
Chapter 3

The A/N at the end is important so please read it😊

"Thank God you're okay." Immediately we emerged from the bathroom, Mr. Big Bad Alpha Mate scooped Cindy up and hugged her tightly.

"I was so worried. What happened back there?" I needed to get out of this room now. I could sense a very private moment coming up. Just as I spun on my heel and was about to leave the room, Cindy called out to me, begging me to stay.

"I can't. You are no more my responsibility from now on. He is your mate. You have to be comfortable in his presence, without me. I'll always be your best friend and sister. This is a conversation that you should have with him." I pulled her in for a hug and whispered,

"Tell me all the juicy deets later." I winked at her which made her laugh. To Mr. Big Bad Alpha, I gave the I've-got-my-eyes-on-you sign.


["I need a runnnnnn."

"Stop whining Amanda. We can't go out on a run now, not when Cindy needs us."

"Cindy is a grown woman and she has her mate with her. Just let me take control. I feel cramped up in your tiny human body."

"Heyyyy! My body is far from tiny. Okay fine. Only for a short while."]

Amanda didn't let me give her control. I didn't even have time to change my clothes or grab an extra pair. She jumped through an open window and took off, pushing me to the back of her wolf mind.

["You didn't even let me take of my clothes! Next time let me give you the control. Humph!"

"Sore looser!"

"Now we'll have to walk back naked. Way to go!"

"Shut up and enjoy the run."]

She blocked me from disrupting her run any longer and ran round the pack house to get to the forest. Honestly, the run was very needed. I could feel my stress slipping away. I always feel refreshed after a good run, which I don't do often. I don't have the privilege of leaving my work to go for a run. I only do it when I have some free time, like today.

I don't know for how long I'd been running, but I needed to get back to the pack house. I was close to the pack house when I heard a voice yelling which sounded like Alpha Black's. I sneaked back the way I came and shifted then carefully made my way back to Alpha Black's room for a some clothes. I didn't want to wear any of the alpha's shirts so I picked up Cindy's dirty clothes. Looking at them, I remembered that Cindy was tinier compared to me so I wouldn't fit in her clothes.

"Arhhhhh! I can't believe I have to wear his shirt. Cindy will kill me, that I'm sure of." I whispered to myself, putting on the shirt and sliding out the door towards the yelling voices.

["This feels so wrong."

"I know right. The yelling today is too much."

"No! I meant you wearing his shirt. Cindy might get blinded by her jealousy and flip. You know how we can be. Her wolf will get jealous that you smell like her mate."

"Yes. That's true. What should I do?"

"Mind link her. Tell her that you are in his shirt so she won't be taken by surprise."

"Yeah sure. I'll do that. Thanks, what'd I ever do without you?"

"Probably be the dumbest creature alive."

"You can never let me have the last word can't you?"


I focused on trying to get past Cindy's mind block. When someone is trying to get past your mind block, it's like a tiny knock in your head. It can get very annoying at times. After a few knocks, she finally let down her mind block.

{ "Cindy!"

"Ara! Please come! Rodrick is mad! Help me!"

"Okay but just so you know, I went on a run and shredded my clothes so currently I'm in one of your mate's shirt. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. Come fast!"

"Thanks. I'm on my way."}

I sprinted towards the directions in which the raised voices were coming from. The sight before me was one I didn't think I'd ever see in a million years. Alpha Black had Jace up against a wall while Macy was begging a confused looking Cindy to get her mate to drop her brother.

"You will permit the transfer right now!" Alpha Black barked at Jace who was sputtering. From the look on his face, I don't think Jace was getting sufficient air. I rushed over to Cindy.

"Cindy! Get him to calm down. He's gonna kill Jace!"

"H-how? I don't know how!"

"You guys are mates so hug him or something. Do something unless he'll kill Jace. Now!" Cindy gingerly wrapped her hand around her mate's torso. He visibly relaxed.

"Let him go babe. Please." Reluctantly, he released Jace who fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air.

"I—I'll ge—get the trans—transfer papers." Watching Jace scurry across the room, looking for the papers was a satisfying sight for some reason. I could never harm him because of my status but no one said another alpha couldn't do it.

"Here—here you go. One transfer paper for Cindy. Take her and leave."

"What about Ara?" Cindy questioned.

"What about her?"

"Where's her transfer document?"

"I won't allow her to leave. She's my head cook. I need her for my ceremony tomorrow."

"I asked for two transfer papers. One for Cindy and one for Ara. If you know what's good for you and your puny pack, you'll sign another paper for Ara right this instant." Alpha Black threatened. Jace, being the coward he is, signed a transfer for me too. Good luck to this pack and their pushover alpha.

["Wow! He's such a pushover!" Ama snorted in my head.

"I'm just thankful that he signed the damn papers."]

"You obviously don't treat you guests with respect. I won't be staying in this excuse for a pack any longer. We're leaving." Alpha Black dragged a shaken Cindy who in turn dragged me with her. He didn't say anything as he drove us to our house to retrieve our stuff.

