
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 014 - Going to the Wrong Place

Slaying dragons, to the people of this world, that was definitely the greatest honor. No matter which country a dragon slayer warrior was in, even the orc tribes that were hostile to human beings or the elf kingdom, he or she would always be respected as a strong person, and wherever their footprints went, they would be greeted and praised by the world. Troubadours would compile their deeds into poems and sing them in every corner of the continent

Of course, slaying dragons is not as easy as chopping up melons and cutting vegetables. Basic adult dragons are classified by humans as ninth level magical beasts, of course this is only the view of humans, the noble dragons, the dragons with strong flesh and dragon language magic, will never admit that they are lowly magical beasts.

Dragon's blood contains powerful magic power, can be made by the pharmacist to restore magic power of the potion; dragon's scales and skin hard, can be made into a superior anti-magic armor; dragon bone in the hands of the alchemist processed, has not inferior to the senior staff of the magical power; dragon's core, not to mention, use it as a magical polygonal array of the formation of the eye, you can let the magician's cultivation speed to increase a dozen or even dozens of times, but also has some special properties, such as resistance to fire, water, poison, and so on. Moreover, the dragon's magic crystal also has some special attributes, such as fire resistance, water avoidance, anti-poison and so on.

Not to mention a dragon egg that will be or has been born!

Johnsan's heart raced and his lips went dry just thinking about it, and even if Anna hadn't agreed to him coming earlier, he would have slipped out. It was just that having Sally and Silu around him now made him a little wary.

"When we catch up with Uncle Huck and the others, let Sally and the others go back together, and I'll just go with Fate."

Johnsan made up his mind and endured the pounding grit as it lashed his face with the gusty winds, he squinted slightly and looked ahead, his eyes were filled with gray sand and he couldn't even see the alien that had opened up the road in front of him.

After running for about half an hour or so in a row, there was nothing but desert or desert, and not a single person was encountered.

"It's reasonable to say that it hasn't been long since the Dragonslayers set out, and the aliens are so fast that they should be catching up, so why are they still missing?"

Johnsan was confused for a moment in his mind and sent out an intention for the alien to stop.

"That's not right." Fate spat out a mouthful of gravel and came over, "How come we haven't seen half of them after half a day's chase?"

Sally's eyes widened and she locked eyes with Johnsan, the meaning unmistakable.

"Lost." Johnsan sighed and looked over at Seiru.

Silu muffled his voice, "Don't look at me, I'm still familiar with the edge of the Falling Moon Mountain Range, and this desert is my first time back."

"We can't keep chasing blindly like this." Johnsan jumped off the alien, several people surrounded behind an alien to hide from the wind and sand, Johnsan said, "It's not like my summoned beasts' strength is inexhaustible, but it's not good for them to carry weight for a long period of time, I think it's better for us to wait here for a while, and I'll ask them to explore the way in a few directions respectively."

"Good idea." Fate nodded in agreement, and naturally Sally and Silu were fine with it.Johnsan kept only one alien, sending the other four out, telling them with his mind to report back quickly whenever they found a human presence.

The four aliens "Zi Zi" screamed a few times, and quickly disappeared into the wind and sand in the sky.

"Everyone rest for a while, I'll take this time to meditate to replenish my mental energy." Johnsan confided in them and sat down on his knees.

Johnsan's alien had given Sally and the others a deep shock, no one dared to underestimate it anymore for fear of disturbing him, and a few of them moved to the side, each with their own thoughts.

Johnsan sat with his eyes closed, and in no time at all he appeared to be in deep meditation, he however was not cultivating his mental powers, he hadn't had the time since he got the news, and he wanted to take advantage of the time he would have to hatch a few more aliens out.

That's a dragon!

Spiritual space threw more than a dozen level 5 magical beasts, Johnsan "look" for a while, and consider for a long time, before picking out five magical beasts to be the host of the alien, and the other four alien eggs to keep as a backup, after all, but also to keep some cards for themselves.

These five magical beasts were clearly: the Red Flame Python, the Storm Bear, the Purple Clear Golden Lion, the Yellow Haired Iguana and the Golden Skinned Lizard, no matter from the point of view of strength or speed, these five magical beasts were outstanding, and all of them were capable of casting some magic.

The five selected magical beasts might have sensed the coming of the end, lying in a row under Johnsan's spiritual restraints and shivering, where was the arrogance of the rank five magical beasts in the past.

Receiving the mental message of consent to hatch, the five face-hugging worms broke out of their bodies and implanted the embryos into the unresisting demonic beast's body.

Within moments, five more aliens descended on Johnsan's mental space.

Gazing closely at the message prompts that appeared in his mind, Johnsan was again pleasantly surprised.

From the Red Flame Python the Alien gains a ten percent increase in speed and gains the magical ability to attack with a red poisonous mist.

The genetics of the Storm Bear gave the Alien a ten percent strength boost, as well as the magic of a photobomb attack and the ability to solidify cartilage.

