
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 022 - Hustling Outside Must First Secure the Interior

"Young Master, your body is much more robust than before, you must have suffered a lot." Tina used a pair of soft little hands to gently rub on Johnsan's shoulders, only to realize that the young master's body was not only much more tanned compared to before, but also had slightly bulging muscles everywhere.


Johnsan smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, it's normal for men to suffer a bit. By the way, Tina, do you know where I can hire a senior priest?"


Tina's hand lurched slightly, then rubbed gently again as she sighed, ''Young master, you are trying to treat madam's eyes, aren't you? His Lordship has tried, it's useless. Those senior priests have a bigger rack than a magician, and Master can't afford to pay the exorbitant consultation fee, and now that he's lost his title, he can't even invite them."


"Now the servants in the mansion, all of them are working outside to earn money to subsidize the family, or ..." Tina said halfway through the sentence.


Gently slapping the water with his hand, Johnsan sneered and didn't say anything else. After a short shower, Tina brought a new set of clothes and Johnsan put them on and headed outside.


Clare was still sitting in the living room, when he saw Johnsan come in, he pointed at the bread and snacks on the table and said, "You're hungry, feel free to eat something to fill your stomach first, that companion of yours, I also had someone send some over. Later when the people who are working outside have returned, we will start eating."


"What a good old boy, what kind of noble in this world would wait to start a meal with a servant, even if it's a noble who has lost his title." Johnsan said in his heart, but Clare's words made him feel a warmth in his heart.


Casually eating a few pieces of bread, Johnsan asked, "Father, where in Folo City do you buy Wraith pelts and skeletons?"


Clare froze slightly, remembering the carriage in the courtyard before reacting, saying, "If the quantity is large, you can go outside and find someone to come back to collect it, basically a lot of merchant houses acquire it. Does your companion have magical beast skins and skeletons to sell?"


Clare didn't even believe that his son was able to hunt magical beasts, thinking that it was due to Fate, even if he didn't know what rank of wizard Fate was.


Seeing Johnsan nod, Crawl got up and summoned in a servant, and after a few words of instruction, the servant went out.


Johnsan ate by himself, and Clare just sat and watched him with contentment in her eyes and a gentle smile on her face, and all he could feel was a twinge.


A short while later, when Johnsan had eaten his fill, the door was pushed open and the servant led two men in.


"This gentleman, do you have any magical beast skins and skeletons for sale?" The attitude of a big fat man at the head was not condescending, only some remorse could be seen between his eyebrows.


"Thought there was a big deal, just a broken noble, what good goods can there be." Fatty thought in his mind.


"See how much these are worth." Johnsan signaled the servant to close the gate and stepped out into the middle of the courtyard his finger wiping the space ring.


Suddenly, a large pile of magical beast fur skeletons appeared in the empty courtyard, and no corrosion was seen, most of them were intact. These are what Johnsan hunted in the Falling Moon Vein, all nearly forgotten, only remembered when he was about to set off, so he went to that cave and brought them all back in his spatial ring.


"Rank 5 Magical Beast Red Flame Python! Huh, there's also the skin of a rank five Tyrannical Bear." That fat man was very knowledgeable, his eyes went straight, and he rushed over in a few steps to turn it over with his hands.


Not to mention the servants and soldiers in the mansion were dumbfounded, it was Crowell on the side who was dumbfounded.


"Level five magical beast! Space ring! Is this still Nicholas?" Clare's mind was a mess.


Johnsan see that fat face full of joy will be magical beast fur skeleton moved out of the classification and placed, it is estimated that it will take a while, so let Tina moved two stools, and Clare sat on the side and so on.


"Nicholas, what's with these magical beasts?" Clare couldn't help but ask, "Is that a space ring on your hand?"


Johnsan smiled and said, "Father, those magical beasts were all hunted in the Falling Moon Mountain Range, and as for this spatial ring, I'll tell you about it later."


"Falling Moon Mountain Range!" Clare's brain cramped again, and she said only after a long time, "Nicholas, you'd better keep this spatial ring, it's better to string it up and wear it under your clothes, it's not good for people to see it."


It was no wonder that Clare was so nervous, seven degrees of gold was a rare mineral material in the Aramaic continent, and those who could own a space ring were either rich or noble. As far as Folo City was concerned, there were definitely no more than ten people who could own a space ring.


"This master, young master, I counted, the level five magical beasts intact fur a total of eleven, mildly damaged fourteen, the damage is particularly strong will be more, a total of thirty. There are not many level 4's, and the degree of damage is not the same, do you think this is good, I'll give you a compromise on all the fur's of the level 4 magical beasts, and count them according to the moderate damage, how do you think about it?"


The fat man piled on a full fawning smile and stood catatonic.


"Just because I asked you to collect it doesn't mean I have to sell it to you." Johnsan saw Crowell hesitating on the side and knew he wasn't good at this, so he said, "How about you make an offer and I'll hear it."


Fatty didn't think twice, he opened his mouth and said, "Grade 5 magical beast furs, the intact ones are priced at one thousand gold coins a piece, the mildly damaged ones are four hundred gold coins a piece, and the ones that are particularly damaged are fifty gold coins a piece. As for the fourth level magical beast's, it's discounted as moderate damage, fifty-two sheets in total, all calculated at fifty gold coins a sheet, young master, how do you think about this?"


"Depressing." Johnsan thought in his heart, "It's surprising that there's such a big difference between the price of intact magical beast pelts and the tattered ones, there's too much damage to the pelts from just pulling aliens for practice." Not knowing how this price was, Johnsan's eyes flicked to Fate, who nodded at him.


