
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Beginnings of my new life

I'm Mokuhyo a random mob in my last life. I died at the ripe age of 21. I tried to make myself interesting but all that did was drill into my head how I was irrelevant in my own life. I had zero leadership skills and my bipolar confidence will only show itself when I'm in the wrong.

Every life experience I tried to take on independently ended in failure. I only got things right in a group. In the end, I felt like my purpose was to fill in a number in the population but never add to it.

I had died by, guess what? A plane crashed with dozens of people that died. I couldn't even die anything but a statistic in a 'horrific event'. Damn and even in death I just became another one of the billions of balls of light that I assume to be souls. In this infinite expanse of darkness, we were all lined up to the brightest source of light.

A giant portal that most likely sent us somewhere to be recycled or reincarnated didn't matter to me. Fuck this, I ain't gonna be a statistic anymore. I'm gonna explore wherever the hell this is and pave my own way out.

I started willing myself to move forward which felt weird without the flesh and blood body I was used to. Before I got far I heard a lax voice call out to me.

" huh? Where do you think you're going, little buddy?" The voice called me out specifically. It felt nice to be called out specifically but I started sweating bullets right after.

The one who called me out stood well over 6 feet with a lean physique and golden scepter he sat on with inhuman balance. He had a messy bun of silky white hair, small-framed glasses, and ogre-like teeth. This guy was always one of my favorite characters in all of anime. The man, the myth, the legend, ROR Buddha! But right now he's just scaring the crap outta me.

I couldn't really speak but I tried to make my thoughts louder. It's confusing but it worked.

'Buddha-sama your looking mighty handsome today, mind doing me a favor and get me outta here? Please? I really wanna get reincarnated somewhere else...' I thought aloud.

" On one condition kiddo." His voice boomed with a sense of intensity.

' What is it?' I asked.

" Simple recommend me some more modern human food and for each additional one I haven't tried you get one wish for your reincarnation." Huh seems simple enough. But... the one slightly extraordinary thing about me was that I was a massive foodie!

" Ok, let's go. Mango mochi ice cream, sour apple rings, gel slurpers, katsudon, omu-raisu, ....." I floated there for ten minutes straight listing all of my favorites back on earth.

" So how many wishes do I get, oh mighty buddha?" I was expecting at least 50 wishes but I underestimated the foodie god.

" Eh only 5, good taste but not uncommon, but you have to wish for when, where, and what you will appear as. Other than that you got two free wishes." Goddamn foodie knows almost all my favorites. I spent 10 minutes rambling on and on for less than three free wishes. Whatever let's just get this over with.

" When you say where do you mean like a universe or specific place? If so can you just send me to a starting point in a multiverse of fictional worlds?" If possible this type of universe had the most growth opportunity. With previous knowledge of said worlds, I could create a truly incredible empire.

What? Me previously owning poor leadership skills doesn't mean I won't reach past the stars in my next life. Plus I plan to use one of my wishes on helping me mentally with issues of the past.

" ya know what? We both know what you want and author-sans fingers are hurting for typing and forgetting to save 6 times so I'm just gonna read your mind and send you off." After he said that he squinted and sighed.

" So you wanna be an eliatrope that looks just like teen Sinbad, starting out in One Piece within a fictional multiverse at 14 years old in Whitebeard and Rogers era. And for your two free wishes, you want the talent of the original Sinbad and all of Nox's knowledge from wakfu. Damn the tech alone could make you a virus that consumes the planet's vitality." He sneered at my disgusting combo for wishes. The tech wasn't even why I really wanted Nox's knowledge it was the time magic which only has a single flaw that those with enough physical strength can break free which I hope to fix.

" Well hope your food recommendations are good cause I most definitely am gonna need something to snack on while I see you build this kingdom of yours. Anyway, see ya!" As he said that the orb that I was fell into an actual vessel.

Oh God I feel like I'm gonna hurl.


Soon enough my eyes fluttered open and I observed my surroundings. Nothing but a small sandy beach on the far end of a small island.

I look down in the water and see my reflection. yup I'm Sinbad from here on out.

" Ahh shit my head is banging. Owww, ow,ow ow why did it get so much worse?!" I bellowed. But soon enough it became clear why my head was pounding. All the memories, experiences, and knowledge that Nox had attained in his two centuries of life were crammed in my head.

"eh it's what I asked for." And simple as that I forgot about the mind numbing pain and started feeling around for my wakfu using the method Nox had. He simply sat on the ground put his hands together and tried to separate his conscious from his body to observe it in a more introspective way.

And I did the same for the same result. It took literal hours to even separate and after that it took another three hours to make what I saw flow out of my hands.

"Today has been a long, confusing day time to find some grub. Can't create an Intergalactic Empire on an empty stomach." I said as I got off my ass and on the hunt