
Sin Archbishop From Common Place To World's Strongest

One day you get Isekai'd into the world of Arifureta with the power of the Witches of Sin from Re:Zero. ------ [First 12 chapters are very cringe so just bare with it or you can skip them] [Just to be clear this is not a story where 'Regulus’ takes the spotlight and outshines the Original MC, yea he will have his moments but it's mainly 'Regulus’ just tagging along as a Secondary MC, so don't expect him to lead the way or anything.] (I do not Own Arifureta / Re:Zero) (Story Belongs To: Aleiisekai (On Wattpad)) (I have permission to Repost and Edit this story)

Gentinon · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 32 "Saving the Hero and Some Cute face's"

A silence unbefitting of a battlefield fell across the room. The Figure, his back facing Kaori and Shizuku, Carefully examined his surroundings while kicking away bits of Ahatod's flesh. Then, he turned to face the two girls huddling behind him.

The moment Kaori locked eyes with it, she felt a shiver of electricity in her chest.

Regulus: "Hmm, well, you will have to do for now I guess, But honestly Hajime better apologise for ditching this whole task on me later! This is completely against my right's!"

While Shizuku was still stammering incoherently, Regulus looked up at the hole he'd Fallen through. He caught Yue as she fell and gently lowered her to the ground.

After that Hajime Landed with Shea in his arms right after, putting her down as well. Last came Endou.

"N-Nagumooo! You bastard, that nearly gave me a heart attack! What the hell was that!? You said something to Regulus-san and he just plowed right through the ground! What the hell were you thinking!?"

He looked around as he complained, spotting his best friends, along with the rest of his comrades, surrounded by a horde of monsters. His friends were both overjoyed at seeing him again, and angry that he'd returned.


"Jugo! Kentarou! I've brought reinforcements!"

At the word "reinforcements," both Kouki and the demon turned to look at Regulus ,Hajime and the girls that came with them. However, Regulus completely ignored their existence started barking- I mean stating orders.

"Yue dear I apologise for intruding on your private time but would you please, guard those creatures over there for me? Shea, look after that collapsed knight over there. The one wearing all that armor. Hajime please do try and explain the situation to your ehh... acquaintances"

"You just had to make it all sound so long didn't you? but I got it."

"Okay... leave it to me."

"Aye aye, sir!"

Yue casually walked over to the other students, completely ignoring the monsters surrounding them. Meanwhile, Shea leaped over to Meld with surprising agility.

"H-Hajime-kun..." Kaori once again called out to Hajime, her voice trembling. She was feeling so many different emotions that she couldn't process them all. Naturally, there was the joy of knowing he was still alive, and the happiness she felt at seeing him again. However, there was also a mounting feeling of dread along with a sudden fear creeping its way into her mind. After all, Hajime was here in this dangerous place. She had no idea how he'd found his way down here, but all she wanted was for him to flee to safety.

Hajime noticed her unease and tried to reassure her. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Just sit back, as my dear friend Regulus says enjoy the show to your utmost satisfaction."

He activated Riftwalk, honing his senses to the limit. Then, pulled three Cross Bits out of his Treasure Trove and set them to guard Kaori and Shizuku. The two girls' eyes darted about as they watched these floating crosses that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Hajime then trying around reaffirmed Regulus's ability.

Hajime: "That seems like the leader I trust you'll deal with her?"

Regulus: "Who do you take me for of course I can! I am the most perfect being alive nothing can go against my satisfaction!"

Hajime: "Can I speak with her?"

Regulus: "Hmm go ahead but don't take long."

Hajime: "You, the red-haired girl over there. If you flee now, ou might just not infringe upon our or more specifically this guy's right's and unless you want to be squished into tiny pieces. I recommend you run, if you want to live."

"What was that?" It was ludicrous to think that this puny human could harm her, especially with so many monsters surrounding him. She was so surprised by his words that she didn't comprehend them at first. Hajime sighed and repeated himself.

"You're not very quick on the uptake, are you? I said if you run now, I'll let you live. Is that so hard to understand?"

So I didn't mishear him. Her expression turned cold. All she said in response was a simple, short statement.

"Kill him." She pointed at Hajime, ordering her monsters to attack.

And so, the demon made a most fatal mistake. She should have paid more attention to the fact that Ahatod, her strongest monster, had been obliterated by a single attack, or fall?.

