

I never wanted this life, all I wanted was to be happy, loved and protected by the one I loved, not pitied or manipulated. Let me rephrase that, I never knew how much I wanted this life until the day I died.

debbieintrigue · Fantasy
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13 Chs


I couldn't say I wasn't surprised at the speed at which the blonde haired nobleman and my siblings vanished, if I hadn't known better, I would've guessed magic was behind it all .

But that was impossible, believing in magic was an absurd thought, one that cleaners and gardeners used to encourage themselves of a better tommorow, a gate way from a life of constant service of an aged butler.

Some called it hope, but for the while I had heard the word slip out of my father's tongue, the distaste with which he said it had an effect on me, prejudice it may seem, however a sensible man would see it was nothing more than a trick, a joke, a fantasy, at least that was what I thought it was.

Taking my eyes off the search for my siblings, I finally dropped them on the person who now stood in front of me, it was no other than one of my stepsisters, Kayla, the one and only, and just at the sight of her, I had a feeling in my gut that she was out to ruin my morning.

Kayla, like I was, was the definition of a lady in almost every sense of the word, father had expected nothing less of his daughters, she was polished and equally well versed, and for some reason she had never thought to show off her abilities to anyone, but me.

Spring had only begun, and I was in no mood for a fight, courtesy demanded we exchange greetings and good will, and that was all I planned to do, even though I wasn't sure just how sarcastic I would be about it.

" Good morning Kayla " I said casually with a smile, " what brings you here ? " I asked.

" Oh nothing much, I just wanted a breath of fresh air, so I decided to take a walk, what are you doing here ? " she asked.

" Same reason, I plan to make the most out of this season. " I replied.

" Hmmmm, interesting, how so ? " she questioned looking confused, I knew she only wanted to get me to talk .

" I have my ways " I replied her, I knew where this conversation would eventually lead, and frankly I wanted no part in it, " I'll be going now, enjoy the rest of your day " I said as I made to leave.

" Would those ways of yours have anything to do with spying on people perhaps ? "she suddenly asked, and immediately I stopped walking.

I had heard Kayla's voice earlier, but how did she guess what i had been looking at ? not having found any clues as regards my suspicions I turned to her.

" Pardon me ? "

" Pardon is for thieves and whorehouses Camille, " she replied grinning, " you're a lady, " she continued to say " surely you are beyond that ".

" Get to the point Kayla, stop beating at the bushes like a child " I said, already aggravated.

" My point is that you keep to your business, and let others keep to theirs " she said.

" And how does it concern you what i do these days, " I asked.

" Because whether I like it or not, you are related to me, so I feel the need to give you advice... once in a while " she said, smiling again.

" Enough Kayla " another voice interrupted, in a confident baritone that caught both our attentions .

Another one of my siblings, Kayla's elder brother, Julian, walked towards us with purposeful strides and a stoic expression.

" That's enough Kayla, let Camille be, go back to the palace and wait for me in my chamber, I'll be with you in a while " he said, with what sounded more like an instruction.

Kayla finally turned to leave, but not before she shot me a devious smile, and finally carried on, dragging her gown down to the palace.

" I'm sorry about Kayla, " Julian apologized, " she doesn't know what she says fifty percent of the time ..." he said with an embarrassed smile " anyways, have a lovely day " he said again, before he walked away, turning in the direction Kayla had taken, and leaving me startled at what just happened.

I returned to the palace, almost the same time as Julian, I didn't bother stopping along the way, it would only lead to more quarrelsome encounters, and that I didn't have the stomach for.

As i expected, Florence had already made my favorite dish, she always knew how to read my mood, after a quick change of my clothes, I sat to have my meal, but something looked different, I could already see it even though I was yet to taste the food, it smelt different but at the same time very similar, and as soon as I tasted it, I was sure, Florence didn't make this, neither did Jenna, or any other maid for that matter.

" Stare at it long enough and you can be sure of a cold breakfast " said a voice from behind me, I didn't need to turn to know who it was, but I did it anyway, and as soon as I turned I saw her standing in front of me,

" mom ? ".