

Outside the capital in the nearby forest, there was a tall, attractive man with tan skin and a muscular build. He had golden eyes and very long, purple hair tied in a ponytail. He was wearing a purple jacket with a blue and white shirt along with white pants and black boots. He was adorned in jewellery from necklaces to rings. This young man was Sinbad.

Sinbad was walking out of the forest slowly with a small smile on his face. He arrived just in time to see an Earth Dragon burrow out of the ground in front of the caravan. The two guys on the caravan screamed as the Earth Dragon pounced at them.

Sinbad pulled out his sword and smiled and walked onto the road. Tatsumi saved the two on the caravan by slashing the arm of the Earth Dragon. Tatsumi saw Sinbad come out of the forest sword in hand and suddenly disappeared. Tatsumi was stunned and saw that Sinbad was in the air.

Sinbad smirked and dove straight down brandishing his sword over the unsuspecting Earth Dragon. Sinbad flashed his sword in a blur and the Earth Dragon was diced to pieces. After 2 seconds blood started gushing everywhere but not a single drop landed on Sinbad.

Tatsumi and the two guys were frozen by Sinbad elegant swordplay and his handsome looks. The three of them ran up to Sinbad in excitement and admiration.

Guy 1: That was amazing!

Guy 2: It's unbelievable to think that you took down a danger beast by yourself like that.

Tatsumi: You're strong!

Sinbad: It wasn't much. Well, nice to meet you guys I'm Sinbad.

Tatsumi: I'm Tatsumi. A name that'll be famous throughout the imperial capital.

Guy 1: You're saying you want to make it big in the imperial capital?

Tatsumi: Yeah! Win success and fame in the imperial capital… It's every country boy's dream!

Sinbad: The imperial capital isn't all dandelions and daisies you know? What lies behind all that is what is the scariest part, more scarier than danger beasts.

Tatsumi: What, there are even danger beasts in the capital, too?

Guy 1: It's the people…

Sinbad: What he said was right. Humans, but their hearts are those of monsters.

Guy 1: The capital's full of people like that.

Tatsumi: Thanks for the advice but I can't turn back now. I… No we're going to make it in the Imperial Capital, and save our village! Well I'm going see you guys later.

Tatsumi then walked off while Sinbad shook his head in disappointment.

Guy 1: You sure he's going to be alright?

Sinbad: This should be a lesson for him. So do you mind if I join you for a ride?

Guy 2: No of course not, you saved our lives after all.

Sinbad: Thanks. *smile*

Guy 1: Hop in then!

Sinbad hopped into their caravan and were on their way to the capital. After an hour or so they arrived in the capital. Sinbad asked them for some money to which they agreed because Sinbad had no money and he saved their lives so it was the least they could do.

Sinbad planned to follow Tatsumi until he meets Leone. When Tatsumi parts with Leone, Sinbad would confront Leone about stealing Tatsumi's money as a way of meeting her. As Sinbad was walking he was attracting many gazes because of his handsome looks and beautiful jewellery. Most of them were of attraction and admiration while some were malicious but Sinbad ignored them.

Sinbad was able to find Tatsumi as he was just walking revelling in the sights of the capital like a tourist. On the other hand he noticed Leone quietly sipping on a cup of coffee looking at Tatsumi. Leone was a young woman with short blonde hair with two long tufts that frame the sides of her head and golden eyes. She was wearing a revealing outfit with a black tube top, detachable sleeves, pants, boots and a scarf around her neck. Leone noticed Sinbad looking at her and was absolutely floored by his handsome appearance. Sinbad just smiled and continued walking on his way. Leone regained her thoughts and knew something was up with Sinbad's smile but decided not to pursue it.

Sinbad walked around the market flirting with women coaxing them into giving him food which was pretty easy. Sinbad would just engage in some small talk and then the woman would somehow try to entice Sinbad with food which he took and moved on. The women of course didn't mind and were still mesmerised by his devilish looks. Sinbad thought 'I never knew being handsome could bring so many perks.'

