

I never wanted this life, all I wanted was to be happy, loved and protected by the one I loved, not pitied or manipulated. Let me rephrase that, I never knew how much I wanted this life until the day I died.

debbieintrigue · Fantasy
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13 Chs


" My Lord, is it really you ? " Josse asked again, his eyes glistening with excitement, I had never seen the old butler more excited about anything in his life as he was because of this strange man.

The man didn't answer Josse's question immmediately, instead he chuckled lightly at first.

I had thought he was astonishing before, but now he was simply breath taking, his laughter was like the softness of dew, the patter of rain, and no lyric of any song could possibly define it, I could say I was in one word, the best word I could use to describe my feeling, I was... mesmerized.

Then the man answered again, with a mixture of both power and humility echoing in his tone.

" You haven't changed the slightest my friend " the man said.

My friend ? he said, I thought I heard wrong, he called Josse his friend.

In all the banquets and balls and feasts and Christenings that I had frequented, (and I had frequented quite a number of them) never have I heard a noble address a servant in such an informal way, except maybe for me and my maids, but even that I did in secret .

This man openly called Josse his friend, it made me think what other mystery there could be to him, and even then I was yet to get a good look at his face.

" Where has the lord gone to now ? " the man asked Josse, still in his gentle tone.

" The Lord has gone for a meeting, he will be back soon " Josse said quickly, and the man seemed to process what Josse had said for a moment, before he responded...

" Very well, I shall wait for him " the man said, and took a few strides away from Josse, but Josse was by his side again the next minute...

" Please my lord, you have only just returned. Please, let me show you to your room, and serve you while you wait. " Josse pleaded.

" As you wish Josse " the strange man said with a smile, and followed behind Josse who couldn't have been more eager to please him.

I finally had it now, I was going to let mother know about this immmediately.

Mother was having her hair fixed by one of the maids when I walked in, flushed, overwhelmed, and confused out of my mind.

" Camille ? " Mother called, seeing how flushed I was.

She took one look at me and motioned for the maid to excuse us, the maid courtesied and did just that.

I poured everything out for Mother the way it had all happened, I told her about the stranger, and Josse, and even the door man without pausing for so much as a breath of air, that I looked red by the time I finished talking.

" Calm down Camille, I'm sure if Josse asked him to stay, he must've been a member of the family, it's possible you just don't know him yet, " Mother tried to reassure me.

She must've noticed I wasn't convinced, because the next minute she made me seat on the bed, and then pulled her chair closer so that she sat in front of me .

" Listen Camille, no one walks into a palace without having a reason, and you said it yourself, he was a nobleman wasn't he ? " mother asked and I nodded .

" Look, I can understand why you must be worried, I'll ask Josse to bring him to the parlour, there I'll make him introduce himself " Mother said.

I wanted to tell her what I felt about the man, but somehow I knew she would only have shushed me again, so I said nothing.

" Now brush your hair, " mother said and placed her hand on my cheek " and put on something more ladylike " she smiled and looked at me, and I realized I was still wearing my dressage outfit.

" I guess I won't look too ladylike welcoming our guest in these now would I ? " I asked in a joke that made mother smile even more.

" No, no you wouldn't " she said, and kissed my forehead, then she stood up and walked to the door.

" I'll be waiting for you dear " she said again, and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Normally, I would spend nothing less than half an hour getting all dressed up, brushing my hair, placing my blush, adjusting my fittings, and then of course, there was the time I would spend admiring myself.

However, today I spent less than half my usual time, and I noticed Florence and Jenna occasionally looking at me as if I had gone completely bonkers.

As soon as Jenna finished styling my hair and Florence was done with my fittings, I did a little puff on my face, and rushed out.

I imagine the girls must have thought something was wrong with me.

I couldn't wait to get to the parlour, I was in such a hurry that I didn't even notice Kayla.

Usually, she would shoot an offensive look my way just to spite me. However, today I had such little time for her theatrics, I walked past her without even knowing .

I didn't know what made me more excited, whether the fact that I would finally find out who the mysterious man was, or that I would see his face.

I wondered what he would look like, if the maids and even most of father's mistresses swooned over him the way they did.

I had barely seen him from afar, but even then I could tell there was something different about him, almost enchanting.

What was I saying ? I was probably going over the top, soon I'll get all the answers I had so much craved for, soon, very soon.

I was closer to the parlour now, I could hear mother's voice, she was talking to him, it was almost as if she didn't notice any of his eye-catching features.

There he was, down the stairs, I was so close, I picked up my gown so I wouldn't trip and fall, then I started walking down slowly.

I might have made it down in one piece if what happened next hadn't happened.

Mother took sight of me, and smiled, calling my name, she said...

" Ah Camille, you're finally here " she said, and that was when it all happened.

Now before I start telling you how the remaining minutes of my trip down the stairs unfolded, I would say you have a glass of water and take a deep breath, you're reading the book quite intensely, the key is : don't forget to breath.

I remember hearing mother's voice before it happened, she called my name, but I don't remember anything she said after that, as soon as mother called, the mysterious stranger turned around, and I thought even his turn was graceful, until I saw his face.