Add to that Hajime's arrogant attitude, and the fact that Ahatod was a precious monster that had been gifted to her by her boss, must have caused her to lose her cool. She failed to accurately assess the situation, and let her anger get the better of her. She hadn't even realised what Regulus's blasting through the labyrinth floor meant. Everyone, including the demons, had thought the floor made of material that was literally unbreakable.

Had she not been so quick to anger, she might have made a wiser decision. Still, it was too late. The die had been cast.

"I see. I guess that means you're my enemy." Hajime muttered softly under his breath. At the same time, one of the invisible Chimeras attacked.

"Hajime-kun!" "Nagumo-kun!" Kaori and Shizuku both cried out a warning. Hajime nonchalantly grabbed the Chimera with his artificial arm and lifted it into the air as if it were no heavier than a kitten.

The Chimera started thrashing wildly, trying to break free from his grip. Hajime watched the air warp and bend as it struggled, sighing in disbelief.

Hajime: "Oh come on, are you serious? This half-assed magic is the best you've got? Are you even trying? You're lucky this guy next to me doesn't know much about magic or he would've taken such a measly attack on his person personally."

Regulus's Thought's: Interesting if I focus my [Stillness of an Object's Time] enough I can detect all movement around me, even if it's invisible to the eye.

Hajime's Thought's: What's the point of having invisibility magic if the air shimmers every time you move?

They fought monsters in the abyss that had been able to conceal themselves. Each and every one of them had proven a troublesome foe. Compared to them, the Chimera he was facing was nothing. A concealment skill that still left traces was no concealment skill at all.

Everyone watched in dumbfounded amazement as Hajime fought. He'd just lifted up a monster weighing a couple hundred kilograms with a single hand as if it was no sweat.

As always, he ignored the stares and put more strength into his grip. There was a loud crunching noise, and eventually the air stopped shimmering. The Chimera fizzled into view, its head mercilessly crushed. The intimidating creature that had given Kouki and the others so much trouble now hung limply from Hajime's hand.

"No way..." Someone muttered in the ensuing silence.

Hajime tossed the dead Chimera to the side, then casually started walking to the side.

Hajime: "Alright I had my fun i'll leave it to your Sinful Holiness."

Regulus: "You have finally learned how to adress me good job, now then ill have to deal with this dissatisfaction."

Regulus said that with a singing grin.

With that Regulus lifted his hand to the side whilst lifting his finger up with a blueish aura now surrounding him the air around shimmered, and another Chimera fizzled into view, its head squished, along with a Super Bulltaur, its head squished clean. Both monsters slumped to the ground, dead.

"H-How did he know..." The demon could no longer hide her surprise.

Regulus just scoffed. Even if they were completely invisible, they shifted the air around them, which caused slight vibrations along the ground.

Regulus didn't even spare the dead monsters a glance, and began the battle... no, the slaughter, for intruding on his right's.

The fight was too one-sided to be called a battle. The monster's tried to attack but as soon as anything got with a certain are around Regulus, they all met their end in one of the most terrible ways of their body'd being splattered on the ground.

The demon couldn't believe how easily her monsters were being killed, while the Hero's Party couldn't understand how Regulus had such power, no they didn't understand that it was a power, all they saw was that as soon as a monster got near Regulus it would get completely obliterated.

Heedless of anything but their orders, the monsters continued attacking in waves. Had they not been mind-controlled, they likely would have fled.

A few black cats got behind Regulus, and tried to launch their tentacles from his blind spot. However, with a single flick of his wrist, Regulus waved at the cat's and traveling faster than the speed of sound the [Gravitational Control] aspect of the Melancholic Authority tore through the cats' skulls.

Two Super Bulltaurs moved to flank him. Their maces tore through the air with unbelievable force. Regulus simply redirected the force of his Authority, and tripped the Super Bulltaur to the right while he was at it. Arms pinwheeling, the Super Bulltaur crashed into its comrade.

"Grah!?" Both of them let out a surprised shout. While the two of them were hugging each other, Regulus pointed two finger over their head and The Super Bulltaurs head's were squished in each other's arms.

As Regulus was fight- oblitirationg off the main force some Chimeras sneaked to Hajime's side.

