
Sin Archbishop From Common Place To World's Strongest

One day you get Isekai'd into the world of Arifureta with the power of the Witches of Sin from Re:Zero. ------ [First 12 chapters are very cringe so just bare with it or you can skip them] [Just to be clear this is not a story where 'Regulus’ takes the spotlight and outshines the Original MC, yea he will have his moments but it's mainly 'Regulus’ just tagging along as a Secondary MC, so don't expect him to lead the way or anything.] (I do not Own Arifureta / Re:Zero) (Story Belongs To: Aleiisekai (On Wattpad)) (I have permission to Repost and Edit this story)

Gentinon · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 6 "We are only getting started"

Regulus: Well then Hajime, Show me what you're made of.

Hajime: I sure will Regulus-sama

Hajime's Stats:

[AN: Idk some people love to read these so here ya go]

Hajime Nagumo Age: 17 Male Level: 76 Job: Synergist

Strength: 1980

Vitality: 2090

Defense: 2070

Agility: 2450

Magic: 1780

Magic Defense: 1780

Skills: Transmute [+Ore Appraisal] [+Precision Transmutation] [+Ore Perception] [+Ore Desynthesis] [+Ore Synthesis] [+Duplicate Transmutation] — Mana Manipulation [+Mana Discharge] [+Mana Compression] [+Remote Manipulation] — Iron Stomach — Lightning Field — Air Dance [+Aerodynamic] [+Supersonic Step] [+Steel Legs] — Gale Claw — Night Vision — Far Sight — Sense Presence — Detect Magic — Sense Heat — Hide Presence — Poison Resistance — Paralysis Resistance — Petrification Resistance — Diamond Skin — Intimidate — Telepathy — Language Comprehension


The Summoning Circle. Finally, it let out one last incandescent burst of light. They all covered their eyes to preserve their sight. Once the illumination dimmed, they got their first glimpse of their foe. What stood before them was a monster thirty meters in length. It had six heads attached to very long necks, each of which had a different-colored pattern engraved into its head and a pair of dark red eyes. It resembled the mythical Hydra.

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" It let out a peculiar howl and focused all six pairs of eyes on Hajime, Regulus and Yue. Determined to pass judgment on the foolish intruders, the Hydra unleashed a wave of bloodlust so powerful it would have stopped a normal person's heart on the spot.

At the same time, the red-patterned head opened its jaw and unleashed a torrent of flames. A veritable wall of fire raced toward them.

The ones that were about to hit Regulus and Yue were immediately canceled out due to [Greed].

Hajime However dove in a different direction, and instantly began firing off counterattacks. Hajime pulled Donner's trigger, and a small spark ignited the blastrock inside the bullet, which passed through an electrically charged barrel and accelerated toward the redpatterned head. The bullet slammed into the Hydra, blowing the red head clean off.

As he struck a triumphant pose, the white head let out a long screech, and white light began enveloping the destroyed red head. Then, like a tape rewinding, the red head flew back through the air and reattached itself to the Hydra's neck. So the white head's the healer.

Regulus: Yue why don't you show me what magic you can use and go help the kid.

Yue noded and Seconds later, Yue's ice spears sheared the green head off, but the white head restored that one too.

Hajime clicked his tongue and shouted to Yue.

Hajime: "Yue-sama, aim for the white one! This'll never end if it keeps healing!"

Yue: "Got it!"

The blue head opened its mouth next, firing a spray of ice pebbles at both of them. They nimbly dodged the barrage and took aim at the white head.

Bang! "Crimson Javelin!" A burning spear and speeding bullet raced toward the white head.

But just before they hit their target, the yellow head put itself in the line of fire and reared like a cobra. It took both Hajime's bullet and Yue's Crimson Javelin head on. It survived both the impact of a bullet and the heat of the explosion completely unscathed, and gazed coldly down at the two creatures below it.

Hajime: "Tch! It has a tank too? Quite the balanced party it's got there."

Hajime pulled an incendiary grenade out of his pack and threw it at the heads. He then fired a barrage of full power rounds at the white head. Yue fired a salvo of Crimson Javelins to match him. If she uses her Azure Blaze, she can probably take the yellow and white heads out at once, but it'll be risky since she'll be exhausted afterward. She'll recover right away if Regulus-sama lets her suck his blood, but I doubt the other heads will give them that much time. There was also the possibility they were tough enough to withstand Yue's strongest spell. Therefore, Hajime decided it would be too dangerous for Yue to use her strongest spells. until at least half the heads were dealt with or until Regulus decides to join in which. I hope he does.

The yellow head managed to perfectly block their barrage of attacks. However, even it couldn't come out of such a bombardment unscathed, and it was clearly wounded in places.

Hydra: "Graaaaaaaah!"

But the white head began healing the yellow one almost instantly. It was disgustingly proficient at healing magic.

However, right as it finished healing the yellow head, the grenade exploded directly above it. A deluge of burning tar fell upon the Hydra's heads. Some of it landed on the white head too, which made it screech in pain.