The Purple and Clear Golden Lion is a bit more balanced, with aliens with it as their host getting a five percent increase in strength and speed, and gaining flame attack magic.

The yellow furred hyena's physical quality was relatively weaker, the reason why Johnsan picked it was that its magic attack was very strong, the black mist it spewed out was extremely lethal, when he caught it, an alien was accidentally covered by the black mist it spewed out on half of its body, and in an instant, it turned into a black ink color, and began to ulcerate and shed its flesh. As expected of Johnsan, the alien possessing the yellow-haired hyena acquired this magic from it.

The last, a gold-skinned lizard, boosted the alien's strength and cured cartilage by ten percent, and the alien also gained the lizard's attack magic, Paralyzing Lightning, which had a chance to slow the attack target's movements by anywhere from one to three seconds.

Opening his eyes, Johnsan felt that he had some more certainty. He didn't intend to rely on these aliens to fight the black dragon to the death; a dragon slaying team of more than three hundred people would be able to aggravate that black dragon's injuries a bit more, and then he would come back to reap the benefits.

"A summoned beast is back." Sally, sharp-eyed, pointed in a direction with joy.

Johnsan naturally knew that the alien had a strong mental connection to him, and he felt it as early as a few hundred meters away.

Through more than a month of bonding and communication, Johnsan could already do some simple communication with the alien. Although the alien can't talk to him, he can still understand a general idea.

Johnsan couldn't be bothered to wait for the few other aliens that had gone off to explore the area to return, and sent them a command to return.

"Let's go, those ones will catch up on their own." Johnsan said as he got up and addressed the group, summoning two of the recently evolved aliens out.

Several men mounted the alien and charged out in the direction of the one that had reported the alien's return.

"Master has hatched a few more aliens, it's so great, the speed and efficiency with which he summons aliens rivals that of one of the greatest summoners." Fate shrunk his head behind the alien skull with a burst of emotion.

"Johnsan is awesome, it seems like he has a lot of magical beasts like this, I wonder if he can send me one." Seiru thought cheerfully.

"Is this the same Johnsan that everyone sees as a loafer and a hippie?" Sally looked at Johnsan in front of her, her head was in turmoil. All along she felt that Johnsan was different from the others in the town, not practicing magic or learning fighting martial arts, fiddling with those food and drinks all day long, without any motivation.

From the first time Johnsan summoned five magical beasts, and then just now he summoned two more, the strong summoning ability made Sally think too much. In the past, Sally felt that she could knock over a dozen Johnsan by herself, now, it was estimated that just one of such magical beasts could easily tear herself into pieces.

"Johnsan will surely become the greatest summoner in the future." Sally thought to herself as a smile floated up on her face, the kind of smile that came from the bottom of her heart in joy for her companion.

The group ran through the wind and sand for a long time, and the three aliens that had gone out halfway to scout the way followed them back, Johnsan recalled them to his mental space to recuperate and regain their energy, and sped off and ran with the lead alien leading the way.

The wind gradually small, slowly visibility high, at this time they saw a mountain range appeared in the distance, stretches undulating do not know how many miles, also this mountain range blocked the raging gale.

The party of three hundred was not a small one, and they looked around with great interest, but they did not see a single figure, and when they had run up to the front of the mountains, and turned along the foot of the

Johnsan and the others were dumbfounded.

The alien wasn't wrong, a basin appeared over the base of the mountain, with many man-made caves carved out along the wall, and hundreds of dwarves were busy in the basin clearing. That's right, it was dwarves, less than a meter tall, with copper-colored skin and fiery red hair on top of their heads.

"What's with the run to the dwarves." Fate exclaimed, and several people looked at each other, crying and laughing.

"Now that we're here, let's go over and ask, the townspeople have said before that the desert dwarves are familiar with the big guys, they must know where the big guys live."

Johnsan jumped off the aliens and, seeing that they were all down, recalled all the aliens to mental space.

"In case ..." Sally was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of." Cyrus patted the giant axe on his shoulder and said, "We can't beat it, aren't there still Johnsan's magical beasts."

Johnsan grinned at Sally, and without saying anything, went over to the bottom of the basin first. Sally, however, was still a bit worried, she hadn't seen the Alien's combat prowess after all, and seeing that both Cyrus and Fate were fine with it, she had no choice but to follow.

Walking closer, a smell of blood came to their noses, they only then saw that those busy dwarves turned out to be splitting the meat, piled up a Johnsan-like pile of meat around them. River side also placed many low-level magical beasts and ordinary animal carcasses, split the split, cleaning cleaning, orderly.

"Dwarves aren't big, they eat a lot." Johnsan muttered as he walked forward.

At this time the dwarves have noticed them, a sharp whistle sounded, dozens of dwarves carrying hammers surrounded them, these people are wearing armor, the hammer in their hands looks like no less than fifty or sixty pounds, obviously dwarven warriors.