
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Progress and plans for the future

Well, I overestimated myself when I thought that just Nox's memories could automatically make me into an overpowered time mage. I could barely stop a lizard in time right now but there were other benefits. Nox could tank Grugals blows for a reason, it was never luck but the flow of wakfu strengthens the body, and expending it then letting it recover increases my reserves.

Simple and easy unlike time magic I mean what the hell type of magic requires me to spread my wakfu throughout every molecule of my target to even think about freezing them. Well let's see Nox's way of getting around this stupendously stupid issue...

"Huh? That's it, is this why the eliacube needed so much fuckin wakfu? The key is really just to overflow the surrounding area in your wakfu and overpower others with it." It pisses me off how simple it was, but hey better than intense precision. Wait, what kind of effects would happen if I pinpoint the heart and just stop it.

But the only way to do that is for my wakfu to enter the bloodstream and get close to the heart so I'll at the very least open a small wound for that trick to work. Whatever time to start the grind.

First one hundred pushups

second one hundred sit-ups

third one hundred squats

And lastly two laps around the island.


30 minutes later

'Well, this just won't work. My arms and legs aren't aching so no muscle was broken down. It seems I have to triple my training with no breaks to at least get a few gains.' I was sweating but barely felt a thing.

" What if I..." Soon enough what I had in mind started happening. I used my own wakfu to break down some of my muscle fibers and then rapidly repair them during my lap. Now I could really feel the burn but damn if this one-piece body ain't strong. Oh, I almost forgot about why eliatropes are as strong as they were.

' It's portal time baby!' I said internally as I dove into the blue portal that had shot from my hand. I jumped up from the ground out of my other portal and straight into the air. Trust me being able to shoot portals from my hands and control them is awesome. But back to the grind.


1 hour later

"*Huff, Huff* There we go. From now on I'm gonna do this every day and now time for wakfu training."

Slowly but surely I forced my wakfu to come out of my body. I tried my hardest to shape it into a small blade around my hand but all it did was blow up in my hand. This is where the original Sinbads talents come into play. He might have used rukh in his world but he was talented in magic in general.

After hours of trial and error, I managed to create a bootleg Chidori made of wakfu. The thought of naruto gave me other ideas about if I could change the nature of my wakfu like one would chakra. If so I would be a versatile powerhouse.

But even then that took naruto weeks and he was a prodigy that learned the kage bunshin in less than 2 hours. So that is going to be something I train in the future. Speaking of which my plan for the next few months is simple.

1st month: Train in wakfu manipulation and conditioning

2nd month: Explore the island's jungle, get resources and if there are no enemies in the jungle to fight start constructing a ship.

3rd month: Finish building ship and set sail while training the entire way.

4th month: Before resources run out start bounty hunting and making a name for myself.

5th month: option 1: Raid a marine base and create a pirate crew. Option 2: Mass hunt pirates and train/fight as much as I can before creating a pirate crew.

And that's the plan for the next few months. As for the two options, the first will give me adequate funds to get my own pirate ship early on. The other will give me adequate strength to go to the other blues.

Whatever I got this month dedicated to trading as hard I can, regardless of what I choose later. So time to start the grind.


' ok first I'll get some grub.'

Getting up from my sitting position and dusting off the dirt of my ... balloon shorts? Oh I didn't even notice. I was too busy throwing myself into training and didn't notice I was wearing exact replicas of Sinbad's teen clothes from the show. I can see why he wears them there light and airy while protecting me adequately from the harsh sun. Not so much the mosquitos, damn they are biting me up.

I did a light jog towards the jungle that took up most of the Island and jumped into a portal that dropped me on a tree branch. Damn things are pretty convenient.

It took me only a few minutes of traveling through the trees and I found animal tracks. About twelve different rows, so a herd of animals with stubby feet and round toenails. Most likely herbivores. I jump from tree to tree while following the tracks. Eventually I finally find my dinner. A small herd of six armadillo rhino hybrids grazing a few meters away from each other.

" This world really has some strange creatures." I really mean it these things looked freaky. Well the hide it tough to the point I won't be able to kill it with a sharpened stick, so I'll have to go a bit more methodical with a way to kill it.

I throw a portal under the one closest to me and one over top of it. Because the gravity here is stronger than Earth's do to the world being bigger and having more mass, the rhinadillo as I will call it from now on fell at a rate of 15.9 meters per second. The poor rhinadillo was so disoriented it passed out from the rapid change in movement. Lucky for it because once it's body started falling head first I closed the portal on the bottom causing the poor creatures head to explode when it came into contact with the ground. The thud it made grabbed the others attention and seeing the state of their buddy's body the entire herd ran away a fast as they could roll in their armidillo ball.

Portal hopping my dinner and trying to open two for me was difficult but not impossible. Instead of using my hands as a medium to open the portals I spread my wakfu out into the air and opened multiple other portals for me. Having multiple portals at the same time was draining as hell on my reserves but damn did I get excited at the new way to train my control over wakfu.

After I got back to the beach I realized something rather important which I had forgotten. I have no camp or shelter. Well time to put these multi portals to good use.