
Sign in from Douluo

From the story of Douluo mainland, it crosses the sign-in flow. Sign in successfully in the Qibao Liulizong: get the martial soul Thunder hammer! Sign in at the Holy Soul Village: Obtain the Exquisite Heart of Seven Orifices, with innate soul power. Sign in to Wuhun Hall: Obtain the Wuhun of Caulis spatholobi! And awakened: Twelve Wing Saint Angel Martial Soul, Twelve Wing Dark Angel Martial Soul. As the protagonist, start to become stronger in life! Leading the Wuhun Temple, out of a different result

DaoistnieFJZ · Fantasy
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164 Chs


The water in the small lake is crystal clear.

Wang Xiao observed carefully, there was no danger, so he took off his pants and jumped in.

crash-bang ~

Splash a wave of waves, then swim, wash and wash, and wash the body.

oh la la oh la la ~

Suddenly, a strange noise came from the middle of the lake, shocking Wang Xiao who was taking a bath in the lake to his jaw.

"What stuff?"

Wang Xiao muttered to himself, looking at the place where the sound was made.

I saw a small island in the middle of the lake. It was not very big, it looked like five acres of land at most.

Could it be that there is Spirit Beast on it?

Wang Xiao thought for a while, it is really possible.

I happened to be looking for a Ten Thousand Years Spirit Beast, so I can check it out.

"If it is the Wannian Spirit Beast, then the fourth spirit ring will be made!"

Wang Xiao immediately swims to Lake Heart Island, in order not to disturb Spirit Beast , Only diving tour.

When he got close to the lake, he exposed his head and carefully climbed onto the shore.

Suddenly discovered that in the middle of the lake, apart from a few towering trees, there is only one vine left.

Wang Xiao also knows that it is climbing Mountain Tiger.

The life force of this vine plant is tenacious and can climb mountains, trees, and walls.

And this Lake Heart Island is also covered by this climbing Mountain Tiger.

So, this small island has been completely controlled by it.

Wang Xiao thought for a while, and planned to climb the roots of Mountain Tiger to take a look.

crash-bang ~

Just then, the sound of water came from behind.

Wang Xiao listened, as if something came out of the lake and was climbing ashore.

What will it be?

Wang Xiao shrank behind the tree, looked towards that end.

As a result, he was a shivered scare.

I saw a big head protruding from the surface of the water. After turning a few turns, he slowly climbed onto the shore.

This thing has a flat head, a triangular shape, a pair of eyes as white as a bright moon, and the size of a lantern. It is very terrifying.

Still spitting out the letter, making a "silk" sound, this is not a snake, what is it.

Wang Xiao saw this big snake, only to remember that this thing was seen in the Spirit Beast book in the library of Notting Academy.

It is called reverse scale, a very powerful Spirit Beast.

According to the book's record, this reverse scale is not less than a Spirit Beast that is more than 30,000 years old.

Really travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily!

Didn't expect to take a bath, and you can find such a ten thousand-year Spirit Beast.

It just so happens that the fourth spirit ring, Wannian spirit ring has been completed!

Reverse scale is called reverse scale because the scales on its body can be retrograde.

It can also rotate back and forth, like a blade, up and down the whole body, the most powerful thing is its scales.

Then the Binding and the sharp teeth in the mouth, and the powerful tail.

A big tree can be flew out by its tail.

The reverse scale then climbed ashore. The scales on the top and bottom of the body were pure white, about thirty meters in size.

One meter represents a thousand years of cultivation base, more than 30 meters, about thirty thousand years of Spirit Beast.

This age is just in line with the absorption conditions of his fourth spirit ring, the ten thousand years spirit ring.


reverse scale The armor boar suddenly exploded its hair, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and rushed towards where he was hiding.

Wang Xiao knew that he had been exposed, so he stopped avoiding, grabbed his leg and fled.

Using Surging Waves Subtle Steps accelerated version of Lightweight Art, temporarily one step ahead of reverse scale armor.

bang bang bang ~

But the scales of this thing are too strong, and they all move, just like the propeller blades of an airplane. The body can be separated from the ground and fly.

In this way, the speed of the action of the reverse scale armor bob is many times faster.

Wang Xiao immediately released three spirit rings, the spirit power increased, and then he reluctantly ran ahead, but if this thing can be fast, then it will not be able to run.

