

I never wanted this life, all I wanted was to be happy, loved and protected by the one I loved, not pitied or manipulated. Let me rephrase that, I never knew how much I wanted this life until the day I died.

debbieintrigue · Fantasy
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13 Chs


I had seen many paintings, some so mesmerizing they made me gawk just at the sight of them, others however, just left me numb struck, they were exquisite, intricately crafted, art at its very best, and no matter the level of my restraint I couldn't just help but touch them.

I had that same feeling the moment I saw his face, it felt like time and everyother thing stood still, I was floating in mid air and he was floating with me, it wasn't because he was beautiful, no, it was more than that, it was daunting yet sensational, a shade of heaven. Yes, it was heaven.

I can't remember if I was smiling or not, but I do remember I let go of my gown, and then I saw heaven fade, I was falling.

The worst part about falling is no matter how much you struggle, you can't help but hit the ground eventually, and hit the ground I would have, if someone hadn't held me back, you can probably guess who. I felt his hands around mine, and slowly I opened my eyes, his arms were firm enough to keep my body from falling, and just like that, he saved me from hurting myself.

It is amazing what your mind can do if you feed it enough, it didn't take me seconds to imagine that whole scenery, every girl dreamt of being saved by a charming stranger, myself included, however I snapped out of that dream soon enough.

As soon as mother called my name I saw the stranger turn as well, he cast a look so fierce I could feel myself being trapped in his gaze, his eyes were warm but at the same time they looked as cold as ice, he radiated such delicate beauty and at the same time a commanding authority, unlike anything I had ever seen or felt before, he didn't have a single flaw if I might say, and in that moment I could've said he was almost perfect, too perfect infact, that for a while I thought he couldn't possibly be human.

I could easily see why the maids and most of father's mistresses got lost looking at him, every woman would, or should I say almost every woman, mother was an exception, and no, it wasn't because of the reasons you may be thinking.

" Camille ? " I heard my name again, I didn't know how many times she must've called me before, but this call was the only thing that brought me back to my senses and away from the strangers alluring look.

Then I realized another thing, I was down to the last stair, I made it.

Mother was by my side the next minute, and she gave me a kind of " control yourself " look, then she introduced me.

" This is my daughter Camille " mother said in the sweetest way, then looked at me with so much pride in her eyes, I was lucky to have a mother like her.

Now this was the part I had been waiting for. Be careful or it might leave you numb struck just like it left me.

" Camille " mother said again, " meet lord Dante, " I heard her say. I looked at the stranger and as expected of a lady, I courtesied ever so gracefully.

" Nice to meet you, lord Dante " I said, holding the edges of my gown, I bent down slowly and avoided his eye, then I stood up again as slowly as I had bent down. But it was far from over, he nodded in response, and mother continued.

" Lord Dante is commander of the Soltace armada " she said.

I didn't know much about the army, but I acted like I did. I thought he looked commanding before, now I could see why. However I didn't question it, I only nodded in recognition.

" And he is also your uncle " mother finished off finally.

The way I darted my eyes at her and then back at Lord Dante, mother knew I could hardly believe what she had said to be true. Still, that didn't make it anything other than just that, or at least that was the truth she wanted me to believe.


Heaven knows I would never have expected mother to introduce the strange nobleman as father's sibling. I would have expected anything but not that he could have been my uncle. It was the height of surprising for me, yet somehow I survived it.

I could still see the smile on his face when mother said he was my uncle, he had noticed my shock, and for some reason he found it amusing.

It wasn't that surprising that I didn't know all of my father's siblings, like father, grandfather was equally a man of many tastes (if you know what I mean), so it was possible father had siblings I had never met before, just like lord Dante.

Speaking of lord Dante, mother showed him to his chambers shortly after our meeting, I guess she planned to introduce him to everyone at dinner.

I looked forward to that.

We hardly used the dining hall. Except for some of my siblings who occasionally dined there, we only ate at the hall when we had guests, and only father's wives could sit at the table, his mistresses were wise enough to stay far away from it, not everyone was as gentle as my mother.

I would have done anything to avoid dinner at the hall, but mother wouldn't hear of it, she wanted me there, and just like that I didn't have a choice.

The hall looked a bit bigger than I remembered it, but the setting was still the same. Kayla sat beside her brother and mother, and so did the rest of my siblings, they were all quiet as usual.

I took a seat by mother's right hand, she sat at the head of the table, and we waited for lord Dante.

" I hear we have a guest in the palace ? " Lady Jemilla, one of my stepsisters questioned.

Lady Jemilla was much younger than I was, and she was what you would call a special child.

Her mother had suffered some complications during child birth, and it had affected Jemilla's brain, it made her slightly less logical than normal children, she saw the world in a different light so to say. The doctors couldn't do anything about it, but that not withstanding, Jemilla was a nice young lady, nicer than most of my siblings at least.

I could see her mother try to shush her, Lady Amber. She loved Jemilla to pieces from what I could see, but the girl could be a burden some times.

" Who is he ? " lady Jemilla asked again, and this time mother answered.

" He'll be here soon dear, don't you worry, " mother replied and Jemilla couldn't be any happier, Jemilla looked so innocent, it was a shame to see her that way.

However Kayla didn't think so, she thought it was funny Jemilla acted the way she did, and I was sick of it.

" Is something funny Kayla ? " I asked, without looking at her.

She became quiet immedately and looked up at me, but pretended not to have heard my question earlier.

" Do you find something funny ? if so, do share with us " I asked her again, this time I locked eyes with her, she could be annoying, but I could also be just as much.

The smile on her face had faded into a glare and she looked like she could use some fresh air.

I wanted to continue taunting her, but then Josse announced lord Dante's presence. That stopped everyone in their tracks, Kayla glared at me and I smiled back, then shifted my gaze to lord Dante who was halfway across the room.

His strides were graceful as usual, practiced, and as expected they all stared. He had changed into something more comfortable, it was almost impossible not to stare.

He pulled out a chair and sat by mother's left hand, he was sitting in front of me now, and I struggled hard not to look at him, I feared he would catch me staring and look back, if he did, then I would truly be trapped.

" This is lord Dante, " mother started " He is commander of the Soltace armada, and the lord's younger brother, he will be staying with us until the lord returns, I hope we all treat him kindly and make sure he's comfortable during his stay here " mother finally said.

There weren't any oppositions, not that I wasn't expecting any. Lord Dante was stunning of course, and the ladies tried not to make a fool of themselves, and in no time dinner was over.

I went straight to my room, on the way I saw a few of the maids gathered in a corner, whispering and giggling to themselves. I didn't need to listen in to know the subject of their discussion, it was typical of the maids to gossip, and most likely even now, seeing the effect my uncle had on people.

They weren't my business so I continued. It was nice outside, and I felt like going for a ride, I wore my dressage and headed for the stables.

The horses sounded particularly excited that afternoon, I wondered why that was, but I had spoken too soon, then I saw him, he was here, lord Dante, and most importantly he was with Jupiter.