"Young Master." Old butler Raymond stood behind Crowell at some point, he probed to Johnsan and said, "The price is about the same, Folo City is a small border town, not as big as those big cities, that's basically the price."


"That's it then." Johnsan said, "Remember, I want all gold coins, no magic crystal cards. You get someone to move it quickly, it's a bit too ugly to put it in this courtyard."


That fat man saw that the business had come to fruition, he was so happy that he smiled with joy, and hurriedly ordered a few words to the attendant he brought behind him, who hurriedly ran outward, presumably looking for a carriage to go.


"Don't you want the Wraith bones?" Johnsan couldn't help but wonder a bit when he saw that he had all picked up the pelts and stacked them neatly, just not moving the bones.


These bones could all be of magical beasts of level five or above, and he had thrown away all of the low level ones.


Fatty compensated with a smile and said, "Young master, if it's a level 6 it's good, it can be sold for a few thousand gold coins, level 5 skeletons alchemists and apothecaries can't look at them, so these aren't much use, this pile is only a few silver coins at most."


Johnsan then recalled that Anna had once said that the skeleton of the magical beast was useful, and only then did she keep it herself. At that time, Fate seemed to have a very unconcerned expression, feeling that in Anna's eyes, a few silver coins were also money!


Wasting so much energy collecting magical beast bones for nothing, Johnsan only felt snotty and said, "Then I don't want the money, you can just pull them all away."


"No problem!" Fatty agreed painfully, when a huge carriage pulled by three savage oxen rushed in, and a few strong men came down to move it away.


"Here is a total of twenty thousand and seven hundred gold coins." Fatty walked over with a man dragging several cloth bags, put them in front of Johnsan and opened them, saying, "Young Master, take a look, one hundred gold coins is a small bag, and there are two hundred and seven bags inside the two large bags."


The old butler stepped forward at the right time and led two servants over to take inventory.


"Twenty thousand and seven hundred gold coins." Clare stood to the side with a lack of oxygen in his brain. Since he was a child, he was intoxicated with the sea of art, poetry, chess, painting and so on he was proficient in all of them, but he had little concept of money. When he was young, he had his parents to take care of it, and after his parents died of illness, he had Linda to hold the house, until the family had a huge change, and after Linda's eyes cried out of the disease, this unqualified aristocrat only then understood the importance of money.


"This lord, young master, if you still have things to sell in the future, you can contact us at any time." That fat man saw his men carrying all the stuff onto the carriage and walked over to Crowell and Johnsan and nodded his head and said.


"Well, come on." Clare's eyes were fixed on the bag of money beside the old butler, and she waved her hand in a disoriented manner.


The fat man had the good sense to lead the men out, and Johnsan stood up and asked the old butler, "Have all the servants who went out to work returned?"


Raymond nodded and said respectfully, "The fifteen guards from the mansion who went to the East Street Grain Store to carry the goods, and the thirteen maids who went to the West City Clothing Store to do the work, have all returned just now. I saw that there was something going on here in front, so I let them enter through the back door."


"Get everyone in the house over here."


Although the old butler didn't know what the young master had in mind, he still did as he was told. Not long after, the courtyard was filled with servants and guards, most of them had just come back from doing work outside before seeing Johnsan, all of them were excited and thrilled, greeting him from time to time.


"All have arrived." The old butler counted the number of people and said to Johnsan, "There are sixteen servants in total and thirty guards."


"Quiet everyone." Johnsan shouted, and the servants and guards stopped their murmuring and stared at him.


"Something has happened to our family, and it's still a big deal, so I don't have to tell you all." Johnsan's face was full of solemnity as he said, "In the most critical time, you guys didn't leave this family, not only did you stay, but you even went out to do labor for this family. I can imagine how much you guys have suffered outside, and how many blank stares and insults you have suffered. On behalf of my father and mother, I say thank you!"


The eyes of those servants and guards began to tear up, in the past, even as a servant, they were all connected to the nobility. Now, the guards who went out to work, carrying big bags in the grain store line, I don't know how many times they were sneered at; those maids were even more miserable, not only did they have to do a lot of work every day, but they were also ostracized and abused by the workers in the clothing store. Now that they heard their young master say the word thank you, many of the maids began to sob.


"I'm back." Johnsan clenched his fists and said, "This is all coming to an end, from today onwards you all don't have to go out and work as laborers anymore, and I promise you that life will get better from now on. No matter what your previous commissions were, from today onwards, each of you will have two gold coins added to your monthly pay, this is what you deserve, and it will continue."


The servants' monthly remuneration was only fifty silver coins, the guards were slightly higher, with one hundred silver coins, and one hundred silver coins were only exchanged for one gold coin. Upon hearing that they could receive two more gold coins every month, the courtyard was abuzz with excitement.


"Grandpa Raymond." Johnsan exclaimed to the old butler, "Bring out some gold coins first, and hand out ten to each person as a bit of compensation for everyone's hard work over this period of time."


"Long live the young master." Everyone shouted excitedly.


Waving a hand to the group and smiling, Johnsan looks over to Crawl.


Clare started when Johnsan pulled out the pile of Wraith pelts and continued until his speech just now, only to feel that she suddenly didn't recognize this son.


"Father." Johnsan obviously knew what was in his mind and went over to say, "In these half a year, I have indeed suffered a lot and have come to understand a lot of things. You can rest assured, this family, in the future, please let me support it together with you."


"Come together to support ... Nicholas, you have grown up." Clare murmured, her eyes couldn't help but redden, but her heart was bursting with relief.