Then you can only go around the reverse scale armor bob, or you can run in a straight line, you really can't run it.

bang bang bang ~

reverse scale The scales of the armor bob spin around and make a series of noises, like a big engine, which is about to surpass the galloping Wang Xiao ahead.

He doesn't want to go into the water, after all, the reverse scale beetle is more powerful underwater than on the shore, and once it's in the water, it's even more bode ill rather than well.

Wang Xiao will not make such a low-level mistake.

Looking back, the reverse scale armor has almost caught up.

What should I do?

Wang Xiao thought for a while, and felt that Spirit had come in handy.

Immediately use the spirit power of the whole body, release the Bloodvine Spirit with the left hand, and release the Thunder Hammer Spirit with the right hand: "The first soul skill, kill!"

Bloodvine Spirit immediately grows rapidly, from Emerging from the ground, soaring into the sky, blocking the reverse scale beetle on the flying string above, Binding it, and the six-wing blades rotating, cutting its body from head to tail.

Reverse scale The beetle was unable to get out for a while, and was killed by the stems and leaves of Bloodvine.

Wang Xiao sighed in relief, stood still outside ten zhang.

Then coldly looked at the entangled reverse scale armor and said: "You are not my opponent, or surrender early and become Brother's Spirit?"

Bloodvine Spirit's cable Although the kill skill temporarily trapped the reverse scale armor. But the rotating blade of the six-wing blade could not cut the thick scales on its body.

bang bang bang ~

reverse scale The reverse scale on the body of the armor was also rotated immediately, and immediately destroyed the Wang Xiao Bloodvine Spirit kill skill.

Then the whole body swelled up, black light flashed up and down the whole body, and the scales on its body rotated faster.

hehe ~

Wang Xiao said in his heart, it was a 30,000-year-old Spirit Beast, and his first spirit ability was destroyed by it!


reverse scale As soon as the armor bob got out of his body, he immediately turned around, and his long tail quickly grabbed him.

A sneer flashed at the corner of Wang Xiao's mouth. He had already guarded against it for a long time, and flashed it with the accelerated version of Surging Waves Subtle Steps.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ~

Several big trees around were swept by its big tails, and they broke into two immediately and fell to the ground.

reverse scale The armor hesitated for a moment.

Wang Xiao caught this gap and immediately activated a new skill: "The second spirit ability, strangling!"

The difference between this spirit ability and the first one is that Bloodvine possesses The strength of the second century-old spirit ring will become greater, the binding force will be stronger, the six-wing blade blade will be larger, stronger and more profitable, and the cutting speed will be faster.

Bloodvine grows rapidly, the stem reaches the thick arm, the leaves are like a fan, hiding the sky and the earth come down, immediately cover the reverse scale beetle in it, rotate the binding, and cut with the six-wing blade blade.

bang bang bang, rubbing against each other, the noise is constant.

reverse scale The armor boar only struggled a few times and disappeared.

Wang Xiao slightly smiled, see how you come out here?

peng~ peng~ peng~ ~

While he was happy, suddenly black light appeared on the reverse scale armor bob. A powerful spirit power came from its body. He shot it from place to place, and completely blasted the bloodvine stems and leaves that were strangling on it, and got away again.

The strength of the reverse scale has also reached its peak, twisting its body, spinning 360 degrees in the air, and soaring into the sky until mid-air.

Then swooped down on Wang Xiao's head, trying to knock him to death by relying on his powerful body and strength, and swallowed.

Wang Xiao dodges as soon as he retreats and shows up outside ten zhang.

reverse scale The armor flew into the air, knocking out a big hole in the ground, and the vegetation was flying.

"Still not convinced?"

Wang Xiao was a little angry: "The third spirit ability, thorn penetration!"

The thorn penetration skill combines the first The power of three spirit rings and the characteristics of the 8,000-year Spirit Beast Triangular Python can not only make the stems and leaves of Bloodvine grow longer and thicker, but also have stronger binding power.

It can also make the stems and leaves grow like the three sharp horns on the head of a triangular snake, which are extremely hard.

It can pierce all the vital points, and it is accompanied by the corrosive poison of the centipede Spirit Beast of ten-year six-wing jade and the paralytic poison of the century-old Datura Snake, destroying nerves and other Poison Element.

Once you pierce the vitals of the reverse scale armor boa, you won't die, you'll have to be injured and poisoned.

Wang Xiao feels that with this third spirit ability, and then use Thunder Hammer Spirit to make a hammer or two, it is almost done.