
Sign in from Douluo

From the story of Douluo mainland, it crosses the sign-in flow. Sign in successfully in the Qibao Liulizong: get the martial soul Thunder hammer! Sign in at the Holy Soul Village: Obtain the Exquisite Heart of Seven Orifices, with innate soul power. Sign in to Wuhun Hall: Obtain the Wuhun of Caulis spatholobi! And awakened: Twelve Wing Saint Angel Martial Soul, Twelve Wing Dark Angel Martial Soul. As the protagonist, start to become stronger in life! Leading the Wuhun Temple, out of a different result

DaoistnieFJZ · Fantasy
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164 Chs


A 900-year-old spirit ring has reached the absorption limit of Wang Xiao's second spirit ring, so it must be absorbed.

I looked back at Xiaoyan and saw that she hadn't finished absorbing the spirit ring of the 120-year-old Datura Snake, and she didn't wait for her.

After Spirit comes out, it will disappear in an hour, so it has to be absorbed in time.

Wang Xiao immediately sat down in front of the spirit ring and used the spirit power to release the Bloodvine Spirit and begin to absorb it.


After about one hour.

Xiaoyan finally absorbed her first spirit ring, and a halo lit up under her body, which was the century-old spirit ring she had just absorbed.

Then nine leaves of Jiuyehonglian also began to grow rapidly, reaching about one meter two.

A miracle happened, and a red bud grew out of the nine leaves.

When it grew to a height of one meter and two, the bud head immediately bloomed, and the red light flashed, warming Xiaoyan's surroundings and her own body.

This is the sufficient spirit power to bring vitality to Spirit. Nine-leaf red lotus is an auxiliary Spirit to have this healing function.

Suddenly Xiaoyan remembered something, and hurriedly scanned all directions, only to see Wang Xiao outside ten zhang, also sitting there to absorb the spirit ring.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, did he hunt down a Spirit Beast again?"

I trot over immediately, and it really happened.

Xiaoyan swept the Daura Snake on the ground in front of him again. It was about nine meters in length and was shocked: "It's a 900-year-old Spirit Beast."

Brother Xiao Xiao so amazing!

One ten…No, it should be a Level 11 spirit master.

Since he can kill Datura Snake for nine hundred years, how did he do it?

Xiaoyan glanced all around, and found a lot of incomplete flowers and willows, and knew that she had just missed a fierce battle.

Think about how difficult and dangerous Brother Xiao Xiao was when he faced this 900-year-old Datura Snake just now.

It's just his last, but he can successfully kill it, how did he do it?

At this time, a dazzling yellow halo under Wang Xiao's body rose from his lower body, and the Bloodvine behind him also quickly grew and bloomed.

Then it keeps growing until it grows several hundred meters long.

Wang Xiao opened his eyes and his face was a little pale. That was the reason why he had exhausted too much physical strength to absorb the 900-year-old spirit ring just now.

Look again after I absorbed the second centennial spirit ring, the Bloodvine has grown to nine more than a hundred meters long, becoming tenacious and stronger.

Wang Xiao's power to control Spirit is also a lot stronger, and I feel that this effort is worthwhile.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, congratulations on absorbing the second 900-year spirit ring." Xiao Yan immediately stepped forward to congratulate.

Wang Xiao looked back, it was Xiaoyan. It seemed that she had absorbed the centuries-old spirit ring: "Same joy and joy."

Xiaoyan walked in front of him. , And hugged him: "Thank you Xiao Xiao, without you, I would not be able to win this century-old spirit ring."

"You are welcome." Wang Xiao waved his hand: "Yes. After Xiaoyan, since you have absorbed the spirit ring, there is no need to stay any longer. Go back soon?"

"What about you? Don't you go with me?" Xiaoyan listened to him. Meaning, it seems that I don't plan to go back.

Wang Xiao shook his head: "No! I didn't tell you just now, but I have to absorb a thousand-year spirit ring."

