
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 29: Divine Sense

"Didn't expect to sign in to sign out the'Divine Concentration Pill'?"

Su Qin expression was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Since entering Grade 1, he has no idea how much'Divine Accumulation Pill' he has taken, which contains the'Divinity' within the body.

But the result is far from satisfactory.

Although its own'Divinity' is growing steadily and can condense the divine sense, it is still far away.

It seems that whether the divine sense can be condense does not depend on the degree of'Divinity'.

Originally, Su Qin planned to spend decades to slowly condense the divine sense.

But now, after checking in and out of the'Divine Concentration Pill', Su Qin realized that it did not take that long.

"Don't be in a hurry."

"Before taking'Divine Concentration Pill', adjust yourself to the best condition."

Su Qin did not take it immediately 'Divine Concentration Pill', instead, calm down and consider the many details of condensing the divine sense.

Although the'Divine Concentration Pill' can help Grade 1 Great Grandmaster condense the divine sense.

But the most important thing is still Su Qin himself. No matter how the'Divine Concentration Pill' is against the sky, it is an auxiliary function after all.


In the event of a setback in the condensed divine sense, which causes the Su Qin divine sense to be damaged, the impact will be the real it will cause no end of trouble.

If your fleshy body is damaged, you can take care of it slowly and take medicine to recover according to the symptoms of your fleshy body.

But if the divine sense is damaged, you can only rely on yourself.

Thinking of this, Su Qin decided that during this period, in addition to signing in, the cultivation time should be slightly slowed down to prepare for taking the'Divine Concentration Pill'.


Life is still going on without delay.

The ancient Buddha with blue lanterns in Shaolin Temple makes Su Qin hardly feel the ebbing of time.

The only thing that is different from before is that Tang State Princess seems to have Su Qin attached. Whenever Su Qin passes by the bamboo forest, he sneaks up to follow.

Su Qin checked out the'Divine Concentration Pill' and was in a good mood. If there is nothing wrong, he would chat with this Tang State Princess to pass the time.

During the chat, through Tang State Princess, Su Qin probably learned some secrets in the Imperial Palace.

According to the description of this Tang State Princess, the Emperor Tang really does not work anymore and will not last for a few years.

In the court hall, the princes of the princes also took the opportunity to seize power.

It can be imagined that once Emperor Tang really died, these princes would desperately fight for the position of the ninety-five years.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Su Qin.

Even if the heaven falls and earth rends blood flowing into a river from outside, Su Qin would not take another look.

"Little Monk, in fact, I really don't like the identity of'Princess'. If possible, I don't want to be named Li."

The little girl said in a lost tone.

"Don't want to be named Li?"

Su Qin glanced at Tang State Princess in surprise.

Be aware that surnamed Li is the surname of the Imperial Family. I don't know how many people aspire to have this surname, ascending to the skies with a single leap, and become a royal descendant.

"Then what do you want the last name?"

Su Qin asked casually.

The little girl held her cheeks, thought for a while, and said seriously: "I want the surname Wu."


Su Qin repeats Again.

"Yes, because I want to be a True Martial Artist, and my destiny is in my control." The little girl clenched her fists.

"Little Monk, what do you want in the future, or what do you want to be?"

The little girl asked suddenly.

"What do you want to be?"

Su Qin thought for a while and said seriously:

"invincible in the whole world!"

"Pu chi!"

The little girl almost didn't laugh.

invincible in the whole world?

You need to know that even in the Imperial Palace, the one who always guards the Emperor Tang, by the strength of oneself, shocks all the court officials and the purple clothed eunuchs that the princes dare not to mess around. Dare to claim that I am invincible in the whole world...

Time passes.

3 months later.

"Tonight, you can take the'Divine Concentration Pill'."

Su Qin sat cross-legged and swallowed the'Divine Concentration Pill' in one mouthful.

'Divine Concentration Pill'melts in the mouth, instantly melted into within the body, disappeared.

There is no surprise about Su Qin. The'Divine Concentration Pill' only has an effect on the'Divinity', and the Fleshy body cannot absorb the'Divine Concentration Pill' at all.



Su Qin only felt the medicinal power of the'Divine Concentration Pill' turned into a stream, slowly enveloping the'Divinity', continuously compressing and condensing.


As Su Qin's'Divinity' continues to condense and condense, an invisible Spiritual Fluctuation slowly fluctuates in his mind, and there is a tendency to spread towards within the body.

next moment!

bang!! !

Su Qin Spiritual Plane suddenly sounded a roar, and the continuously compressed'Divinity' almost condensed into a dot, and finally exploded suddenly and turned into an invisible wave, moved towards all directions swept away.

This volatility is intangible and quality, but it is real.

"Finally condense divine sense…"

Su Qin slowly eyes opened before.

At this time, the Heaven and Earth in front of him was different from the Heaven and Earth he had seen before.

Within the radius of several ten zhang, every plant, one tree, one flower and one leaf, all fall into the eyes of Su Qin, every minute and every minute.

Compared with Eyes of Truth's insight, under the coverage of divine sense, Su Qin almost completely controls everything about several ten zhang.

"Look at how much the divine sense covers."

Su Qin thoughts move, originally filled with the divine sense of several ten zhang all over the body, began to slowly move towards all directions and spread Away.

After a short trial just now, Su Qin discovered that the best range covered by divine sense is several ten zhang all over the body.

As farther away, the probe of divine sense begins to become blurred.

"Continue to spread!"

Su Qin wants to try the limit range of divine sense.

In an instant.

The divine sense turns into an invisible wave, like a wave of air, which instantly traverses the distance.

During this period, the handyman courtyard, small hills, and even the bamboo forest where Li Fei lived, were all swept by divine sense.

Within the bamboo forest.

In an exquisite attic.

Li Imperial Empress turned pale and leaned against the bed.

The curtain fell heavily, and from the outside, only a vague silhouette could be seen.

"Damn slut!"

Li Fei's eyes were cold, as if squeezing these words out between her teeth.

"Empress, don't get angry!"

Eunuch Hong immediately opened the mouth and said: "Although the mandala poison has been suppressed, it has not been eradicated. If Empress is angry, maybe Will irritate toxicity…"

As soon as I said this.

Li Imperial Empress closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she calmly said: "I see."

"How is the Shaolin Temple? Is there a threat?"

Li Imperial Empress asked directly.

"Empress, don't worry." Eunuch Hong believes: "The old slave has visited Shaolin Temple in the past few months. Except for the mountainside and other forbidden areas, there is no threat in other places."

"Shaolin Temple this generation abbot Hui Wen, but Grade 2, if you do it, the old slave can be suppressed within 20 strokes, and you can kill with a hundred strokes!"

Eunuch Hong slowly said.

"Although the Shaolin Temple is the Martial Dao Great Sect, this generation has completely decayed."

"The so-called Buddhist Holy Land is just putting gold that's on your face all."

Eunuch Hong shook the head, his tone was extremely contemptuous.


next moment.

The invisible divine sense waves rolling in, sweeping across the attic in a flash.

Li Imperial Empress didn't notice it.

But Eunuch Hong expression has changed drastically.

"This is?!!!"

Eunuch Hong straightened up suddenly, as if he felt something extremely incredible.

"Spirit Sense Transforming Shape?"

"This is the Grade 1 Great Grandmaster?"

Eunuch Hong was stiff and trembled.