
Silenced (Jeon Jungkook)

Btsvirall_ · Others
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27 Chs

Show them part one

You fun after him before "giving up" you grab your knees and breathe.

"Tired huh?" He stops and asks you smiling breathing heavy. You smile without him seeing as he walks away. You lift your head and see his back to you, you jump up and wrap yourself around him.

"Y/n!!!" He says tripping trying to regain balance. You both fall to the floor in laughter.

"You hungry?" He asks and you nod.

"Good because food is on the way" he says with a smile.

"You know what sounds fun?" You ask looking at him and he shakes his head.


"Swimming" you say with excitement.

"Hmm, that does sound fun... we can go to taes place. He's got a big pool invite some people" he says and you smile in excitement.

"That sounds amazing, call him!!" You say as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. He calls Tae and sets up some stuff. The doorbell rings and you look at Jungkook and he nods as you peep through the peephole. You open the door.

"Hello Ma'am, this is the food delivery~" the man says handing you food.

"Here hang on!" You day setting the food down on a table. You run back to the door and hand the man some money.

"Thank you" you say as he smiles and gives you a wink then walks away. You look at jungkook and see a smile on his lips.

"Soooo what did you get?" You ask going to the bag.

"Ju- what is that?" You ask holding a box.

"Mmmm that there... is a secret" he says grabbing it from you.

"No what is it" you say getting nervous. He takes the box and runs to the bedroom.

"Jungkook!!! SHOW ME" you run after him tackling him to the bad. The box falls to the bed and you lay on top of him. You sit up as he smiles under you.

"What is it hmm?" You ask as he sits up picking up the box.

"You really want to know?" He asks placing a hand on your side. You nod your head.

"First give me a kiss" he says and you smile leaning in.

"Now tell me" you say as he sighs.

"Ok fine. But if you don't want to you dont have to." He says and you raise an eyebrow.

"Show me..." you say as he opens the box. You see him smile and bite his lip. You feel his grow hard under you.

"What the hell is it?" You ask laughing. He holds a picture up and your eyes go wide. He then holds it up to you.

"Oh really?" You say in a cocky tone.

"Mmm yes please" he says looking you up and down.

"It would look great on you" he said making you laugh as one of his hands find their way to your butt.

"You want me to put it on?" You ask and he bites his lip and squeezes your butt.

"100%" he places a kiss on your neck.

"I'll be back then." You day getting up but before you can walk away he grabs your wrist and pulls you to him as he whispers something in your ear.

"You know I really like it when you call me Sir or Daddy~" his words made you giggle.

"You laugh at me one more time" he said as you moved away from him.

"My apologizes Sir~ I'll be right back" you say winking at him as a smug smirk creeps onto his face. You go into the bathroom and put in the outfit.

As you put it on you look into the mirror. One blink your breathing hitches. Your eyes glued to the floor. A tear falls. You take the outfit off and put your clothes on. You blink again and you flinch. You look up to see yourself alone in the bathroom. You pick up the clothes and slowly open the door.

"Hey? What's wrong?" You hear Jungkook ask. Your head pointed down. He runs up to you.

"Y/n?" He asks holding your hand.

"I can't wear this." You say clearing your throat look at him.

"That's ok you don't have to wear it. What happened in there?" He asks wiping a tear away. You shook your head.

"I'll tell you some other time maybe" you give him a weak smile.

"Ok, that's ok. I'm here for you? Do you want anything?" He asks and you shake your head.

"I'm ok" you say looking at him. He sighs and hugs you. You hug him back and start to cry.

"I thought I was ok..." you say crying into his chest. He hugged you tighter.

"Hey it's ok to not be ok." He says as you cry more.

"Why did he do it to me.... why me?" You ask almost getting angry.

"I hate him!!" You yell into Jungkooks embrace.

"We all do, I'm right here." He says. You look up to him to see him crying.

"Jungkook... you aren't supposed to cry" you laugh a little. He places a hand on your cheek and wipes away a tear with him thumb.