Sinbad found Tatsumi talking to Leone and knew this was the point where she seduces him into treating her to a meal. Sinbad thought 'She's too shameless this woman. I will make her submit to me like a good kitten so she doesn't seduce and trick my fellow brothers.' while he made this oath to himself he saw that they were walking to a pub near the area.

Sinbad followed them in and sat far away so he wasn't noticed by Leone. While Sinbad was sitting and observing from afar, a waitress from the bar went over to him shyly.

Waitress: E-Excuse m-me sir.

Sinbad snapped out his observation and saw a cute waitress by his side.

Sinbad: Sorry beautiful, I didn't notice you there. *smile*

An arrow pierced through the heart of the waitress and she flushed bright red as she saw his sparkling smile.

Waitress: I-I-I-I-It's o-o-okay, I-I w-was just wondering if you w-wanted to order anything?

Sinbad: How about a pint of beer beautiful. *smile*

Waitress: O-Okay I-I'll g-get it right away.

She then scurried away as fast as he could while Sinbad just laughed it off. Being the Otaku that he was he had to get used to this kind of thing otherwise he wouldn't be doing Sinbad justice. The Waitress came back as soon as she came and placed the pint of beer and left just as quickly. Sinbad thought she was cute and took a big swig of beer and continued to observe Leone and Tatsumi.

Sinbad saw Tatsumi pull out a sack of money from his rucksack and face palmed. He thought 'Even though I've seen this scene numerous times, I didn't know it was this frustrating to watch this in real life like this. And his proud face also makes me want to punch him in the mouth.' Sinbad saw that Leone got up and was leaving. He covered his face with his beer jug and continued drinking.

After she left, Sinbad took one last look at that stupid face of Tatsumi and left. Sinbad saw Leone walking into an alleyway and Sinbad followed. He continued to pursue through various alleyways and streets until she stopped in an abandoned opened space.

Leone turned around and saw Sinbad just smiling as if he wasn't stalking her earlier. Sinbad just looked at her with his deep golden eyes and walked a little closer.

Leone: If I'm not wrong, I guess you have something to say to me. *smile*

Sinbad: No I just happen to take my afternoon strolls here. *smile*

Leone: Oh, what a coincidence then!?

Sinbad: What's that big sack you have there?

Leone: Oh this! This is just some money my friend gave to me.

Sinbad: Must be some friend. You must be best friends then, right?

Leone: Yeah we are. I helped him get into the army by contacting my other friend.

Sinbad: Is your friend the one hiding behind that broken wall? Or should I say friends. *smile*

That was when five figures appeared from behind the ruined walls. One of them was a tall, muscular young man with blue eyes and black hair combed up in a heart-shaped pompadour. He donned a black shirt with green shoulders, chest armour and white pants with black boots. This was Bulat.

A young girl with long black hair that reached down down to her knees appeared. She had red eyes and wore a long dark coat. She wore a dark mini dress with a white collar and a red tie; she wore a red belt that has a red side skirt cover. She wore it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wore red gauntlets and black gloves. She rested her arm on a sword and this was Akame.

A young girl of below average height walked beside Akame. She had very long pink hair tied in twin-tails on the right and left sides of her head, although on occasion it is free-flowing. She had big pink eyes. She wore a pink outfit, consisting of a tied shawl with a high collar, a pink long sleeve shirt, a gown and black stockings with pink shoes. This was Mine.

A slender woman with long purple hair and purple eyes walked out also. She usually wore a revealing sleeveless lilac cheongsam with detached lilac arm sleeves and white boots. She usually had her Teigu with her. She wore glasses and had a scar on her right cheek. This was Sheele.

The last one to appear was young man with shoulder-length green hair that covers his left eye, green eyes and red goggles on top of his head. He wore a long green jacket with a fur-trimmed hood over a white and red ringer shirt and blue jeans with brown shoes. This young man was Lubbock.

