
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 30: Go away

In the attic.

The divine sense rolls, shrouded.

Eunuch Hong's scalp is numb, and his mind is chaotic.

As a red-clothed eunuch in the palace, Eunuch Hong naturally knows how terrifying a condense divine sense superb Grade 1 is.

Anyone with the top Grade 1 can suppress everything with a gesture. Why can Wudang Mountain True Martial lineage ignore the imperial power and resist the decree? Why did the Mengyuan Empire occupy the endless grassland and glare like a tiger watching his prey on the southern central plains?

The terrifying point of the top Grade 1 is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Eunuch Hong couldn't even dream of it. According to legend, Shaolin Temple, which has been declining, has a top Grade 1 seat?

"Eunuch Hong ..."

Imperial Empress inside the curtain saw this scene, although I don't know what happened, but she was also worried.

Eunuch Hong is her confidant. Without the protection of Eunuch Hong, she would not know how many times she would have died.

And now, Eunuch Hong, who is regarded as the pillar of her heart, has such an expression of trembling and fear?

"Empress Don't panic…"

Eunuch Hong settled down, barely reacted, moved towards all directions The empty air bowed deeply and said:

"Old slave Hongyuan, I have seen a holy monk…"

Eunuch Hong is very clear, although the top Grade 1 is not here, but divine sense Under the shroud, all the movement in the attic is like looking back at the palm of the other side, and it is completely visible.

After a while.

The divine sense quickly retreated.

Eunuch Hong is fiercely relaxed.

"Eunuch Hong, what happened?" Li Imperial Empress saw Eunuch Hong's expression and realized that the matter might have passed, so she asked quickly.

"What happened?"

Eunuch Hong smiled bitterly: "Empress, a holy monk from Shaolin Temple just brought divine sense over… "

"Holy monk?"

"divine sense?"

Li Imperial Empress expression dumbfounded.

Although she is the most beloved concubine of Emperor Tang, she does not know much about Martial Dao.

For Li Fei, she only knows that martial artists are divided into Grade 9, Grade 1 is the highest and Grade 9 is the lowest.

As for the others, I don't know.

"Empress ..."

Eunuch Hong sensed Empress's doubts, thought for a while, helplessly said: "Empress only needs to regard this holy monk as a relationship with Your Majesty Eunuch Zhao on the side is just fine..."

"Eunuch Zhao..."

Li Imperial Empress trembled in her heart.

The name Eunuch Zhao, for the people in the palace, is definitely the second only to the existence of Emperor Tang.

Even Li Imperial Empress, I only know that Eunuch Zhao is the only purple clothed eunuch in Tang State, and his status is equal to that of a prince.

Now the emperor of Tang Dynasty is old and old, and the public minds of the court are different. Several princes open strife and veiled struggle.

But no matter how bad the situation is, as long as Emperor Tang does not die for a day, Great Tang will not be chaotic.

Why is this?

It is precisely because of the purple clothed eunuch next to Emperor Tang.

This purple clothed eunuch, by the strength of oneself, suppressed the court officials and the princes and dare not mess around.

Li Fei did not expect that Eunuch Hong's evaluation of the holy monk was so high that it was equal to Eunuch Zhao?

It's incredible.

"Eunuch Hong, Shaolin Temple has such a powerhouse, then we are in danger…"

Li Fei suddenly thought of something and asked in a low voice.

"Empress is worrying too much…" Eunuch Hong said with a bitter smile: "If that holy monk had a murderous heart, we would already have skeleton doesn't exist, even if Tang The emperor knows, and he won't ask more."

Eunuch Hong expression is complicated.

Even if the Imperial Palace spoils Li Fei no matter how much, it will never conflict with a top Grade 1 for a trifling woman.


"It is a good thing that there are holy monks sitting in the Shaolin Temple."

Speaking of this, Eunuch Hong paused and sighed slightly: "At least, we should be considered safe…"

"It's really amazing!"

Su Qin Divine sense, all kinds of insights rise in the mind.

"However, the eunuch next to Li Fei could detect the existence of divine sense…"

Su Qin was slightly puzzled.

When he just covered the attic in the bamboo forest with divine sense, the eunuch named Eunuch Hong clearly recognized divine sense.

Su Qin pondered for a while and thought of the reason.

The main reason is that I just condensed the divine sense, and when I was outside, I couldn't really control my heart.

In addition, the spirit strength of Eunuch Hong was born to surpass the normal martial artist before he discovered it.

After waiting for a period of time, Su Qin is fully familiar with divine sense before he can truly be a master, and the breeze is blowing.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the past few months.

During this time, Su Qin returned to normal life again.

As for condensing the divine sense, it has little impact on Su Qin.

After all, even if there is no'Divine Concentration Pill', Su Qin is confident in condense divine sense, but it has been a little longer.

And Su Qin's most important thing is time.

The ordinary Grade 1 Great Grandmaster is only two hundred years of life essence, but Su Qin can live for four hundred years.

For hundreds of years, even a pig, it should be a condense divine sense, even more how is Su Qin.

"If you want to achieve the'Arhat' Buddhahood, divine sense, fleshy body, and Inner Strength are indispensable."

Su Qin sat cross-legged, thinking ups and downs.

"Today, my condense divine sense and fleshy body also use Supreme Yin Strength and Strength of Supreme Yang tempering to reach the extreme, leaving only Inner Strength…"

Su Qin's eyes are shiny.

For any Grade 1 Great Grandmaster, the mythical bottleneck, which is like a ditch, let Su Qin solve the two silently. If this matter is spread out, it will definitely shock the world.

To some extent, Su Qin at this moment is definitely one of the people closest to the mythological bottleneck among the many Grade 1 Great Grandmasters today.

2nd day.

Su Qin went to Bodhi Temple to sign in as usual.

Since the last time he checked in and out of the'Divine Concentration Pill', Su Qin's check-in times at Bodhi Temple have obviously increased.

Since the Bodhi Academy can sign in and out of the'Divine Concentration Pill', this condensed divine sense medicine pill, will it be helpful for the transformation of Inner Strength medicine pill?

With this thought, Su Qin neither fast nor slow moved towards Bodhi courtyard.


Su Qin stopped.

Not long after, the Princess from Great Tang ran over.

Calculating the time, Li Fei's entire group has been in Shaolin Temple for more than half a year.

However, in normal times, Li Fei and Eunuch Hong hardly go out of the bamboo forest, so Shaolin Temple is not affected.

Adding to the fact that Li Fei was entrusted with the Tang Emperor's handwritten letter, Abbot Hui Wen could only turn a blind eye. As long as Li Fei did not take the initiative to leave, he would let Li Fei continue to live.

For Shaolin Temple, it only needs to provide some fast food every day.

"Little Monk, we may be going back soon…"

This Little Princess from Tang State has big red eyes and is obviously very reluctant.

Although the Shaolin Temple is an ancient Buddha with blue lanterns, it is far from the luxurious and spectacular in the Imperial Palace.

But at Shaolin Temple, she is at least safe and free.

Don't worry about dying in a dry well one day, or swallowing a cup of poison.

"Going back?"

Su Qin expression was surprised.

"Well, this is what Eunuch Hong said." Little Princess said in a low tone.