
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 015 - Unsuspecting Massacre

"Hello." Johnsan piled on a smile to greet him.

"Who are you people? What are you doing running into our clan lands?" A bearded dwarf looked at them warily, and behind him, dozens of dwarves formed a circle, surrounding Johnsan's few people.

Johnsan was still trying to be amiable and polite, but when he saw that the dwarves were not looking good, and there were even a few dwarves looking at Sally with greedy eyes, he was not happy.

"We are here to find someone, we got lost in the desert, do you know where the Geryon giants live?" Johnsan stared at the bearded dwarf and asked in a no-nonsense manner.

"Haha." That bearded man threw back his head and let out a loud laugh, his beard going up to the sky.

"Are you guys hitting on the black dragon?" The bearded man laughed and said with contempt in his eyes, "Humans are always so arrogant and cocky, let alone going to our giant friends to look for the black dragon, you guys can't even walk out here."

"Ah!" Johnsan's face was horrified, his body shaking slightly as he quivered, "What do you ... you want to do?"

"Do what?" A dwarven warrior hemmed and hawed and said, "You still have a little use, skulls can be made into cups, skins peeled off and made into sacrificial drums can be favored by the gods, the rest is trash, human flesh is not looked upon by any race except the vile goblins. But this woman, hey ..."

The dwarves next to them let out lewd laughs together, and a few even tried to reach over and pull Sally.

Johnsan pulled back a raging Seiru who wanted to rush forward, held Sally back, and said with a sneer, "You're going to pay for your insolence."

With that, he was about to summon the alien, when all of a sudden, a clear cry rang out from heaven and earth, and Johnsan saw the dwarf in front of him look towards the eastern sky with a look of fear, and he couldn't help but turn around and look up, and froze in his tracks.

In the eastern sky, about three to four hundred meters above the ground, a huge black beast appeared, close to fifty to sixty meters in length, its huge body covered with arrow-like feathers, a pair of wings spreading out over a hundred meters flapped, emitting a sharp cry. Vaguely can also see a white man sitting on the back of the beast, the raging wind blowing his robe, he is like a rock sitting firmly, not moving.

"Class 9 Magical Beast Golden-eyed Demon Eagle." The bearded man murmured, unable to stop his voice from trembling violently.

"A ninth level magical beast!" Johnsan felt a little short of oxygen.

That was a rank nine magical beast, Johnsan had only seen rank six magical beasts at most, and to be able to subdue a rank nine magical beast was at least close to a Saint Domain level powerhouse.

Johnsan was again surprised and envious of the man on the back of the golden-eyed demon eagle.

"When will I be able to pull myself up like this." Johnsan fantasized about riding on the back of that golden-eyed demonic eagle.

The golden-eyed demonic eagle flew past their heads in an instant, and when it was about to fly past, the golden-eyed demonic eagle's wings violently flapped, a fierce wind was blowing, and an irresistible majesty and fury directly emanated, Johnsan and the others and those dwarves only felt that they couldn't even catch their breath instantly, and Fate, who had a weaker body, even fell to the ground.

After a few breaths of time, the Golden-eyed Demon Eagle's huge body disappeared into the back of the mountain range, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Johnsan retracted his gaze and saw the bearded man looking at the mountain range where the golden-eyed demonic eagle had disappeared, with an extraordinarily vivid expression on his face, as if he was joyful, but also as if he was fearful.Johnsan's heart stirred and he asked, "Did that man go to look for the black dragon?"

"I'm afraid so." The bearded man subconsciously nodded his head and suddenly reacted, looking at Johnsan with a burst of anger and drinking, "Finish them off, let's go back inside the cave first."

The dwarven warriors wailed and tried to rush out with their hammers.

"Kill." Johnsan's intention, four aliens appeared in front of him, those dwarves were excitedly rushing over a second ago, at this moment like a flaming chicken that had been strangled, letting out strange cries with a face of fear and retreating backward.

Alien Johnsan who could cast magic did not call out, these four aliens were the ones that had fused the genes of the jumping rabbit and the flame chicken, having always fought with magical beasts, Johnsan had not commanded the aliens to fight with humans, and at this time, having the intention to see the power of the aliens, he gave the aliens the command to attack freely.

Whoosh ...

The four aliens were like blistering wolves charging into the flock, using their claws, tailbones, mouths and tongues to rapidly harvest lives like the scythe of death, and those dwarves whose strength could be comparable to intermediate or even high-level fighters were just like small children helpless in front of the aliens, their blood splattered everywhere and turned into mutilated corpses.

"Fight, fight!" The bearded man screamed as he shouted to the dwarven warriors running in all directions, running towards the cave himself faster than they could.

Can you go any faster than an alien?

The four xenomorphs cut a trail of stubble, killing as many of the fleeing dwarven warriors as they could, and one xenomorph, under Johnsan's command, looped the bearded man over with its tailbone and flung it in front of him.

"Honorable dwarf friend, can you tell me now where those big ugly men live?" Johnsan said with a smile.

