
Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Author: fairytail72
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 2.9M Views
  • 971 Chs
  • 4.5
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What is Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Read ‘Shrewd wife of Lin brothers’ Online for Free, written by the author fairytail72, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, R18 Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: I got cheated on cheh ~ don't worry I have five men who dote on me .A stoic man who couldn't string two sentences ? I wi...


I got cheated on cheh ~ don't worry I have five men who dote on me . A stoic man who couldn't string two sentences ? I will make him rap watch me . A hot and cold tsundere who has a venomous tongue for opposite gender ? I will make him pour honey from his mouth . A stupid and childish man ? see how he flirts like a womanizer with me . A gentle scholar , cough he ain't gentle with me on bed A shy introvert ?see him become a wolf in sheep's clothing . Su Wan - a thirty years old divorced woman who was cheated on by her husband and step sister , spends a night drinking alcohol all the while watching how her ex husband and step sister makes a joke of themselves . " ahhh !You bastard ! You slag man you think this old lady won't have a man anymore ???Not only this great aunty will have a man ! I will have five men ! One to sleep ! two to roll and three to pamper !! " Amidst her alcohol intake she passes out only to find her self transmigrated over to a small village in ancient China and that too on her wedding day with The five Lin brothers ! - Cover not mine email at fairy0tail072@gmail.com to have it removed ( i edited it )

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This is an awesome story and I’m really enjoying it. It deals with a shared wife between 5 brothers and focuses on the relationships between the wife and each of the brothers. Along the way, both the wife and all the brothers deal with past baggage and learn how to heal with the help of the others. The story also touches on some darker aspects of relationships but personally I don’t think it’s gotten that dark or twisted yet. At most, maybe a little racy, which I’m all for. The world building is cohesive and the writing is logical and flows well. Some grammatical errors but not too bad. The romance is really sweet and sometimes sexy. Which I appreciate personally. The characters are well-rounded and have their own back stories which develop as the storyline progresses. I’m reading another one of the authors stories and I think she has potential to grow way past the Webnovel platform. It seems like most of her stories try to take a deeper look at the psychological issues underlying a lot of the things people feel, say, and do. For a young author this is pretty admirable. Now to address the white elephant in the room. Early on there were a few accusations of plagiarism or at least copying the storyline of another story of a shared wife between brothers. I’d already read the story and the comic of this other book. At first there were a lot of similarities and a few scenes that were very similar. The characters themselves were a bit similar. But after maybe 40 chapters or so, this book completely diverged from the other. And I mean completely. The characters developed in completely different ways and the story is totally different. The only similarity at this point is that brothers are sharing a wife. So while this other book might have influenced the author as a starting point, she has absolutely made this story her own. In fact, I think this story is much better with much more depth to the characters and the plot. So, no, this isn’t a plagiarized story by any means.


I am here for this hot and steamy story as well as the characters development and over all progression of this story its truly a page turner but warning if you can't handle grown up content as well as some dark themes this book is not for you


Hi guys please support this book !!!! Author san begs for a constant support ! Will be forever grateful for this ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🐑🐑🐑🐑❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


The story is based on ancient traditions and a reverse harem. While this story may sound strange for some, the story is actually entertaining and heart warming 🥰 Before you read this, keep your mind open to any possibilities ^^ Innocent and close minded people may not be able accept the story but it's worth a try 🥰