A smile played about Hajime's lips. It wasn't that he was deriving pleasure from trampling his enemies. It was just the happiness that came with knowing he could finally challenge this unreasonable, unfair world. His way of saying "Try and kill me if you dare." Packed into that smile was his resolve to stay alive and annihilate anything that dared stand in his way.

Hajime leaped a few meters into the air, did a somersault, and reloaded his guns while upside-down. He moved so fast that the Chimeras and four-eyed wolves lost sight of him for a second. While they were still looking around in confusion, Hajime dealt them all finishing blows.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere. Two Super Bulltaurs charged, hoping to take advantage of the moment Hajime landed.

But They never did as their body's were obliterated by a sudden wave of gravity pressure.

Regulus turned back to the red-headed demon girl

"Ah!? Curses!" She leaped out of the way. The moment Regulus had started decimating her army, she'd realised she was in big trouble. In order to somehow turn things around she'd began chanting a long, powerful spell. Regulus had, of course, been aware of that, which was precisely why he'd kept her alive, ever since he read his Status Sheet he wanted to test how durable [Authority of Melancholy] was against magic.

As she ran, Regulus decided to block her escape path as he didn't want to leave a person un-punshied, that would infringe upon his and their right's after all.

"Tch..." Regulus sighed.

Meanwhile, the demon didn't even have time to catch her breath. Her expression froze and cold sweat poured down her back. There was a huge explosion, and a wave of gravity washed over the right side of her face. White feathers rained down around her.

The raven that had been resting on her shoulder until now had been killed.

Since his plan was to lock her in a desperate place, without a healer so she would actually bring out the real magic and not some half ass not working one that even Hajime could detect.

The raven had been decimated in an instant, without ever realising what had hit it.

The shockwave from Regulus forming a gravity ball and throwing it at a near by wall had been strong enough to throw the demon off-balance. She tumbled to the ground and absentmindedly touched her cheek. It was splattered with the raven's blood, and stung to the touch. The friction and heat had been enough to burn her cheek.

If her head had been just a few inches closer to the raven, she would have died then and there.

Still, even though she'd survived one attack, it was already over for her. Her supposedly invincible monster army was being steamrolled with unbelievable ease. She knew that man could kill her whenever he chose to. Her life was utterly and completely in the palm of his hand. Until now she'd had great pride in her unbreakable warrior's spirit. Faced with Regulus's overwhelming Authority, however, that spirit began to crumble. Nothing she did would be able to even scratch that monster.

What the hell is he? How does someone like him even exist? And how am I supposed to survive against him!? No that person no thing can't be human, No one but the strongest of the demon lord's posses such powers!

Questions whirled around inside the demon's head, but no answers presented themselves.

Many of those same questions were going through Kouki and the others' minds too. Most of them hadn't recognized the silver-haired boy with the eyepatch as Hajime, so they were curious about the identity of this kid who was able to trample these monsters they'd barely been able to fend off.

"What the... What the heck is he!?" Kouki watched in disbelief, still too exhausted to move. Though they didn't say it out loud, everyone was thinking the same thing. The one who provided them all with answers was Endou, the one they'd sent off to escape alone.

"Haha, you probably won't believe me, but... that's Nagumo's Friend, and that over there is Nagumo."


Everyone stared at Endou. He could tell they all thought he was crazy.

Granted, it was understandable. He hadn't believed it at first either, but it was the truth, so all he could do was shrug his shoulders.

"Like I said, The guy in White is Regulus Corneas, he and Hajime Nagumo. THat guy over there.

He said as he pointed at the White Haired boy with the eyepatch.

Endou: "He's The same Nagumo that fell off the bridge that day. He somehow survived, and crawled his way back out of the labyrinth. He tore through all the monsters on our way here too. It was crazy! I can't believe it's really the same guy, but... it is."

"Wait, so Nagumo was alive this whole time!?" Kouki shouted in surprise. Everyone turned to look at the boy's who were annihilating the demon's army once more. They all thought

"That couldn't possibly be Nagumo. There's just no way." Endou could guess what they were thinking from their expressions, so he decided to provide further proof.

"I'm serious. He's totally different now, but I saw his Status Plate."

He smiled drily as he watched the reinforcements he brought tear through the monsters' ranks. No one could believe that the weak boy they'd all ridiculed had found such strong companions and become so strong him-self. One person was particularly unhappy about this development.

