
Sin Archbishop From Common Place To World's Strongest

One day you get Isekai'd into the world of Arifureta with the power of the Witches of Sin from Re:Zero. ------ [First 12 chapters are very cringe so just bare with it or you can skip them] [Just to be clear this is not a story where 'Regulus’ takes the spotlight and outshines the Original MC, yea he will have his moments but it's mainly 'Regulus’ just tagging along as a Secondary MC, so don't expect him to lead the way or anything.] (I do not Own Arifureta / Re:Zero) (Story Belongs To: Aleiisekai (On Wattpad)) (I have permission to Repost and Edit this story)

Gentinon · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 5 "The Orcus Labyrinth" Part 3

{3rd person POV}

After a couple of hours of resting Regulus , Yue along with Hajime continued there journey.

Hajime: Regulus-sama your quite strong would you be able to pass the other labyrinth?

Regulus: Of course I believe I can pass any labyrinth with ease, Why are you asking?

Hajime:... Well id like to make a deal with you.

Regulus: Hmm?

Hajime: You know I am from another world right so I can give you the knowledge of my worlds weapons and technology in exchange for your help in finishing the labyrinths and helping me obtain this ancient magic to get home.

Regulus: Ohh I am sorry I forgot to tell you didn't I, I am originally from a different world too its very similar to yours just a different dimension.

Hajime: oh

Regulus: But! You see I am already on a journey to obtain the ancient magic so If you agree to become my subordinate I will take you with me and help you achieve your goal of returning home.

Hajime: "Hmm let me think about it.

Hajime the walked a bit backwards and maintained some distance from the two to probably think about the offer a bit more.


Regulus: "What will you do yue?"

Yue; "I don't have a home anymore so I don't know.."

Regulus: "Hmm about you come with me then?"

Yue: "... truly you would take me with you?"

Regulus: "of course why not and besides if you leave my heart might just break."

Yue: "*blush* Al-Alright then ill come with you!"

She then jumps to Regulus and hugs him very tightly but not like as tight to it be painful well she was sure that a person with his strength couldn't be crushed even by a mountain.

Regulus was quite startled by the hug by in a few seconds returned the gesture by kissing her on the cheek.

Hajime's thought's:

Damn this guy is strange for now ill act like I trust him but I definitely do NOT. I mean look at him everything about him practically SCREAMS that he's a Villian. I mean didn't he say he's a SIN archbishop or something and he represents GREED I mean if this world is anyhow similar to the isekai anime I've watched then he's got to be the antagonist. Well if he is searching fo ancient magic as I am then I can use him to get it and then get the hell on out of this world and go back home.


Regulus Thought's

Alright isn't he a BIT TOO trusting of me I mean in the Novel and Anime he doesn't trust anyone except Yue did I change the plot so much by just removing her from the picture or ... wait its Hajime were talking about he's pretty cautious when it some to trust so maybe he's just acting like he trusts me... damn where is gospel when I need her! damn that book can be so useless sometimes.


Yue's Thoughts

Hmm Regulus & 'That kid' seem to be both deep in thought. Well anyhow ill try and help Regulus-sama as much as I can he saved me after all and he seems like a wealthy noble maybe if there's anything left in the vampire country I can use my blood as royalty to grant him the treasures wait he's a man of status hell probably want my hand in marriage... I mean its not that I mind *Blush* he does look pretty handsome and he's powerful... ahh this is quite the topic to think about.


Hajime then decided to walk closer to Regulus

Haime: "Alright Regulus-Sama ill accept your offer but one question how long will it take to conquer all of he labyrinths?"

Regulus: "Honestly even with me strength and the interference we will be having from some 3rd parties it'll probably take around 6-8 months. But to be comfortable it will take a year at most."

Hajime: "ohh ok."

Regulus: That depends on how fast your going to gain your abilities if you get stronger we might finish the journey earlier if you take a longer time to get stronger it might take longer. Well it all depends on how fast you train your self and how much you actually determined to get back home if its just a wish then I suggest you give back but if you're really serious about getting back home then prepare to work you're self to close to death because that is the only way you'll become stronger.

After reaching the large doors behind only known to Regulus was a large snake type mintser aka the finale boss.

Hajime: "I am guessing there's some kind of Finall boss bend these Doors."

Regulus: "Your absolutely right. Get you weapons ready Hajime This is your time to prove you worth."

Hajime: "Understood Regulus-sama"

Hajime: 'proof or worth eh huh alright ill show you my worth no matter what satands in my way ill Destry it'

(AN: idk why but I felt kinda cringe when writing that line...)

As the doors opened They enter a large room as soon as the doors behind him closed the room was light in a birth light it was as if someone has put large projectors all around the room.

As they got ready Regulus Activated [Lions Heart] and prepared the [Unseen Hands] just in case.

As there eyes adjusted to the sudden change of lightning they saw-

It was the Hydra It looked a lot more real than.

Regulus: "Well then Hajime, Show us what your made of."


AN: Nothing much to say but hope you enjoyed the chapter and ill see you next time!
