
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 026: Each with a Different Mind

Clare obviously has little intelligence above plotting and scheming these things, and was a bit surprised to hear this, saying, "Could it be that the Tudor family will come to punish Nicholas? This is clearly York's fault, and Nicholas also fought on impulse."


Johnsan helplessly rolled his eyes, such a father, but also really ... really cute.


"I don't know if the Imperial Capital is coming or not." Linda smiled faintly and said, "I guess it won't be long before Nicholas is definitely going to the imperial capital. Haven't you seen that since last year, as long as there are some qualified teenagers in the Harriman family, haven't they all been received in the imperial capital? Nicholas, are you willing to go?"


Johnsan nodded, then reacting to the fact that she couldn't see, he said, "Going is definitely a must, I still have a lot of questions about Summoning, and I may have to go through a systematic study to solve them."


Clare wasn't stupid and immediately understood, and couldn't help but smile, when he heard someone come in from outside.


"My lord, it's a senior priest and apothecary, saying that he was sent by Earl Ross to treat the Lady." Raymond walked in and bowed.


"Come on in." Clare said excitedly, and Linda was as calm as if it had nothing to do with her.


At this time, two people came in from outside, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat with a triangular silver pendant on his chest, and another wearing a black robe with a white cross embroidered on his chest, carrying a small bag made of the fur of an unknown magical beast.


"Mr. Crowell, I apologize for my earlier rudeness." The white-robed middle-aged man came up with a bow and salute.


"Mr. Priest is not required to be polite." Clare said lightly, knowing that his son would be valued in the family, the long-lost aristocratic aura emanating from him again.


The chaplain made a few more courtesies, gave Johnsan a wince, and led the apothecary toward the inner room. Linda was already lying on a bench under Tina's ministrations, and the priest and the apothecary went around and confessed, then inspected it closely.


"Well?" Johnsan got a little antsy when he saw them watching and discussing for a long time.


"Young master doesn't have to worry." The priest was busy saying, "It's not a problem, it's just some bruising, it can be recovered."


Saying that, that priest pulled out a silver rod more than half an arm's length and mumbled something under his breath, and in the middle of the day, a white light was projected from the tip of the rod and entered into Linda's left eye, and immediately after that, another white light flew out and entered into her right eye.


"First close your eyes and rest for a while." That priest, obviously a bit tired, wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and said, "It will only take a moment's time."


At that moment the apothecary opened the small bag he carried with him and dabbed a couple of small wooden swabs wrapped in silk-cotton with some strange, faintly-scented potion and rubbed it gently over Linda's eyelids.


"This is a fire glowing herb potion that speeds up blood circulation." The apothecary could see the nervousness of Clare and Johnsan and explained with a slight smile.


Clare and Johnsan couldn't care less about him, and were entertained outside by Raymond who led them out, the two men not daring to breathe a word and looking nervously at Linda, who lay serenely.


For a long time, Linda's eyelashes fluttered gently and she slowly opened her eyes, her soulful eyes clear as water, she sat up and looked at Johnsan and smiled, "My Nicholas, it's still really different from before."


Clare and Johnsan were ecstatic and embraced together.




Earl Ross was furious, and since his return, he had smashed seven tea sets and three antique vases, including an amethyst screen that used to be his favorite.


"Asshole." Feeling only indignation in his heart, Ross grabbed the fourth antique vase in the room and threw it heavily on the floor, breaking it into pieces with a bang.


"How dare you be so arrogant in front of me, no one in Folo City has ever dared to do this to me." Ross was seething with anger.


"Master." Berlant whispered from the side, "Actually, you don't have to be too angry, this matter may not be a bad thing for you."


"How?" Ross gasped and looked at his personal guard.


Berlant said respectfully, ''A group of thieves abducted Young Master Nicholas in Folo City, when coincidentally another passing teenager was killed by the thieves, so everyone thought Nicholas was dead. In order to continue the succession of the Harriman family title in Folo City, you agreed to Viscount Crowell ceding the title to Mr. York at the joint request of Viscount Crowell and Mr. York. Then Nicholas escaped from the thieves and saw that York had taken the title that he should have inherited, hence the conflict with Mr. York.