"Then…I want to go with you? "

"Don't! For these thousand years, Spirit Beast can only be found in the center of the hunting forest. It is too dangerous for you to follow."

Xiaoyan bites her teeth, so what? May I know: "But we are here together, we have to leave together. How can we leave our teammates halfway and leave by ourselves." Wang Xiao waved his hand: "Xiaoyan is obedient, this is really not necessary You can help."

Then I took out the last two large Sausage from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, and one gave her: "Eat it, add some spirit power, and get out."

Xiaoyan didn't say much, so she ate.

Wang Xiao also finished eating the Sausage in his hand, then bid farewell to Xiaoyan and walked into the depths of the forest.

Until he couldn't see his back, Xiao Yan waved his hand to him, turned her head three times, and left one after another reluctantly.

About ten miles away.

Wang Xiao encountered a Spirit Beast that was more than 8,000 years old, a triangular python.

Although this kind of snake is non-venomous, its binding force is extremely powerful, which is not comparable to Datura Snake.

Wang Xiao fought it for more than a thousand rounds before finally taking it down and successfully absorbed the 8,000-year spirit ring.

This system has completed 2/3 of the tasks assigned by the system, and there is a 10,000-year spirit ring and a 100,000-year spirit ring to find.

Wang Xiao can hunt an 8,000-year Spirit Beast this time, but thanks to the assistance of Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart, he can provide him with continuous spirit power. Otherwise, facing the 1,000-year Spirit Beast, there is really no chance of winning. grasp.

even more how is a Spirit Beast that is more than eight thousand years old, nearly ten thousand years old.

I'm hungry.

Wang Xiao went to catch a wild boar, which looked like a hundred jin, dealt with it, and set fire to roast the whole pig banquet.

I ate more than ten catties in one breath, and the rest was stored in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, and I kept it for the next meal and eaten slowly.

There is also a ten-thousand-year spirit ring. The one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring has to be absorbed. Two life-and-death battles are inevitable.

It won't work if you don't add more physical strength.


Saint Spirit Village.

dang dang dang ~

Tang San hit the iron a few times and then put down the hammer. It has been many days since I saw Brother Xiao Xiao showing up, and I don't know where to go.

In a month, the Nuoding City primary level Soul Master Academy is about to start school. I wonder if Brother Xiao Xiao will sign up?


A few days later.

Wang Xiao is almost close to the center of the hunting forest. Along the way, he has encountered several scenes where the soul master and the Spirit Beast fight.

But they are all centuries, millennia Spirit Beast, what he was looking for was Ten Thousand Years Spirit Beast, so he lost interest.

I think of myself as a passerby, just look at it and it's done.

Nuoding City primary level Soul Master Academy, teacher dormitory building.

Xiaogang stood on the balcony of his dormitory, raised his eyes to the direction of the Hunting Soul Forest, muttering to himself, Xiao Xiao, the child, who has been there for so many days, has not come back, nothing will happen, right?

It shouldn't be!

It is an extraordinary natural talent. Even if it encounters danger, it can be solved. I think too much.

I would walk with him personally if I knew it, at least I could help him more.

Taoshan Village.

Xiao Wu stood at the entrance of the village and looked into the distance. He didn't see the silhouette of Xiao Xiao coming back. He felt bitter.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, where are you going?"


Seven days later.

Wang Xiao came to the center of the Hunting Forest, this is the most dangerous place in the entire forest.

It is also a gathering place for high-level Spirit Beast.

I searched for half a month. I have found a lot of Spirit Beast for a thousand years, but I haven't found one Spirit Beast for thousands of years.

It's really exhausted.

Because I didn't take a bath for half a month, I got dirty.

I plan to find a pool, lake or something, and take a good bath.

Wang Xiao searched for a while, and finally saw a small lake in the middle of the flat woods in front. He was overjoyed, "I can finally get into the water and wash it clean!"