"I really care for you y/n I hate to see you hurting" he said as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I need to get out. Can we go do something?" You ask looking at him and he nods.

"Where to?" He says getting up grabbing car keys.

"Tae's party" you say smiling and he nods back grabbing something out of a drawer.

"You don't need to wear that but I got you a swim suit. I hope it's ok?" He says handing it to you.

"It's perfect thank you..." you smile.

"You ready?" He opens the bedroom door.

"One thing" you say standing walking to him. He looks at you confused.

"This~" you place a kiss on his lips. Before he could get more you pull away and smile.

"Let's go" you laugh as he pouts.

"But- can we" he tries to ask.

"Come onnnnn we got a pool party" you turn back and look at him.

"Fineeee" he says following you out the door.

You make it to Tae'a house and there are people out front and a bunch of cars. Jungkook helps you our of the car. You walk inside music is playing and drinks are going around the room. Tae walks to you and Jungkook and smiles.

"Hey I got to talk to you" he says looking at Jungkook.

"Ok" he says and looks at you.

"I'll go change" you say as he nods his head.

Jungkooks pov

"What is it?" I ask Tae.

"She's here" he says looking over my shoulder.

"Who..?" I say looking behind me. I look back at Tae.

"I couldn't see who you were talking about" I say and he looks around the room.

"Annmnnddddd her..." he says and I look over.

"Shit-" I say as she walks over to me.

"Tae- what do I do" I ask staring at her.

"Ha.... uhhhh" he can't speak either.

"Shit shit shit"

"Hey Jungkook~" she says and I fake a smile as she hugs me.

"How come you never call me anymore? I thought we had fun" she said snaking a hand down to my pants. I stop her.

"And I thought you were done drinking? Listen I'm not interested" I say looking over to see Jess walking over to me.

"Who is she?" Jess asks looking at the girl.

"This is my ex and you are leaving both of you" I say looking at them both. I start looking around the crowd of people.

"Who are you looking for?" The girl asks me.

"My girl" I says pushing them out of the way and I see y/n she seems to be talking to someone.

Y/n pov

You came out of the bathroom and you make your way through the crowd. Then you get stopped.

"Hey I know you" a tall man says looking at you. You look at him confused for a second.

"Oh I remember you.... what's your name again?" You ask with a smile.

"I'm Namjoon" he says and smiles.

"Oh yes the dimples, how could I forget!" You day shaking his hand.

"So I see you got the job, how is it treating you?" He asks and you nod your head.

"It's pretty good, though I wish I did more work..."you say kinda disappointed.

"Well if Jungkook ever agrees to it there's plenty to do around the office" he says and your eyes widen.

"Really?" You say in excitement.

"Definitely, besides that are you planing to swim?" He questioned.

"Yes I do just once I find Jungkook." You say to him and he nods his head.

"Y/n" you turn to see Jungkook.

"Hey" you say and she kisses your cheek.

"Ah Namjoon, how are you?" Jungkook asks.

"I'm pretty good, I'm to sober for this though" he says with a dorky laugh.

"Well feel free, enjoy yourself" jungkook says and Namjoon nods.

"You ready to take a dip?" He asks looking at you.

"Yes I am" you say back to him.

"Let's go then" he says holding your hand. You grab a drink from the drink stand as you pass it and down it. You set the empty cup on a table.

"I can't get in with this on though" you say looking at him, he smiles.

"Want me to help?" He asks and you nod.

"Hey by the way my ex and that crazy marriage lady is here. He name is Jess and the ex is Corey" he says and you look at him.

"And?" You say and he smiles.

"And they are watching us right now" he says and you smile.

"Want to put on a little show?" You look at him putting your arms around his shoulders.

"Like What?" He asks and you laugh.

"Show then I'm yours and your mine" you say as he smiles leaning in for a kiss.

"Will do~"




Y'all so fucking long I'm so sorry y'all

I was going through some stuff. I'm back and I'm sorta in a writing mood so here you go!!

Another chapter long over due!!!


I'll be working on the next chapter~

Love you all that you for the support keep on enjoying!!"

