
Sin Archbishop From Common Place To World's Strongest

One day you get Isekai'd into the world of Arifureta with the power of the Witches of Sin from Re:Zero. ------ [First 12 chapters are very cringe so just bare with it or you can skip them] [Just to be clear this is not a story where 'Regulus’ takes the spotlight and outshines the Original MC, yea he will have his moments but it's mainly 'Regulus’ just tagging along as a Secondary MC, so don't expect him to lead the way or anything.] (I do not Own Arifureta / Re:Zero) (Story Belongs To: Aleiisekai (On Wattpad)) (I have permission to Repost and Edit this story)

Gentinon · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 3 "The Orcus Labyrinth"

After getting to the city 'Horaud under the rule of the 'Heiligh Kingdom"

The Gospel said Regulus Had 1 day before Hajime and his classmates enter the labyrinth

To have an advantage he decided to enter it first.

But before that you went shopping and bought some extra clothes and some you then learned the [Pocket Dimension] Spell from gospel but after that you had to take her on a shopping spree too so yea she bought a bunch of cloths.

You wandered around the city a bit more before deciding to get a quick coffee before going to the guild to get a pass to the Labyrinth.

At the table.

Regulus: "hey Gospel how do you think Ehit will react when he relies that one of his apostle just disappeared?"

gospel: Firstly in public call me either your Sister or Victorique.

Regulus: alright then for short ill call you 'Vica' sound good?

Vica: Sure. And about you question of how will Ehit react-

???: Oioi what do we have here hey would you like to be my concubine?

Waitress: Dear customer please calm down and don't scre-

???: Hey I am a son of a Baron and from now on you belo-

Regulus: "Oi Shit head Stop disrespecting my rights on having a nice cup of coffee. you right now are violating my right on being able to comfortably converse and enjoy my time and my time is my life so that's the same as you stepping on my life and that's a violation of my rights so how about you apologise and get lost before I take it personal-"

Barons Son: Huh? who da heck are you get lost pesea- hmm the lady next to you looks good hey if you sell me her ill forgive you for being rude to me.

Vica: Things are about to get bloody... is the body or Regulus affecting his personality? I wonder what other surprises does Pandora-Sama has for me and him..

You then use your [Unseen Hands] To throw the ugly kid in the air and slam him back on the ground.

You then leave a few coins on the table and leave with Gosple towards the guild to buy the pass to enter the Labyrinth.

---mini time skip brought to you by Regulus Ranting about how that idiot noble disrespected his rights---

After getting the pass to the labyrinth along with a map sample. Gospel transported back to you conciseness to not waist its mana.


After entering the labyrinth you got pass the monsters with ease and then you got to the floor with a pair of large doors (aka Yue's room) When you open the doors the lights started to get lit up.

You walk to the middle of the room and the Beautiful girl looks at you and spoke.

???: "Who's there?"

The scene was just as in the LN's

The girl was buried in the rock from the neck down, and her golden- blonde hair dangled limply in front of her face. Eyes as red as the blood moon peeked out from between gaps in her hair. She looked to be young. Still, despite her haggard appearance and her hair covering the better parts of her face. She was quite Beautiful.

Yue: "Who are you? Wait no please save me-"

Regulus: "Don't worry I plan on doing that."

You say with a calming voice.

You then walk up to her and place your hand on the stone and it immediately shaders to pieces.

The girl almost falls to the floor but you catch her in a princess style.

You then gently place her on the floor.

Yue: Wh-Whats yo-your n-n-name?

Regulus: "Don't you think it's more polite to introduce your self first before asking someone else's name."

Yue: "I- I don't have one.. Give me one!"

Regulus: "Huh"

Regulus: 'Oh yea I forgot she wants a new one'

Yn: "How about Yue?"

???: "Yue? Yue,Yue"

Regulus: "Yeah. Where I come from, it means 'moon.' When I first came into this room your golden hair and red eyes reminded me of the moon, so what do you think?"

She blinked in surprise at his words. It seemed she hadn't expected him to have a reason behind picking the name.

Yue: "...Hmm. Then from today onwards, I will be Yue. Thank you. So what about your name?"

Regulus: Ahh yes My name is Regu- I mean Regulus Corneas.

Yue: "Regulus ok."

Yue: "Huh?"

As the girl, now Yue, expressed her thanks, You then reach into your pocket dimension and give her a shirt. It looks something like pandoras dress.

Regulus "Here, wear this. It's a violation of my rights to be naked in front of me without asking first especially if we just met."

Yue: "Oh..."

Yue reflexively took the dress offered to her, and looked down at her own body. As Regulus had said, she was stark naked. Every bit of her was completely exposed. She blushed and pressed the dress against her body before looking up at a smiling Regulus and said,

"Regulus-sama, you pervert."

Regulus: "Well why are you here Exactly?"

Yue: "I am one of the original, atavistic vampires... because of the extraordinary power I was gifted with... I worked hard for the sake of my country and my people. But then... one day... my retainers all... said I wasn't needed anymore... My uncle... said that he would be king in my place... I...was fine with that... but because I had so much power everyone was afraid of me, they thought I was dangerous... They couldn't kill me... so they decided to seal me here instead... That's why..."

She spoke haltingly but desperately, her parched throat making speech difficult. Regulus sighed as he heard her tale. She had certainly suffered a cruel fate.

Regulus: "Wow that's pretty harsh."

Regulus Then remembered something and instantly froze. He remembered that There was one hell of a powerful monster in the room with them, Well powerful for Hajime but nothing but a weak bug for him but hadn't though that far yet.

And it was... right above them. The same moment he remembered its presence, it chose to drop down from the ceiling.

He quickly got to his feet, scooped up Yue with one arm, and used [Greed] To practically teleport to the other side of the room.

The monster was nearly five meters long, and possessed four arms that all ended in razor-sharp scissors. It had a further eight legs that clacked noisily as it scuttled around. It also had two tails, each of which ended in stingers. The closest thing it resembled was a scorpion.

But Regulus just swung his hand and used [Greed] to cut the monster in half.

Yue:" ...How did you"

Regulus "Lets just say I am pretty powerful."

Regulus: "So why don't you tell me about you self-"

???: "Didn't think there were others here. Hey who are you guys?

Regulus: "... huh."


AN: Anyway Hope you enjoyed this chapter because I sure did.