SPOILERS!! I found so many similarities in the story like in ‘Sweet Rustic Love‘ however there are so many differences as well and to be honest i like this story line way more so far. At first i fell in love withe SRL but now that I’m reading this i like this story line and characters better. Similarities: Transigration of fl from a modern world. Both woke up to be married as a shared wife. One husand is a hunter, one seems like a flirt, one is limping and stuttering, and one is a tsundere. Both Mls and Fls families are leeches. Both fls are young so husbands need to wait until shes a bit more mature in body. Both fls rely on their past to make money and their lives beter. A few more similarities as well that i might have forgotten. Differences: SRL has 4 ml while this story has 5. One husband here is aiming to become a scholar. The husband who is a tsundere is different in the fact that hes not violent like the one is SRL. When the Fl transmigrated in SRL the original panicked and ran away which caused the tsundere husand to be over bearing and thinking she’ll try to run away if shes not within sight. He also had violent tendencies and shouts although he didnt lay a hand on her. Here fl was so bad ass after transmigation. Although theres a scholar here the one that was more educated in SRL is the tsundere one so the mls have a lot of similarities but its like their traits are spread out between them which makes them a bit different. Also i like that here the mls dont have a problem asking about how the wedding night will work out they are more open. The fls are both a bit over bearing but if im honest this fl is way better because shes not so demanding and gives in to them when shes in the wrong. Here the mls have their mom as the only good family. In SRL mls have an aunty and uncle. Fl here has family to rely on plus her mom left her a dowry and can rely on her shops to make money plus the hot spring they found in their new home. In SRL her parents let her grandma sell her off so fl had to rely on her modern world memories to make money and thats how they build their home and collaborated with a store in town to make money from her designs. I’m sure theres more that I forgot. This fl in my opinion is more gentle and compassionate her personality is on the kinder side with the family she readily accepted. Shes understanding of her husbands and more open to try and make their relationship work. Unlike in SRL shes more mature when it comes to being intimate with her husands, yes she set rules and boundaries but shes also playful and funny with her wolf like thoughts in wanting to devour her husbands 🤣🤭 Shes not a virgin in thoughts, although she cant have sex with them yet we have seen so far that she will help with the ‘heat’ without feeling shy and that she doesnt mind teasing and taking responsibility for her actions instead of letting them up and dry. Also love how she takes care of her mother in law and the fact that the story starts with her life before transmigrating. Sorry it turned out way longer than i wanted but I’m really in love with this story so far.



author san here ~ minna ! I'm so excited to see that you guys are loving this story , your comments make me smile like crazy , to think we will become a fam of 200k so soon , I never thought I will achieve something soooo fabulous . My username is fairytail but you guys are ny little fairies !


I really like this More chapter plzzzzzzzzzzzz 😘😘😘😘[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


dear writer I love your way of thinking when you write but there are still a lot of things you need to work on; like the space in between the sentences; I for one like your R18 mindset [img=recommend] I feel that there are some characters which need to be be killed (su); however it's feeling a bit slow in terms of getting too the 2yrs before she 18yrs [img=update] this is my view so far on your book. I hope you continue and give us more [img=update]


the story and plot is unique and entertaining. Please update the book soon


the story good, if you like strong fl n reverse harem, i recommend this onee..the story line easy to understand. please author-san do a mass release [img=update][img=update]


A transmigration story. The mc transmigrated into the past in which farming is still the primary source of income especially in poor villages. Like any other, she's good at something, which, in her case is cooking and she transmigrated into the body of a weak bullied girl. She's feisty and I like it. She's a shared wife and she married five husbands whom all ever think is to bed her. Jk. I still don't know in which fields this brothers at good at. So yeah. I'mma continue reading this to figure it out.


(I finally figured it out) What I like the most about this book is the interaction between the characters. In fact, I have really not found what not to like. Except for how quickly the main character adapts to the situation, everything else is pretty good. It’s my first time reading a reverse harem book and I must say the main character’s kick-butt attitude is hypnotizing. The book is a real page turner mostly because you just want to know what would happen next. Most time I find myself asking if the next page is where it will get boring but nope, even up till the last page, I’m asking for more. So it’s an amazing book. 4 stars cutie. Okay! Cool! Kisses- muahhhh!! muaahhhh! muaahhhhhhh.


i don't know about the criteria and all but i just like the story the plt is nice and it's fun . i can totally relate with the female and her character and sometimes when reading i just started talking about it to myself imagining myself as her and thinking what i would do


this is a good look so far. it's funny and the female lead is strong. I always like a strong female lead. and a lot of face slapping. I can't wait for more chapters. I hope the author updates regularly.


I really love the story of this novel <3 very unique but at the same time it covers a lot, the development of the characters is very good. Looking forward for more chapters! Thank you author! ❤️


I really love this novel 🤩💖I totally appreciate it 🙂 that the author writting about a woman actually I always want to find this type of books / novels where a female lead is a powerful woman . I hate it if anyone trying to show woman weakness


I was wondering if this novel was completed. Maybe there will be another series related to this bit they're all in the future, and it's still a reverse harem plot ...this came to my mind when they all tied that golden string on their wrist to share the brother's fate...


Wanna ask all the reader present are there more reverse harem novels I have read novels Beauty and beasts beauty meets beast Kindly pls pls help and do reply so that I could read more such novelsss I m not able to find them [img=update]


Women: harem is disgusting Also women:


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