Hiyama: "Y-You're lying. Nagumo died. I mean, we all saw him! There's no way he's still alive! Don't give me this crap!"

Endou: "Uwaaah, what's wrong with you!? I saw his Status Plate and everything, it's him for sure!"

Hiyama: "I don't believe it! It has to be some kind of trick! That has to be an imposter!"

Endou: "Dude, what the heck are you on about? Why would anyone want to impersonate Nagumo?"

Hiyama grabbed Endou by the collar and started grilling him. His face was pale, and he denied Hajime's survival with an abnormal ferocity. Even his friend Kondou was shocked by how vehement Hiyama was.

In order to calm him down, someone quite literally doused him with cold water. A mini-waterfall appeared above Hiyama's head, drenching him from head to toe. This happened just as he tried to suck in a breath, so he choked a little. Coughing and spluttering, Hiyama looked to see who'd done that.

Standing in front of him was Yue. She spoke to him in a voice colder than the water she'd just poured on him.

"Quiet. You're getting in my view of observing the Most Satisfied Existence's and his pupil fight."

Hiyama wanted to retort back, but he swallowed his words when he saw the look in Yue's eyes. He was nothing more than a bug to her, and if he argued back he had no doubt she would squash him like one.

Though her stare chilled him to the bone, Hiyama couldn't help but admire Yue's perfect figure. He wasn't alone, either. The other students, Kouki included, had all been entranced by her doll-like features. Suzu even let out a very unladylike whistle. Despite how young Yue looked, there was an air of maturity about her that inadvertently drew people in.

Just then, at the demon's urging, a few of the monsters split off to attack Kouki's group. She was trying to take them as hostages. Since there was no way she could beat Regulus in a head-on battle, she'd resorted to this.

Suzu hurriedly tried to put up a barrier, but her exhausted body cried out in protest. She'd been casting almost nonstop since waking up. Still, she bit her lip to keep herself from blacking out and continued chanting. Eventually, Yue gently put a hand on her head to stop her. Surprised, Suzu stopped chanting.

"Don't worry." Though there was no reason for that to suddenly make things okay, a wave of relief washed over Suzu. Suzu herself didn't know why Yue's words felt so comforting, but she seemed to know she could trust Yue.

Yue stared down the monsters bearing down on them. With their claws, tentacles, and maces inches from her face, she calmly mouthed two words.

"[Sapphire Serpent]" A pale-blue sphere, about one meter in diameter, appeared directly above her head. The fire mages in the party instantly recognised it as one of the strongest fire spells: Azure Blaze, a spell so powerful it incinerated everything in its vicinity.

It was unthinkable that anyone could cast it instantly without even an incantation. The mages of the party all stared dumbly at the massive fireball floating above them.

However, this was just the beginning. Next, the sphere uncoiled itself, transforming into a snake. The flaming serpent swallowed a Super Bulltaur whole, leaving not even ash in its wake.

The serpent then sprouted wings, completing its transformation.

A flaming sapphire dragon stood where the sphere had been.

The thirty meter long dragon coiled itself around Kouki and the others, forming a protective barrier. The burning blue blaze was so hot that the monsters couldn't even get close to it. The dragon then opened its maw wide, surging forward.

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Its roar shook the room. The monsters were all lifted into the air and flung into the dragon's waiting jaws. They struggled desperately, but it was futile. One after another, they were thrown into the furnace of hell and incinerated beyond recognition.

"What is this..." one of the students muttered. None of them had ever heard of magic that could control the bodies of others in a manner like that.

That made sense. After all, Sapphire Serpent was a spell Yue had created herself by combining Azure Blaze with gravity magic.

The reason she'd picked Sapphire Serpent over her usual Draconic Thunder was because she wanted to get more practice with her control. Summoning a massive fire dragon in an enclosed space meant she had to regulate how much oxygen she let it consume, or everyone would suffocate. It required far more precision than Draconic Thunder.

However, Kouki and the others didn't know that. They all turned back to Yue, intent on demanding an explanation.

But when they saw her regal figure, calmly guiding the dragon like it was nothing, they swallowed their words. A few of the students, Suzu included, fell for her then and there.

The demon despaired when she saw the dragon. She'd thought it was only one crazy monster she'd had on her hands, but it seemed this mysterious boy's companion's was just as dangerous. Quickly running out of options, the demon looked at what was left. The only other people she could feasibly target were the bunny girl next to the half-dead knight, and the two girls hugging each other a good distance away from the group.