Sinbad: Oh quite the party you have here. I might as well introduce myself, I'm Sinbad.

Leone: I'm Leone, these are Bulat, Lubbock, Mine, Sheele and Akame.

Sinbad: Wow, you certainly have quite a few friends.

That was when Lubbock surrounded Sinbad with wires enclosing Sinbad and preventing his escape. Sinbad thought 'I might as well show off a little bit.'

Sinbad: My servant of deception and confidence. Transform my whole body into that of a great magus. Djinn Equip Valefor!

Sinbad's necklace glowed bright which blinded everyone. After a few seconds they saw his appearance change. Sinbad looked like a white nine-tails fox. His hair changed to white and it lengthened. His ears also elongated and looked like the ears of a fox. In his palms were eyes that opened and closed when he closed his palms.

Akame, Leone, Sheele and Mine were stunned by his beautiful appearance as he looked like the Fox God. Lubbock was gnashing his teeth because of Sinbad's amazing looks. Sinbad waved his palms and an icy mist covered the air but none of them knew what he was doing.

Bulat: What is he doing?

Leone: He just turned into a fox that's all.

Akame: No there's something going on.

Sinbad: She's right Leone but it's already too late. *smirk*

Akame: Lubbock quick!

Lubbock: Aight!

Lubbock immediately pulled his arms inwards and all the wires converged to Sinbad's position in hopes of ripping him apart. But what shocked them was that the wires hit nothing. They were confused until they heard a voice behind them.

Sinbad: You can't be doing that.

They tried to turn around but noticed that he disappeared again. They were wondering what was going on. What they didn't know was that they were under Valefor's technique, Stagnation. By releasing the ice mist he could stop the movement of water molecules in the air and could manipulate them from a liquid or gas state to form a solid. Therefore separating the person's senses from their surroundings, thus slowing their movement enough to make it seem as if Sinbad was teleporting.

Sinbad appeared beside Leone and place his hand on her chin. That was when everyone saw Sinbad was there. It was strange because they could only realise a few seconds later.

Sinbad: Don't worry I don't want to fight you.

Sinbad retracted his Djinn Equip and raised his arms up. This comforted everyone else and they put their guard down a little.

Bulat: So what do you want?

Sinbad: You guys seem like a fun little group. So I want to join in. *smile*

Akame unsheathed her sword and placed it near Sinbad's neck. Sinbad could've stopped her but he let her and smiled.

Akame: What is your motive?

Sinbad: No need to get hostile. *chuckle* I would've started a fight earlier if I wanted to pick a bone with you lot. To put it simply, I just wanted to join your cause and fight against the injustices of the world, like that of the corrupt royalty in this place.

Akame withdrew her sword and sheathed her katana and looked at him.

Sinbad: So what's your answer? *smile*

Bulat: *laugh* I don't mind! It's always nice to have another companion.

Sinbad: Well that settles it then. Please take care of me. *smile*

Leone: Did you really have to go through all that?

Sinbad: Think of it as an audition. Anyway it would've been difficult for me to join you guys if I didn't show sufficient strength anyway.

Mine: That's right we can't be having nobodies join us like it's nothing.

Sinbad: Wait. Guys how could you let a little girl join such a dangerous group such as yours. *laugh*

Mine: *glare* What did you say?!

Sinbad: I'm just joking. *chuckle* How could I complain when such a beautiful lady is here?

Mine: Stop it… *blush*

Everyone including Sinbad was speechless because she changed her tune in the blink of an eye. Sinbad didn't know what to say and only thought that she was quite easy to trick.

Leone: Well welcome to Night Raid, Sinbad!

Bulat: That's right you are now one of us Sinbad!

Sinbad: Well thanks again. *smile*

Leone: We have mission tomorrow. You can come along with us.

Sinbad: Sure.