
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Hospital Trip

After Class~

Viktor's Pov

"Finally! I get to have lunch with Yuri again!" I cheer.

Yurio scoffs, "I don't get why you like that pork cutlet bowl so much."

"Aww, is someone jealous~" I poke his cheek.

"Don't touch me!" Yurio kicks me.

"Ouch!" I wince in pain.

Yurio and I walk to the bench we usually sat to eat, but to my dismay Yuri was nowhere to be seen.

"Hi, Phichit!" I run up and greet Phichit.

"Oh, hey Viktor!" Phichit greets back.

"Where is Yuri?" I ask Phichit.

Phichit shrugs, "I don't know, he usually here before." He puts his hand on his chin, "He must be running late. "I start to worry a bit.

"Viktor, don't worry, he's fine," I thought.

"He's just running late."


"I should go look for him just in case"

"I'm gonna go look for him," I state as I head off.

"Ok, tell him to text me when you find him!" Phichit yells in my direction.

I give him a thumbs up as I run off. I went to Yuri's last class before lunch, but nobody was there. I checked other classes, but he wasn't there. Then I tried looking through all of the places Yuri told me he would go to if he felt sad, but still he was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he?" I wondered as I walked around campus. Suddenly I see JJ and his goons walk out of an alleyway, so I go up to them. "Have you guys seen Yuri?"

"That geek?" he scoffs. "Nope, haven't seen him all day," he starts to laugh and walks away. I sigh and was about to walk away until I hear a faint cough. I decide to go help whoever it is who is in that alleyway. (Probably the result of JJ and his goons.) But my eyes weren't ready for what I saw next...

Yuri? I question whoever was lying on the ground.

"Yuri!" I rush over to him. He had gashes and bruises everywhere, and was slowly bleeding out. I quickly take my phone out and call an ambulance. I tear pieces of my shirt off and wrap it around his deeper wounds. I place my finger near the top of his neck.


"Please, Yuri!" I search for a pulse in every place I knew of but...


I start to panic more and more, still trying to find a pulse when...

"A pulse," I mutter in shock. I feel a wave of relief come over me. I hear sirens and walk out if the alleyway.

"OVER HERE!" I yell in their direction. They rush over in my direction with a stretcher. They wouldn't let me in the ambulance car because I wasn't family, so I ran to my car and started driving. I start a call through the dashboard of my car to inform the others.

"What's taking you so long?" Yurio answers.

"Yuri's on his way to the hospital," I say in a serious voice.

"WHAT!?" Yurio yells loud enough for Phichit to be worried.

"What happened?" I hear Phichit in the background.

"That pork cutlet's in the hospital," Yurio states. Phichit stays quiet, probably out of shock.

"What hospital?" Phichit asks sounding blank.

"XXXX Hospital," I answer.

"Alright, we'll be there," he hangs up the phone. I just keep my eyes on the road and drive to the hospital.

Time Skip~

I arrived at the hospital and rushed in. I go to the front desk and ask the lady if I could see Yuri.

"I'm sorry, but you can't see Yuri until after surgery," she says in the most polite way possible.

"He's in surgery?" I sound shocked, but it wasn't that surprising, if you saw the state he was in.

"Yeah," she responded to my question. "He looked pretty bad when he came in, do you know what happened?"

"I didn't see what happened, but I think I know who did this to him," I clench my fist just thinking about it.

"Okay, we'll question you more about this later," she say then smiles. "It might be a pretty long wait, but you can wait in the waiting area over there," she points to a pretty small looking room.

"Okay," I start to walk over to the room, but she says 1 more thing before I go.

"Don't worry, we have amazing doctors and surgeons, he'll be okay," she smiles and reassures me.

"Thank you, I needed that," I smile and walk to the waiting room. I sat down, and looked at social media while waiting.

20 min. later~

Phichit and Yurio walk into the waiting room and sit down next to me.

"Do you know the status on Yuri?" Phichit asks me.

"I only know that he's been in surgery for the past couple of minutes," I respond.

"Okay," Phichit stays quieter than usual.

Time Skip~

A nurse walked out and went up to them.

"Yuri is in a stable condition, but he's not conscience yet," the nurse told us. We all sigh in relief. "We'll let you visit him, but he need his rest to recover."

"It's okay, we won't be here for long," I say.

"Well then, follow me," he guided us to Yuri's room.

"We're here," he opens the door. "I'll come back later when visiting hours are over." He shuts the door leaving us to see the grown man lying on the hospital bed, unconscious. We all sit next to his bed and look at him.

"Oh, Yuri," I frown. "How could someone do this to you?" We continued to chat over Yuri like he could hear us and even had a couple of laughs. Until Phichit had to go to work. He said his goodbyes and left. Then Yurio was trying to drag me out, so he had enough time to prepare for his job. I begged him for a couple more minutes, and he agreed. BUT he would wait in the car.

"You better wake up soon," Yurio turns around and points at Yuri. "OR I'LL KILL YOU!" He walks out and shuts the door. I sigh and lay on the rest of Yuri's bed.

"Yuri..." I lay my head on my arms. "Please wake up, we're all worrying about you," I bury my head in my arms.

"Please... Yuri"