
Chapter 4


Rodrick was returning today, and I'm supposed to be at his house now but I don't feel like going there. My wolf—Scar—has been giddy for some reason. It's irritating.

I just wish that I could make up an excuse so I could see him tomorrow. I'm not in the mood to go out now.

I drag my lazy ass of the couch and grab my keys. All of a sudden, I decided to walk to his house instead of driving. Besides, his house is five minutes away if I run and I decided that I need the exercise. I took off, sprinting to the alpha's house when the most intoxicating scent hit me.

["Mate! Mine! Go to my mate now!"

"Mate? My mate is here? How?"

"Just shut up and go in already."]

As I neared the house, the smell of cocoa filled my nostrils even more. I'm sure I was salivating. I opened the door and was greeted by Rodrick and the gang. There was even a new face but none of them smelled like my mate. I sniffed the air once more and followed the smell to back of the house.

"Hey man! Come meet my—" The rest of Rodrick's word were lost as I kept on walking as though I was in a trance. I finally reached the the place where the cocoa scent was the strongest to see a lady with her back facing me. She stiffened all of a sudden and then I knew she had sense my presence.

*•ARA's POV•*

After the pizza party, I was stuffed. I hadn't eaten so much at once in all my twenty years of living in my pack. Jessie mentioned a beautiful sunset scenery at back so I went there to await the sunset when the most intoxicating scent him me. Lemon, shaving cream, and mint.

["Mate! Mate! Mate!"]

Amanda kept chanting in my head. My mate is here. I can't believe it. I stood slowly and turned to see a pair of the brightest blue eyes I'd ever see looking at me. Two words left his lips.

"You're mine." Three words left my lips.

"And you're mine." I turned around and ran. Yes, I ran. As fast as my legs could carry me. I ran away from my mate.

["Mateeee! What is wrong with you? Why are you running? Go back there!"

"I can't! He's nice and handsome and beautiful and handsome—have I already said handsome? He's everything I'm not. He'll reject me."

"He won't! Please go back."

"I can't."]

I kept on running. I ran past everyone and kept going till I found my hands pressing down on the car lock.

I just locked myself in a car, away from my mate.


My breathe hitched in my throat when she stood up and turned around. My mate is tall and beautiful. She's not skinny or slim. She's just how I like a girl to be. And her eyes, oh God. Her eyes are the lightest shade of brown eyes I have ever seen. Before I could stop myself, I said;

"You're mine." When I heard her voice say,

"And you're mine." I thought I was in heaven. Her voice is so smooth.

["Our mate is beautiful."

"She is. The most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on."]

What happened next was something I never expected. She turned away from me then ran. She freaking ran away from me. I was too shocked to move. I'm shocked, stunned, appalled, you name it. My mate freaking ran away from me!

["Stop standing around and look for her! Go find our mate!"]

Scar barked at me. I ran back into the room to see everyone looking confused.

"Did you guys see a girl run away from here?"

"What did you do to her?" The new face stood up and stalked towards me.

"I don't have time for this now. Just tell me where she went!" I raised my voice which made Rodrick growl.

"Watch how to talk to your Luna!" He barked out.

"I'm sorry Rodrick but I need to find that girl. She ran away from me."

"What did you do?" The Luna demanded.

"Nothing!" I barked in frustration, running my hand through my hair.

"She's my mate and she ran away from me. I didn't even get to say anything." Realization flashed in her eyes. And she pointed outside.

"She ran outside." She said then ran outside as well. I followed after her, desperate to get to my mate.


["Ara. Mate is called Ara. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful face."]

"Araaaa!! Where did you go Ara!" Luna kept on calling. She hadn't gone far. I could smell her towards the car so that where I went. When I approached the car, her smell was so strong that I knew that she was in the car. I grabbed the car handle and pulled but it didn't open.

Shit! It's locked!

"Luna! She's in here." I called out to the Luna. Maybe she'd be able to get Ara out of the car. The Luna ran towards us and tried the door handle.

"It's locked." She looked through the window and knocked on the window.

"Ara! Please open up." All of a sudden her eyes glazed over, indicating that she was mind linking.

*•ARA's POV•*

Oh God! What do I do now? I can't stay here forever. I was contemplating running away from this pack when I heard his voice, his deep muscular voice. His voice that sends shivers down my spine.

He was calling Cindy Luna so that means he doesn't know her name yet. Who is he? He is so dreamy.

Knock knock! Someone was knocking on the window. I didn't open up because I could still smell my mate outside the window.

Knock knock! This time, in my mind. She wanted to mind link with me so I brought down my mental black and allowed her in my head.

{"Ara! What's wrong with you? Why are you hiding from your mate?"

"Oh Cindy just look at him. He is so dreamy and perfect. He's everything I'm not. He's beautiful for crying out loud. I'm not any good for him. After all, I'm an omega."

"Don't say that. You are the most beautiful person I know. And you are very smart. He'd be a fool to reject you. As you've always said to me, it doesn't matter your position. Just give him a chance."

"But I'm scared and I just made a fool out of myself. I ran away from him. I don't think I can ever face him."

"Please, he looks like he's about to cry. Just open up. We'll face him together. Please."