Still, the demon would soon find they weren't easy prey either. As Hajime left back to their side.

Meanwhile, Chimeras and cats surged toward Kaori and Shizuku. Shizuku gritted her teeth and valiantly held up her shattered blade, but before her enemies could reach her, Hajime's Cross Bits took action.

Shizuku watched in amazement as the floating crosses took aim at the Chimeras and let out a bang.

What on earth is that thing!? Something whizzed past her cheek and fell to the ground with a metallic clang. On the other side, the same thing happened next to Kaori.

Still confused, the two turned toward the monsters bearing down on them, only to find they'd all had their heads blown off. They looked back at the Cross Bits, understanding finally dawning on them.

"Was that... gunpowder?"

"Wait, so this is... a gun?"

The two girls exchanged a look. Then they turned toward Hajime. The guns in his hand confirmed their suspicions. The weird floating crosses protecting them were also weapons of his.

"A-Amazing... When did Hajime turn into a human gundam?"

"I'd say he's more like a Newtype than an actual gundam..."

Now that the immediate threat had been dealt with, and it was obvious Hajime was in no real danger, the two girls had managed to calm down some. Hajime's Cross Bits also had a recording function built into them, so he'd heard what they'd said. He was pretty surprised the two of them knew so much about Gundam. He wanted to make a comment about it, but decided to refrain.

"Unbelievable... What is he?" The demon muttered to herself. All of her schemes had been destroyed by simple brute force. Despair got the better of her, so she resigned herself to her fate. She didn't have many monsters left, and the outcome of this match was clear.

As one last-ditch attempt, she flung the strongest spell she could muster at Regulus and made a break for one of the exits. The spell she'd used was [Dark Gaol.]

Regulus spared the gray sphere a glance with a hint of excitement on his face, and then it all left him. He ignored the spell entirely with a disappointed look on his face. The sphere exploded next to Regulus and Hajime, enveloping them in petrifying smoke. Kouki and the others gasped, while Kaori screamed.

The demon watched them out of the corner of her eye as she ran. However, just as she made it to the exit—

"Haha... Looks like you were one step ahead of me the whole time."

"That's right."

One of Hajime's Cross Bits was waiting for her at the exit, its muzzle pointed directly at her. She realized now, she'd been doomed from the moment she'd decided to attack him. For some reason, the thought struck her as funny, so she started laughing. Regulus slowly walked up to her. She'd come to hate that overly smug demeanour of his.

[AN: Warning Regulus had activated his {Infinite Vocabulary} Skill]

Regulus: "This is very disappointing I expected you to satisfy my curiosity but it seems you failed to do so with this weak magic of your's, but honestly what did I expect from an imperfect being such as your self, after all I am the most perfect existence so it was obvious from the start you stood no chance but you know... I still expected more. Seems my power level for you was quite high, I honestly need to downgrade this worlds danger level to me, it's not like anyone can hurt me or anything but in order to feel satisfied I Regulus Corneas a perfect existence will still do it, despite this word's pitifulness."

She turned around, giving up for good. Seeing as Regulus nor anyone else hadn't been affected one bit by her petrification spell. And to add insult to injury, he was radiating mana in waves toward another exit to blow the smoke away. He could have avoided it if he wanted to, but he'd just taken the hit to make a long speech with a point.

Demon: "You damned monster. Are you even human? No measly human can do those things."

Regulus: "Honestly? I would say that I certainly count my self as a human being, and for you to assume anything else is quite rude and infringing on my right's but I suppose you tiny brain couldn't comprehend the power's of the most satisfied existence such as my self, I of course understand that My power can hardly be comprehend and be called something that a human can do but even if I was born with exceptional powerful, so powerful in fact that taking over the world is not a dream for someone like me, but do not fear for I Regulus Corneas am a fully satisfied existence, in fact, not to brag but I have the Most beautiful and loving wife, the most powerful companions, and a very adorable daughter, who is waiting for me to return back to her from this rescues mission of the Hero's party, in fact how dare you! you're waisting my time here and separating me from my adorable daughter! Don't you understand how hard it is for her to know that her father has to waist his precious time on scum like you? Even if you are scum you should at least realise this but no! You don't this just proves that you are completely unworthy of my presence and here for you heinous acts I shall terminate you right here and now! But do not fear for I Regulus Corneas am a forgiving person, and for that reason I will not take you miserable life."