The young man was so hot-blooded that he inevitably did not have a light hand when he struck, and then things got a little bigger. However, under your mediation, York was willing to return the Viscount title to Mr. Crowell. At the same time this incident, you discovered that young master Nicholas became a summoner, a summoner with an unknown number of and very powerful summoning beasts, and this summoner easily defeated a great war master and a great summoner. "


Ross's eyes lit up, stroking his chin's well-groomed beard, and said, "Do you mean to repair a letter and pass on what you've said to those old men in the imperial capital?"


Berlant bowed and said, "Your lordship is wise, if you don't step up your time, I guess it won't be long before this matter spreads to the imperial capital, and then it will be too late for you to say anything else, and you'll be held back at every turn."


"Good." Ross slammed the table, startling the maid who was cleaning up the pieces of the vase next to him, and busied herself with sweeping her head down.


"Will Clare's side of the ..." Ross frowned slightly, bowing his head in contemplation.


"Clare's temperament is known to you as well Master, a little appeasement shouldn't be a problem, it's just that I'm afraid it'll take a little bit of effort to get that Nicholas to recognize our claims."


"This half a year time in the end what happened." Count Ross had a helpless face and said, "Nicholas I had seen a year ago, shy and coy, not daring to say more than a word, not much different from his father, how is it that in half a year's time he was like a different person."


"Tell York to get the hell out of the Viscount's mansion by tomorrow afternoon, and then get the Imperial Court to do the title transfer paperwork. Well, you go along and see that nothing goes wrong, and have Clare move back into the Viscount's House tomorrow, I'll be there then, and discuss the specifics with them on the way."


"Yes, milord." Berlant bowed and bowed and retreated.




It was a night destined to be extraordinary for all of the Harriman family of Folo City.


York's mansion is dead silent, the servants are light footsteps, trying to hold their breath, for fear that they are not careful to incur murder.


Just now, a maid who had accidentally knocked over a teacup was ordered by York to be dragged out and clubbed to death alive, and this maid had been doubly favored by his lordship the day before.


The room was silent, York's plump body buried in a wide chair, his leg thickly bandaged, the scent of medicine filling the room.


Opposite him, sat Fishy, with a cold expression and hatred in her eyes.


"When you return to the imperial capital, tell your brother Brandon about this." York's face was full of fat and twisted as he said, "He's only an intermediate level magician now, he's no match for that Nicholas, he must endure now."


Fishy nodded and didn't say anything.


"Since last year, Marquis Sweet has been selecting qualified and top-notch characters in various fields from a large number of the family's teenagers; Brandon was able to get his esteem to send him to the Imperial Capital's first academy, and Nicholas surely has a chance as well."


"This revenge must be avenged, but not now, Brandon's nature has always been perverse and cannot tolerate others, you must persuade him not to be impulsive." York said and moved his body, unexpectedly a sharp pain came from his leg, his forehead was cold and sweaty.


"I don't know what opportunity Nicholas met, in half a year he became a summoner, and he even defeated Count Rose's Grand Summoner. What I have done, maybe because of Brandon, the top will not treat us too much, nothing more than spending more money."


"Money is something." York endured the severe pain and said, "I don't have any other skills in my life, but money is not hard to beat. Fishy, remember, this world will always rely on strength."


"Tomorrow you'll go back to the Imperial Capital." York wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and continued, "If Brandon wants to go after Nicholas, you must find a way to stop him."


Fishy remained silent and nodded, anger in her eyes as she looked at the thick bandages on York's leg.




It was late at night, and the temporary mansion of Crowell, which had been noisy for a day, finally calmed down, with a dozen guards guarding the security of the mansion in plain sight and in the dark.


The large mansion was silent at the moment, and in the simple basement in the backyard, a glimmer of bright light penetrated along the cracks of the wooden boards covering the hole.


"Young Master is very different from before." Two guards were walking back and forth on top of the basement, and one of them whispered, "To be honest, the old master's nature is too cowardly, and it only hurts to be like the young master is now."


"Nonsense." The other guard glared at him and looked around to see that no one was around before he spread his smile and whispered, "I feel the same way. You don't have to tell me, young master disappeared for half a year, but after he came back, he was like a new man, too charming. My wife blamed me for following the master and not leaving, and my family can't even make ends meet. When she finds out tomorrow that I got ten gold coins in one go, and that my monthly payment went up by two gold coins, she's going to die of joy."


"Heh heh." The other guard laughed and said, "It's all the same."


As they spoke, the two men looked around and went back out into the front yard.