"Okay fine! But if he rejects me I'll kill him afterwards. If I can't have that Greek God body then no one else can! Humph!"

"That's my girl!"}

I unlocked the door and gingerly stepped out. Cindy pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear.

"You've got this!" Then she walked away.

{ "Some best friend you are!"

"Hahaha! hahaha! Go get your man."}

Then she blocked me from her mind. I gulped and looked up to see his blue eyes staring intently at me.

"Why?" That's all he said.

"I'm sorry for running away but—"

"We'll talk about that later. Why do you smell like Rodrick?" I could detect a hint of anger in his voice.

"Huh?!" Was the only intelligent think I could say. Way to go Ara!

"Don't play games with me! Why do you have Rodrick's scent on you dammit!"

"Rodrick's scent—oh I was wearing his shirt. It's no biggie."

"You were wearing my best friend's shirt and you think it's no biggie? I should have known." This guy is confusing me. A confused me is a dumb me. Sigh!

"Known what?"

"That you'd never want someone like me as your mate." Wait what?! Someone like him?

"Who—who are you?" I asked carefully, a bit apprehensive that I might not like his answer.

"I'm Caine, Beta of the Black Pack."

Oh my! The beta with the wild wolf! The beta that hurts people! The beta that doesn't leave the pack for functions like parties and such! That beta? That same beta is my mate?!

"What's your name?" I think he just asked me a question, I'm not sure.

"Huh?" This earned a chuckle from him. His chuckle is so sexy. I think I'm drooling.

"I asked for your name and position."

"Umm... my name is Arabelle but you can call me Ara. I was an—uhh... omega in my old pack." I saw his eyes widen for a bit before they went back to his their original size.

I knew it. He's gonna reject me.

"Let's get this over with already. Are you gonna reject me or should I do it myself? I think I'll just reject you. I, Araba Woode, reject—" I was cut off by his warm lips on mine. The fluttering from the butterflies was so much that I thought my stomach would burst open and then lot of butterflies would fly away.


I had to kiss her. If I didn't, she was going to reject me. I admit I was surprised when she said she was an omega but that was because I was wondering why an omega was wearing an Alpha's shirt.

I can't reject her. I won't reject her. It would send Scar on a rampage then I'd die eventually of a broken heart.

The kiss was fantastic. She tasted like pizza and it was yummy. I wish that I could kiss her forever but alas, she has yet to explain why she was in Rodrick's shirt. When I reluctantly pulled away, she looked flushed and blushed when she saw me looking at her.

"I won't ever reject you. I was surprised that's all."

"Oh." She's so adorable.

"Now could you please explain to me why you were in Rodrick's shirt?"

"Oh yeah I forgot. Well, I was giving Cindy and Alpha Black some privacy when Amanda started pestering me for a run. She didn't allow me to take off my clothes or grab a new pair. She just jumped through the window like the crazy girl she is, ripping my clothes in the process. So after the run, I had to borrow his shirt so I could help Cindy because she was asking for my help." Oh, that explains a lot. I'm assuming that Amanda is her wolf and Cindy is the Rodrick's mate, the Luna.

["Just see. You doubted our mate for no reason."

"Oh shut up Scar!"]

"What did you think?" She asked.


"Haha! Now you're saying huh!" She was clearly very amused and was giggling like a school girl. Have I already mentioned that she's adorable?

"I asked what you thought I did with Alpha Rodrick?" She asked again.

"Nothing. Never mind." She frowned.

"I need to know. Tell me." I wanted to answer her, but I felt myself going on shut down mode. I felt very tired, angry, and sad all at once. I really hate it when this happens but there's nothing I can do about it.

"I've gotta go." I turned and started walking away from her without looking back. Even Scar was on shut down.

"Wait what? Where are you going? Am I coming with you or what?" I kept walking. I couldn't get myself to turn back. I can't fight it. It's been like this for years now. This is how my life is. I shut down around this time everyday since that day.

*•ARA's POV•*

"Wait what? Where are you going? Am I coming with you or what?" He kept walking like I didn't say anything. He kept walking like he didn't just leave me, his mate, hanging.

Suddenly feeling tired and peeved, I stomped back inside the house. Inside, the others were playing video games and eating. I guess because the alpha found his mate, today was a free day for them. Earlier, Mama Giada had shown me my room so I made my way there.

["Did you see what he did? He totally blew me off there. First he says he's not gonna reject me then he walks away with any information or anything."

"Scar did the same thing to me."

"Who the hell is Scar? I'm talking about our mate here."

"Scar is his wolf dummy. Sheesh!"

"Really, he named his wolf Scar? I just hope he doesn't name our children Mufasa and Simba."

"Well there won't be any children if those males don't stop ditching us. When I was getting to know Scar, he turned cold all of a sudden, like a robot. It was almost like he was on default. He shut down completely and told me he had to go. Then he was gone, like I'd never had a conversation with him and just imagined him. It was strange."

"It's the same thing that Caine did to me. I just hope that this doesn't keep up for long."

"I hope so too."]

Why did Caine turn cold all of a sudden? Does it have something to do with what happened to him as a child?

A lot of possibilities were running through my head but I was tired after today's activities so I entered into deep slumber and didn't wake up till the next morning.