"Get all your belongings. We leave now. I'm going to inform my pack members. Meet me outside when you are done." He was walking away when he turned around and planted a kiss on Cindy's forehead before stalking away.

"What happened back there?"

"I asked him if he could love me for who I am—omega or not—and he told me that he doesn't care about my position in this back. He said that in his pack I'm the Luna not an omega. Then I told him what Macy said in the kitchen earlier and he flipped. He could hurt Macy so he decided to punch Jace instead. Then he asked for transfer for us but Jace refused. I think he did that just to spite Rodrick. Well, Rodrick didn't find it funny so he attacked Jace. Then you saw the rest."

"Dang it! I missed the whole show. I shoulda brought some popcorn or something. I felt oddly satisfied to see Jace shivering and sputtering in fear. " We burst out laughing so hard that we forgot that we came here to do something. After a few minutes, we remembered that we came here to get our things. I went to my room and changed into my own clothes. I was feeling really uncomfortable in his clothes. It just didn't feel right.

I packed the few clothes I had. We didn't have much things so they all fit into one small bag. I went to my parents room and took some of their stuff like my mom's hair comb and her scarf. I took my dad's ring as well as a family picture.

When I was done packing, I went downstairs to see Cindy staring at the last picture we took as a family before our parents passed away. I really was going to miss this place.

"Take the picture and let's go." I whispered, hugging Cindy.

"I'm really gonna miss this place. I have so many memories here."

"Me too."

"You girls ready to go?" Alpha Black was standing at the door, waiting for us to leave. We walked to him and he took our bags, placing them in the trunk. There was another car parked outside.

"Whose car is that?" I asked the alpha. As if on cue, the people in the car stepped down.

"This is my third in command, Gamma Drake and Gamma female Jessie." He pointed to the tall guy with really short girl by his side. She waved at us and we waved back.

"And these are my head warriors Darwin and Penelope."

"You can call me Penny. I don't like being called Penelope, makes me feel too old."

"And this is my mate, Cindy and her best friend Arabelle." He introduced us.

"You can call me Ara."

"Nice to meet you, Luna and Ara!" They all exclaimed, bowing to Cindy.

"Please call me Cindy." She blushed. They all smiled warmly at us but I felt that something or someone is missing. I wanted to get to know the others so I decided to ride with them.

We talked about everything. From ourselves to our packs. Then it clicked.

"The Beta!" I shouted out of the blue.

"Huh?" Drake asked.

"The Beta isn't here. Where's he?" Everyone's face fell.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, the Beta—he's sick so he didn't come along." Penny answered.

"What do you mean he's sick?"

"Well, he's not necessarily sick but his wolf is a bit strange. Ever since the incidence occurred, he'd shut the world out." She explained.

"How long ago was this?"

"Two years after he shifted. One day, he went out of pack borders and didn't return till later. Something happened which made his wolf a bit wild and he attacked the border patrol mercilessly. Ever since then, he hasn't left the pack for unofficial business in fear that his wolf would harm others."

["Do you have an idea of what they're talking about?"

"Not a clue. I've never heard of a wild wolf like that. We are wild by nature but I think his is on a different level."]

"Oh my! That's horrible. That's so sad."

"Yeah, it is. He's a nice guy but he doesn't talk much. And he's the best fighter we have, after the alpha of course. When he fights, he shifts but he never gives his wolf control."


"Never." The car was silent after that. Everyone was deep in various their thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious Beta of the Black Pack.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the border of Black Pack. The boarder patrol saluted us and allowed us to pass, giving me a funky look. I smiled cheekily at him and he turned away from me, looking quite uncomfortable. Hehe.

We drive for another five minutes before parking in front of a huge house that I'm assuming is the Alpha Black's house. There's an elderly Italian woman waiting at the door for us.

"Mama Giada!" Jessie and Penny jumped down and ran to the kind looking woman.

"Bambini! How are you my dear?"

"We're good but boy did I miss your cooking."Jessie said and her stomach growled on cue. I couldn't help but laugh which attracted the woman's attention.

"Another bambino? What's your name child?"

"Arabelle. You can call me Ara ma'am."

"There's no need for ma'am Ara. Call me Mama Giada. Come here." I received the biggest hug ever from Mama Giada. She's so nice. And she smells like pizza.

Just then, Alpha Black and Cindy's car come to a halt. A flushed Cindy got down from the car.

["I wonder where they've been!" Amanda snorted.

"And what they've been doing!"]

While I busily laughing with my inner voice, Mama Giada was ushering everyone inside for pizza. I finally snapped back into my surroundings when I felt alone. That's what happens when no one pinches me out of my reverie. I headed inside to see that everyone is already eating while I was laughing outside. Meanies! Humph!

I have realized that my non-African readers seem to think that my English is weird and that my 'choice of words' is strange. What do you think? Please, I need your comments and thoughts so I can know what to do about it. No harsh word please🥺

Keep reading, commenting and voting🙃 Love y'all Unicorns✨❤️