While going on his rant Regulus slowly approached the demon and when his performance was finished he stopped just a few steps away from the demon. She looked around the room and saw all of her monsters lying on the ground, dead. She smiled bitterly and mentally berated Regulus for talking so much.

Demon: "So you won't kill me?"

Regulus: "Honestly didn't you listen to anything I just said? Because if my memory doesn't betray me, which it never does, I do remember saying that I won't kill you, such as that would be a waist of my precious time and power."

Demon: "Then why is the second one still pointing the artefact at me?"

Regulus: *Sigh* "Honestly this is getting annoying, but I Regulus corneas will repeat what I said in a different manner such one that even your brain will understand. What I just said is that I won't kill you didn't I? But that does only specify me? Doesn't it? For what actions my companion takes I take no responsibility if he decides to end you that is his right, now do you understand?"

Hajime slowly took aim with Donner. The demon's expression was oddly relaxed. There was nothing else she could do. All that was left for her was death, and she'd come to terms with that. After all listening to Regulus speeches was very tiring.

Hajime: "Normally, I'd ask if you have any last words, but... sadly, I have no interest in what you have to say. Though, I guess there is something I want you to tell me... What's a demon like you doing down here? And where'd you get those monsters?"

"What makes you think I'll tell you? Why would I give information to our enemy? Just kill me and be done with it I can't bother to listen to that mans ramblings anymore." The demon sneered at Hajime. He glared coldly at her, and without warning shot her in the leg.

"Agaaaaah!" The demon screamed and tumbled to the ground. Her screams echoed throughout the room. Kouki and the others watched silently, shocked at Hajime's callous cruelty. Hajime ignored them all and continued talking to the demon.

"I have no interest in your stupid war, or this world. I'm not asking you as a member of the human army. I'm just curious. Now answer me."

"..." The demon gritted her teeth and stared Hajime down. Realising she wouldn't break, Hajime decided there was no point in interrogating her any further.

"Well, I can more or less guess. The reason you're here is because you want to conquer the true labyrinth that lies beneath this one, right?"

The demon's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Noting her reaction, Hajime continued.

"And those monsters were controlled using magic from the age of the gods... Bullseye, huh? So the demons managed to conquer one of the Seven Great Labyrinths, and are using the magic they found there to tip the scales... That means the reason you're here isn't just to extend an invitation to the hero party, but also to clear the other labyrinths?"

"Impossible... How..." The demon grimaced. Somehow, Hajime had guessed all of their plans. Suddenly, a possibility occurred to her. Maybe Hajime had also cleared one of the labyrinths. She looked up at him for confirmation, and he nodded silently.

Demon: "I see. So you're just like that person... That explains your strength... Are we done here? If so, get it over with already. I hope you're not thinking of taking me prisoner. You'll never take me alive."

It was clear from her gaze that the demon would kill herself before she allowed herself to be taken captive. But if possible, she wanted to die a warrior, at the hands of her enemies. For his part, Hajime had gotten all the information he'd wanted out of the demon. He no longer had any use for her.

The demon cursed Hajime with her final words, in one last act of spite. "Someday my lover will come to kill you." Hajime smiled fearlessly. "I'll kill anyone that makes themselves my enemy, even the gods themselves. I can't imagine someone stuck as their pawn is much of a threat."

Done with their final exchange, the two of them fell silent. Hajime pointed Donner at the demon's head. But before he could pull the trigger, someone called out to him.

Kouki: "Wait! Wait, Nagumo! She can't fight anymore! There's no need to kill her!"

"..." Hajime looked over his shoulder at Kouki, a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Is this guy serious?

Kouki stumbled to his feet, swaying unsteadily. Hajime still had his finger on the trigger.

Kouki: "Let's... Let's just make her our prisoner. There's no way we can kill someone who can't even resist. Heroes aren't supposed to do things like that. You're one of my comrades too, so shouldn't you be obeying my commands?"

Regulus: "Is this creature for real right now?"

Hajime and Regulus could scarcely believe the things coming out of Kouki's mouth.

Hajime ignored Kouki entirely and pulled the trigger.

There was a sharp crack as the bullet robbed the demon of her life. Silence fell. Kouki's jaw was hanging open.
