was finally going out with Viktor, without the weight of my enemies who l'm not aware of hanging over us .

l applied a final coat of lip gloss and slipped on my high heels. The dress was a deep red color, and it made my skin glow with a warm, golden light. I felt like a million bucks, and I knew Viktor wouldn't be able to resist me.

"Ready to go?" Viktor asked, his voice low and husky as he entered the room.

I turned to face him, and his eyes widened in appreciation. "Wow, Ava. You look stunning."

I smiled, feeling a flutter in my chest. "Thanks, Viktor. You don't look so bad yourself."

He chuckled and offered me his arm. "Shall we?"

We headed to the club, as we entered the club the music pulsed through my veins, and the flashing lights illuminated the crowded dance floor. Viktor led me to the bar, where we ordered our drinks - a whiskey on the rocks for him and a cosmopolitan cocktail for me.

As we sipped our drinks, Viktor pulled me close, his eyes locked on mine. "Let's dance," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.

We moved onto the dance floor, our bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. Viktor's hands roamed my body, his fingers tracing the curves of my hips and waist. I felt alive, my senses heightened as we lost ourselves in the music and each other.

We danced with abandon, our passion and desire evident in every move. Our lips met in a fierce kiss, the music and lights blurring around us. It was like the whole world had melted away, leaving only us, lost in our own private universe.

As we danced, I knew that this was where I belonged - in Viktor's arms, surrounded by the music and lights of the club. It was a night I would never forget, a night that would change everything.

Viktor's pov

I made my way to the VIP lounge, leaving Ava dancing below. The lounge was dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background. The air was thick with the scent of cigar smoke and expensive perfume. I nodded to the bouncer, and he granted me access.

Inside, the lounge was plush and luxurious, with velvet couches and marble tables. The strippers were tastefully dressed, their movements sensual and alluring. I spotted my contact, a wealthy businessman, sitting in the corner, sipping a glass of scotch.

As I approached, he gestured to the glass wall that overlooked the dance floor below. "Enjoy the view," he said, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

I gazed down at the sea of dancing bodies, my eyes scanning the crowd until I found Ava. She was laughing and spinning to the music, her dress shimmering under the lights. My heart swelled with pride and possessiveness. She was mine, and I was hers.

The businessman cleared his throat, bringing my attention back to the meeting. "Shall we get down to business, Viktor?" he asked, his voice low and serious.

I nodded, taking a seat next to him. The music and laughter faded into the background as we discussed the details of our deal. But my eyes kept drifting back to Ava, my heart beating faster with every passing moment.

As time went by sat in the VIP lounge, conducting my business meeting, my eyes periodically drifted back to Ava. She was still dancing, lost in the music, her beauty captivating everyone around her.

Suddenly, a man approached her. He was tall, with a commanding presence, and a hint of danger in his eyes. I recognized him, a powerful and ruthless figure in the criminal underworld.

My instincts immediately went on high alert, my heart racing with a mix of anger and protectiveness. I watched as the he spoke to Ava, his words inaudible over the music, but his intentions clear. He was trying to charm her, to win her over.

Ava, oblivious to the danger, smiled and laughed, her body swaying to the music. My grip on my glass tightened, my mind racing with scenarios. I knew I had to get down there, to protect her from the He's clutches.

But I was stuck in the meeting, unable to excuse myself without raising suspicions. All I could do was watch, my eyes fixed on the scene unfolding below. The his eyes met mine, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He knew I was watching, and he was enjoying the game.

My jaw clenched, my fists tightening. I was trapped, unable to do anything but watch as the

he continued to charm Ava. I knew I had to end this meeting, and fast, before things escalated further.

Ava's pov

I was lost in the music, my hips swaying to the beat, when I felt a presence beside me. I turned to see a tall, dark-haired man with piercing eyes and a charming smile. He was handsome, and his confidence was palpable.

"Hola, bella," he said, his voice low and smooth.

"May I have the pleasure of a dance?"

I smiled, feeling a spark of attraction. "Sure," I replied, taking his hand.

As we danced, he introduced himself as Carlos, and we laughed and joked like old friends. He was charming and witty, and I found myself drawn to him. We spun and twirled across the dance floor, our bodies moving in perfect sync.

I couldn't help but notice the way Viktor watched us from the VIP lounge, his eyes narrowed and intense. I knew he was jealous, and a part of me felt a thrill at the thought. But Carlos was harmless, just a friendly stranger who wanted to dance and have fun.

As the music changed, Carlos pulled me close, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're a beautiful dancer, Ava," he whispered. "And an even more beautiful woman."

I blushed, feeling a flutter in my chest. "Gracia Carlos," I replied, smiling up at him.

We danced and laughed together, our friendship growing with every passing moment. And though Viktor watched us with a wary eye, I knew I was safe with Carlos. He was a kindred spirit, a fellow free spirit who just wanted to enjoy life.

As the night wore on, Carlos and I danced and laughed together, our connection growing stronger with every passing moment. Viktor watched us with a keen eye, his expression unreadable.

Just as the music reached its climax, Carlos leaned in close, his voice barely audible over the beat. "Ava, I have a secret to share with you.

Meet me outside, by the fountain, at midnight."

My heart skipped a beat as he whispered the words, his eyes glinting with mystery. What could he possibly want to reveal?

As the song ended, Carlos vanished into the crowd, leaving me wondering and wanting more.

I glanced up at Viktor, still watching from the VIP lounge, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

What did Carlos have to hide? And why did I feel like my life was about to change forever?

The music pulsed on, but I was already counting down the minutes until midnight...