The bearded man, perhaps scared out of his wits, actually burrowed his head under the sand on the ground and let out a creepy, horrifying shriek from his mouth.

No wonder he is so afraid, basin inside a silence, in addition to just more than twenty dwarf warriors, other dwarves see the situation is not right has long run back to the cave. The ground is full of broken limbs, miserable.

"Gabba." The aliens tore into the dwarf's corpse, chewing slowly with their mouths wide open.

"Wow..." Sally blanched and finally couldn't help but bend over and vomit. Fate and Silu were a bit better, the former had a pale face and the latter had a dirt-colored face.

Johnsan was also straight retching, the way the aliens killed he knew, but in the past it was all about fighting magical beasts, now there were people in front of him, his nose was full of the smell of blood, Johnsan used great restraint to control himself not to vomit.

"Ah!" The bearded man let out a mournful scream as his thigh was pierced through with his tailbone by a had been alien and lifted into the air.

"My time is limited." Johnsan glared and said, "Is the mountain range where that golden-eyed demonic eagle just disappeared the habitat of the giants? Is the Black Dragon there?"

The intense pain made the almost nervous bearded man wake up, bean-sized beads of sweat kept dripping down from his forehead, the teenager in front of him at this time in his eyes, as the legendary demons in the abyssal swamp, he was hung upside down and hurriedly shouted, "That's right, those ugly giants and black dragons are in that mountain range to the west."

"Hmm?" Johnsan chuckled and said, "Why have I heard that you dwarves and giants are natural best friends, how come you're ugly giants in the blink of an eye?"

"You don't know ah, those giants rely on their bodies to be taller and stronger than us dwarves, and often bully us, on the surface they say they are friends, but in fact it's more like saying that we are slaves of the giants." The bearded man's body trembled violently as he said, "Did you see all that meat? The giants don't have enough food for the black dragons to eat, so they force us to hunt for them, we are not their good friends at all."

"Is that black dragon really seriously injured?" Johnsan didn't have the time to listen to his nonsense about grudges and asked the question that concerned him the most.

"Yes, honorable summoner-sama." The bearded man racked his brain to come up with such an honorable title, and said, "The black dragon has suffered a very serious injury, its abdomen is rotted with a big hole, and I don't know what kind of person injured it, the stench is unbearable, it's all turned into pus."

"I heard someone say it's about to spawn, is there any such thing?"

"Summoner-sama's information is very good, indeed, I heard those ugly giants say it's estimated to be this month." The bearded man forced himself to endure the excruciating pain and piled on a fawning smile.

"Oh." Johnsan mentally calculates and speaks, "I am a generous man, and I can forgive you for your earlier insolence."

"Thank you, Lord Summoner." The bearded man was ecstatic as he was lifted in mid-air by the alien like a child, and clasped his hands to his chest as a gentleman in a thank you salute.

"Don't you rejoice yet." Johnsan blushed and said, "Sally is the kindest and purest treasure in my heart, and you have offended her, which is a hundred times worse than insulting myself, and what will you make up for it."

Sally threw up halfway through the day and was a little off her feet, standing weakly to the side, originally with her intermediate warrior strength shouldn't have been so inept, it's just that she, who had never seen this kind of scene before, couldn't take it at all for a while. Hearing Johnsan's words, Sally's pale face floated up red, secretly spat.

"Armor and weapons, the armor and weapons forged by us dwarves are famous in the Aran continent, I can compensate five hundred sets of armor and weapons to Lord Summoner." The bearded man gritted his teeth and stretched out five fingers in order to save his life, after he finished he felt that five hundred was too much, a pang of regret and flesh pain.

"The shame you have given me is not something I can get back in five hundred suits of armor and weapons." Johnsan grimaced, and the aliens, sensing their master's anger, came around with "gabba" bites on their bones.

The bearded man was nearly incontinent with fear, lifting his hips and clamping the back door, he was busy shouting, "One thousand sets, honorable Summoner-sama, I can't take any more than that. There are plenty of other inferior products, but you must not see them."

"Congratulations." Johnsan grinned, letting the alien place the bearded man on the ground, then said, "Your sincerity has gained my understanding."

"This way please." The bearded man limped and led a few people towards the cave side.

"That's what it feels like to be strong." Johnsan was happy and emotional again. If they hadn't been backed up by the aliens, he had no doubt that what would have greeted them would have been unimaginably tragic.

Running back to the cave are mostly dwarves old and weak women and children, at this time hiding in the cave, see the patriarch leading those humans in, as if seeing the devil, shrinking in the corner can not stop trembling.

The bearded man led them into a cave, reached out and pressed his hand on the stone wall, a rumbling sound rang out, and a cave appeared on the stone wall at once.

Johnsan wasn't afraid of deception either; there was an alien with its tailbone up high straying over the back of the bearded man's skull, and he wasn't afraid of the bearded man's dissent.

"Get rich!"

When the stone cavern was fully opened, Fate was staring at the glittering piles of armor in the cavern, and the categorized weapons placed next to each other glistening with cold light, and the corners of his mouth grinned infinitely.

Johnsan also thinks he's getting rich.