Hajime activated his telepathy to inform Yue not to let this chance slip by. But before he could say anything, a bloodcurdling scream reached his ears.

Yue's scream. "Aaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

Hajime: "Yue-sama!?"

Hajime tried to rush over to Yue, but the red and green heads unleashed a torrent of flame and wind to block his path. Yue's screams continued, and Hajime gritted his teeth in worry as he tried to piece together what was happening. It was then that he remembered the black head had yet to make a move.

No wait, maybe it already has made its move! Hajime frantically dodged with Aerodynamic and Supersonic Step while he fired Donner at the black head. A hyper-accelerated bullet slammed into the black head, knocking its gaze off of Yue. At the same time, Yue slumped to the ground. He could tell she was pale even from his distant position.

The blue head opened its jaw wide, and rushed toward Yue, intending to eat her.

But before that could happen the head was decapitated from the body of the monster.

Hajime looked and Regulus and he saw him looking at the Hydra with disgust on his face.

Regulus: "Oi Oi Who said you were allowed to hurt her huh you overgrown lizard!"

But before he could finish the Hydra fired off a magical attack towards Regulus. which still unknown how to Hajime. got rejected from Regulus body like it was never even fired at him. Regulus Stood in shock for a second.but it wasn't for the reason Hajime thought in a few seconds Regulus had such a disgusted face it was like he was looking at some scum of the world.

Regulus: Now Who tought you it was appropriate to fire an attack at someone while there happily talking that's a Violation of my Rights! Have those Mavericks no respect why the hell did they create such a rude and disrespectful creature it's like there trying to violate my rights to freely express my self-

But before he could finish the Hydra focused all of its attack on Regulus while completely forgetting about Hajime and Yue.

{Regulus POV}

Attacks were hitting him from every side but of course they were all neglected by [Greed] after about 10 seconds of constant attacks on Regulus. he got tired and activated his [Unseen Hands] which he by now could summon somewhere near 200 he used them all to tear all of the heads of the hydra and the rip the body apart while using [Greed] to not get any blood or well other stuff of the hydra on his obviously beautiful dress.

After about 1 minute of the hydra getting turned into nothing but a pool of blood and other stuff Regulus finally calmed down.

Hajime stood in shock with his mouth wide opened.

While Yue regained her senses in ac couple of seconds after witnessing the scene and ran towards Regulus and highly embraced him in a hug.

Yue: I was worried you wouldn't be able to take that much don't scare me like that ever again you hear me!

Regulus was stunned by the sudden actions of Yue but calmed down and hugged her back

Regulus: Its ok. nothing in this world can harm me as long as you're here so you don't have to worry.

[AN: Regulus has told Yue about he ability of [Loins Heart] but not its weakness just that it would be more 'efficient' if he puts his heart in her's]

———mini time skip——

After regaining their senses fully they continued to the final room where they got to listen to the story of how the gods were playing with the world a there toy and how the Mavericks or Liberators were actually the good guy's etc...

Hajime and Yue then found some fresh cloths and all tho Regulus would love to continues seeing yue in pandoras dress and she did not object in wearing nothing but what her love wanted her to wear the people around them once they exit the labyrinth would not take it to heart or well the opposite because Yue had a curtain charm with her she would attract too much attention.

After spending a week in the mansion of the labyrinth Hajime and Regulus had almost completely mastered the [Creation Magic] that they got for completing the labyrinth. Unfortunately Yue could not learn it due to her not having the right aptitude and Regulus naturally had an aptitude for every single magic and it was obviously maxed out because well the power of the author duh.

After mastering the [Creation Magic] Regulus told Hajime to make weapons, Cars, and other necessities they will need on their journey as well as to train with them to get stronger.

Which he happily did in all honesty Hajime now still did not trust Regulus as a person but he did trust his strength and he saw it with his own eyes I mean the man hadn't even a drop of sweat on him after fighting... no massacring the Hydra but nor did he have even a single drop of dirt on his dress which was even more amazing it was like he just didn't exist but at the same time they could see him. What Hajime also noticed that when the wind blow's neither Regulus's dress nor hair are affected its like nothing can touch him. And that was the reason Hajime acted so trusting he was sure that if he gets Regulus to trust him then he might tell him his secret and Hajime was sure if he obtains his power hell have no problem conjuring the labyrinths and getting back home.

Well this is an isekai so I might enjoy it while it lass now whats the phrase again ahh yes We are only getting started.


How much time has passed hmm I think about 2 months right.. thought Kaori while thinking about Hajime and wondering if he even is still alive...

She and the Hero's party were going to set out back to the labyrinth in a week or so and were now training with the captain of the knights every day. After losing one of the summoned heroes the church said not to talk about it at all it was like he never existed it was like Kaori was the only one who remembered him, but she was sure he was still out there he had to be.


AN: And there you go nothing much to say but hope you enjoyed.

If you have any suggestions please do voice them in the comment's and I'll be happy to read them.
