
Silver Wing Academy

Linel Silvercrest is a boy who grew up in a rich family. He has everything that he ever wanted. Toys, clothes, gadgets, you name it. One day, on his first day of his new school... He got bullied by a bunch of punks. Since Linel has everything from birth, he also has an ability called atomic synthesis. Atomic synthesis is a power to manipulate atoms through brainwaves. He use that power against them and beats them up badly. Because of that, he got expelled from his new school. His father got furious and sends him to his grand father's school which is a military academy called Silver Wing Academy. Join Linel in his adventures or misadventures in this crazy military school were students has too much freedom.

Repolio · Sci-fi
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140 Chs

Luna's Corner 6:

It's Luna's Corner ^.^

I'm your host Luna the lovely and cute intergalactic idol.

This is Ultrabot...

"Howdy y'all!"

For some reason, he's talking like a cowboy today.

"Geedeeyup whoresey! Yeeehaaaw!"

Its sounds really funny ^_^

"Geeyt beeyk here wumin!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha XD

"Wut in retawrdaytiown!"

Ha ha ha ha XD

L-lets m-mo-move o-on to- pffft! (trying to stop lauging)

Please give me a moment.


Bam* Bam* Bam* (hits the table while laughing)

Phew! That was a good laugh ^_^

"Wut in retawrdaytiown!"


A-anyway, Let's move on to our first topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Rainbow Grass Yeay XD

Ultrabot do you know what a Rainbow Grass is?

"Heeeyeeel Noooo!"


A-anyway, Rainbow Grass is a grass that changes color like a Christmas light. Although its name is Rainbow Grass, it doesn't mean it only changes into seven colors. It changes into let's see... light blue... light green... light purple... light red... light... (counting with fingers)

Let's just say it changes into many colors ^_^

"Wut in retawrdaytiown!"

Anyway, the guy who discovered it named it Rainbow Grass because it's colorful like a rainbow although he never told anyone were he found it. He just sold the seeds and become filthy rich.

Isn't he greedy?


Ehem! Moving on to the second topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Fenrisel Royal Family Yeay XD

Is everyone familiar with the Fenrisel Royal Family?

How about you Ultrabot, are you familiar with the Fenrisel Royal Family?

"Theey're a buwnch of heeyeel beeyeellies!"

I don't know what a hill billy is, but I'm pretty sure that's not it.

"Rwagdangit Blwasted Vawrmin! Retawrdaytiown! Tebeywscow Swauwce!"


Fenrisel Royal Family is the royalty that rules the entire Albories continent on the planet Ignost. They say that the Albories coninent is the strongest continent which makes the other continents scared of them. Because of that, the other continents teams up together and wage war against Albories. So currently Ignost is having a world war.

I hate war -_-

"Yeeeehaaaw! Keeyl awll dee blwasted cayowties!"

(Hits Ultrabot)

"Error! Error! Initiating Reboot!"

Zzzzzt* Zzzzt*

"Ehem! Pardon me for my misbehavior."

That's better ^_^

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

Yes please!

(Ultrabot serves Luna a cup of tea)

"Here you are."

Why thank you Ultrabot ^_^

Sip* (takes a sip of the tea)

"It is my pleasure!"

Speaking about war, I use to play a shooting game with my brother called the Call of Rookie. Every time we play Co-op mission, my brother is the first one to die because he always runs out of bullets.


I got curious on why he always does and looked at his screen.

Stare! Stare!

Everytime he shoots the enemy, he misses and finish all his bullets.

Double booooo!

Because of that, we never get to finish the mission.

Booooo! Booooo! Booooo!

My brother is really not good at shooting games ^_^


Moving on to our last topic of the day.

Drum roll please!

Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*

Pandan Jelly Yeay XD

Pandan Jelly is a green jelly desert that is similar to a pudding. Pandan Jelly is made out of pandan leaf and sweet coconut milk. The origin of this dish is from a certain country from the planet earth in the milky way galaxy.

I just love earth culture especially their games and movies ^_^

"Mother Nature is the source of our enlightenment."

I don't what that means but it sure sounds good.

"Jolly good heavens!"

Anyway, I have tasted Pandan Jelly before, and it is really yummy XD

Despite the fact that it looks like snot jelly.


That's all for today.

See you next time!

Bye bye ((\^_^/))

"Von voyage!"

I apologize for the late update. My work schedule changed and

I have to move the update schedule. Anyways, new update chedule will be Saturday GMT+8.

Also, if you want to watch play some games and fail, please follow me here on twitch.


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